That Kind Of Happiness

Ethan, who had his back to Chika, took a deep breath to regain control of his emotions. He really felt ashamed and stupid to have shown such an attitude to his mother-in-law.

"It's not too late, I can still fix it," Ethan thought before finally sitting back on the sofa.

His face that looked sad before, now looked normal, as if nothing had happened.

"Are you alright?" asked Chika worriedly. Ethan's face that begged her earlier was still vividly remembered.

Ethan cleared his throat for a moment before finally smiling "Yeah, I'm fine, mama."

Chika was slightly surprised by the sudden change in Ethan's expression. Wasn't her son-in-law crying before? Why is he already smiling like that?

"So what did you mean earlier? I don't understand why mama told me to go," asked Ethan, who now had a confused expression on his face.

Chika took a deep breath to calm herself down for a bit, before finally lifting her head and looking at Ethan.