The Bride Leave Her Groom

Inside the wedding hall, it can be seen that people are busy with their own business.

Black and So Hyun are busy talking, Daniel is busy with his cellphone, Mi Sun and Elena are talking, and Carolina's friends are talking to each other, they haven't seen each other in a long time and this is their first time catching up with each other.

"Woah! There's So Hyun!" thought Jeff excitedly as he walked in and saw So Hyun. He then tries to say hello to So Hyun, and ends up joining Black and So Hyun.

"What are you doing?" Riko asked when she saw Clara talking to herself while shooting her surroundings.

"I'm doing live on my insta. Why? You want to be shown on my live? Here's my long-haired friend!" Clara said then started to highlight Riko with her cellphone.

Riko looked surprised, but he didn't try to put Clara's phone away and was enjoying it a bit.