Take Responsibility ***

The kiss was romantic and soft at first, they took turns biting each other's lips gently, full of love, before eventually turning into biting and sucking motions, getting hotter and hotter. 

"Li..na," Ethan moaned softly, realizing that they were in a restaurant right now, and tried to break free from the kiss before it got a little hotter. 

However, Carolina's hands wrapped around Ethan's neck, holding Ethan's head from stopping, Carolina even skillfully broke through Ethan's slightly parted lips and put her tongue in Ethan's mouth, exploring his mouth. 

Carolina's tongue then found Ethan's unprepared tongue, and immediately teased him, making Ethan finally reply to Carolina's movements and play with her, before finally it was Ethan's tongue that came to visit Carolina's mouth. 

Ethan could taste the slight taste of wine in his wife's mouth, ah, looks like she's had too much to drink to act like this. 

But Ethan liked it.