What Happenend In A Year

Hello everyone, this is with your favorite character, Carolina Akai. I'm still annoyed that the author has been unfair by giving Ethan a chapter that talks from his point of view, so this time, I'll be the one talking about what happened during the year.

Where to  start… What? Explaining Ethan got his award? Why should I talk about that idiot?

Well, actually it doesn't need to be explained, right? You must also think that Ethan got his award. Well, actually I expected that idiot to get his awards, as an actor, as well as a singer, because Ethan is such a talented guy.

What surprised me was when he got the popularity award. I didn't expect him to get the popularity award two years in a row, and when the MCs asked what the secret was to getting it twice in a row, smiling shyly, Ethan said: 

"Because of my good looks?"