Come To NamTech

Ethan and Carolina's taxi stopped in front of NamTech. 

This morning, when Ethan called his parents to say they were going to pick up Angela, Baek Hyeon told him to just come over to NamTech. There was something that had to be taken care of at the company and couldn't be done remotely so Baek Hyeon and Jia Li had to come to the company, of course Angela was brought with them.

When Ethan and Carolina got out of the car, they both looked nostalgic as they stared at the NamTech logo. 

This is where it all started. 

Well… although it wasn't really where it start because their first meeting were in a Bali hotel, but NamTech was the place that brought them together. 

If Ethan hadn't come as interim leader in place of his mother, he wouldn't have gone to Bali, and met Carolina. 

Likewise with Carolina, if she didn't accept her professor's offer of an internship at NamTech, she wouldn't have met the person she spent the night with at the hotel.