Alphabet Family

Carolina rolled her eyes when she heard the reason why Ethan wanted to call them the Alphabet family. Although Carolina herself was quite impressed with Ethan's completely unexpected discovery of their family name, Carolina still found it very ridiculous. 

Alphabet Family? Hah! Can't her husband come up with a cooler name? 

Not to mention, if she had to go along with Ethan's wish to name their family the Alphabet family, that would mean they would have to add two more children, which would mean she would get pregnant and then give birth two more times. 

No!! Carolina won't do it! She did agree to have more children, but only one more, nothing more! 

"No! We will only add one child!" refused Carolina emphatically. 

"Why? Then we wouldn't be the Alphabet family! There's one vacant position, either B or D," said Ethan, a little irritated that Carolina had rejected his extraordinary proposal. 

Alphabet Family, doesn't that sound cool?