I'll Go And Leave Ethan

The atmosphere in the Nam family's residence was quiet as usual. Even though it was still a weekday, Baek Hyeon and Jia Li were seen in their bedroom on the second floor to rest. Jia Li had indeed returned from the hospital three days ago. However, due to her weak looking body condition, Baek Hyeon didn't allow his wife to go to the office just yet and led NamTech from home.

Meanwhile, Wati, the Nam family's longtime housekeeper, is seen looking for her daughter, Tuti.

"It turns out you're here! You think the clothes will be ironed by themselves?! You've been playing with your cellphone all the time!" Wati was angry with her daughter who was hiding in front of the house.

Although Baek Hyeon and Jia Li never scolded Tuti who was always seen playing with her cellphone, Wati felt bad when her daughter only played with her cellphone. 

"I'm not just playing with my cellphone, you know! I'm supporting Ethan oppa!" said Tuti, pursed her lips.