Rookie Awards

Black, who was sitting with the other members of the variety show he was in, was surprised when he heard Ye Jin's words. 

Brother-in-law? Who? He? 

He had indeed met Ye Jin before as a member of Colors and Ye Jin was still active as a member of a girl group, but they had never spoken before and only exchanged greetings when they passed. 

He was completely confused about what had just happened. 

However, when he saw that there was a camera taking his facial expressions, Black immediately changed his expression. He smiled shyly and waved his hand. 

"Ahh, it looks like Ye Jin is too deep into her role in our drama. In the drama we were married," said Ethan hastily to melt the atmosphere that suddenly turned awkward. 

"Yeah, I apologize," Ye Jin said apologetically. She was completely unaware of such a slip. 

"Then let's move on. What award are we going to read, Ye Jin?" asked Ethan, occasionally glancing at his cue card.