Here's The Bride

Ethan looked confused by what Angela said. However, he still followed his daughter who pulled him close to the door. 

Angela's face looked happy as she held Ethan's hand. She had never been to a wedding before, only imagining it through a fairy tale book she was reading. 

Where a handsome prince and princess walk holding hands accompanied by music. 

And now she will do that! 

"Papa, there will be music later, right?" asked Angela who wanted to walk accompanied by the music. 

Ethan chuckled when he heard that. He shouldn't be doing something like this right now and finding out what exactly happened to his wife, but… His daughter is too adorable! 

"Does Angela want some music?" Ethan asked, holding back a smile. 

Angela nodded. 

Ethan then looked at Black, gestured to pretend to start the ceremony and quietly asked for the music to play.