Go Home

The atmosphere of the late evening did not make the city streets look deserted. There were still several cars passing by, either to go to their workplaces, or to return to their respective homes.

Inside one of the black vans, a man sitting in the passenger seat gazed outward for the view. Apart from the buildings they passed, the man could see piles of snow that had not been cleared.

Ahh… it must be fun to play in the snow with someone he loves. They can throw snowballs at each other, lie in the snow and make snow angels, or make big snowmans.

Whenever he saw a pile of snow, it was always in that man's mind.

However, right now he was alone. It's more fun when done together. If he had someone to do that with…

The man's thoughts then drifted to a woman. The woman he had always met lately, the woman who always paid attention to him, the woman who always smiled sweetly when she called his name.