Ethan's Wish

Carolina's face turned a little red when she heard her husband's words, it seemed his husband had planned something else for tonight. 

Ethan chuckled at Carolina's shy behavior. He then took the glass that was already filled with wine and lifted it.

"For both of us," said Ethan.

Seeing Ethan's glass which had been raised, Carolina also held her glass and touched Ethan's glass, making the sound of the two glasses touching. However, just as Carolina was about to take a sip of her drink, Ethan's hand quickly came forward and crossed his arm with hers.

Carolina raised an eyebrow, confused by her husband's antics, but the next second she realized they were currently doing what Korean always do, it's love shot.

"How is it?" asked Ethan after Carolina lowered her glass again after taking a sip of her drink.

"Hmm, sweet but there is a bit of bitterness. I like it," Carolina replied with a smile.