Days That Didn't Go As Expected

"Long time no see you. You look so different that I barely recognize you."

Carolina looked at the old woman sitting in front of her. 

Currently, she is at the Interpol office and the woman in front of her is Mrs. Susan.

Although the mood this morning was a little off because Ethan thought they were finally having another child, Carolina didn't have much time before her graduation, so she told Ethan about her plans to have her father attend her graduation.

Ethan who heard that was a little hesitant, as much as he could not want Carolina to have anything to do with the person who caught ger, but finally he nodded his head, and told Carolina to be careful.

"Yeah, I finally have time to exercise," said Carolina, emphasizing her words and smiling faintly.

Susan smiled when she heard that, as always Carolina surprised her.

"So why are you here? I'm sure you didn't come to just say hi to me, right?" asked Susan curiously.