Dasos Kingdom

Winona's POV

"If you are the Dragon Witch, can you use your magic now?" He asked, and I am looking at him with worries in my eyes.

"Relax, I only want you to exhibit your power. Besides, if you are the real daughter of Emeric Brakaros and Sylvia Bravegard, you will never be afraid to face anyone." He declared, and my eyes got so big when he mentioned my parents' name.

"Yes, you don't need to look much shocked; you are inside the Kingdom of Dasos." He said, and my eyes widened.

"Yes, you are inside our palace, and only powerful beings can see the natural beauty of this place because Dasos is very mysterious in its own way. And no one can enter this place unless he or she is powerful enough to withstand its magic." He said, and I wonder who could be the ruler of Dasos.

"Why no one knows about this place? We only thought Dasos is just a place where monsters live, but I know only a powerful can enter Dasos forest, is that true?" I asked, and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"You have so many questions, but since I am in a good mood today, I will answer you. First, the reason no one has seen this place because the moment you step out from here, I will take away your memory. You won't remember the beautiful kingdom of Dasos. Still, I will give you a chance to see our magnificent kingdom once you pass the test, and you can convince that you are worthy of being given such an opportunity even though it would be so useless because you will forget everything, including me." My abductor said.

"You won't remember that I caught you in a net." He said, and I wonder what kind of test I have to undergo to see the Kingdom of Dasos.

"Who are you?" I asked, and immediately in front of my eyes, he changed his form into a child, the one I saw in the forest, and before I can speak, he gets back to his original shape, and I am impressed with his ability.

"Ah, okay, so you are the Frourazo, the protector of Dasos?" I asked, and I couldn't believe he will look this way.

"So, what is your true form this one or being a child?" I asked, and I couldn't stop my curiosity.

"You don't have any right to ask me any question, Winona, because we are not friends." He replied, and I felt embarrassed.

"Now, show me what you've got. I know you are powerful because you were able to cross Dasos, and I know that you make the Hardia tree as your refuge because I saw you in one of my dreams." He said.

"It was only a dream. How could you say it was true." I said.

"Because what is happening in my dream is what happens in the forest, and it means if I saw you there in one of the mighty trees in Dasos forest, meaning you were there. You were bringing a basket, and I know you were hiding from the beasts in Dasos, and you should be thankful I didn't command my pets to hunt you. You can't deny it to me, Winona, because that is one of my gifts." He declared, and I am so thankful that he had seen me alone, and I wonder why he didn't see Kai in his dreams.

Kai is just an ordinary Hunter, and he has no power. But if my abductor can't detect humans, that would be impossible, or maybe he only cares for the individuals who have abilities and magic, and I am glad because it only means Kai is safe.

"Now, don't try to change the topic, I know you are trying your best to make me lost my focus, but I am telling you, you can never outsmart me, Winona, and you have to show me what you are before I can decide what to do with you." He said, and it was the time for me that I feel so worried because I know he was powerful, the Frourazo made me mute the moment he found me in Dasos, and I wonder why he gave me back my voice, maybe because of the interrogation.

"Don't test my patience, Winona. I can throw you in Lion's den if I want to, so you better let me see your power now." He said.

"You mean right now? And how I am going to do that?" I asked.

"It is common sense, Winona, I know the Dragon Witch is, " Before he can finish his sentence, I use my Dragon power. I shifted to my dragon form. The cage turned into pieces, and I hover above the ground, and I blow fire just above his head, and he immediately ducked his head, and I can see the surprise on his entire face. Before recovering from his shock, I raised my right dragon hand and used my witch magic to call the water element. I can see the flowing of water in my hands, and I continue blowing fire in the throne room, and before I can make another magic, I heard him shouted at me to stop.

Before I can change into my original shape, I changed the color of my dragon form into red color, and he cocked his head and looked at me with total astonishment. And I quickly get back into my witch form. The protector is watching me with amazement in his eyes, and before he can speak, I used my magic by using my air and water power to clean the mess that I created, and the entire throne room return to its original state.

"Did I pass?" I asked him, and his mouth hangs open as he continues to look at my face with bewilderment.

"Wow! You were amazing out there, and you are indeed the Dragon Witch, and so far, you are the strongest among the powerful beings that I captured and brought here in our kingdom, and I could say you didn't only pass the test, but you were able to exceed my expectations." He declared, and I couldn't contain myself from smiling.

"Can I go now? Are you a foe or my ally?" I asked.

"You can't go yet since I promised you to have a chance to roam around our place and to answer your question, I am not your friend, and we are not enemies either. The only reason you are here because you get inside our territory. Dasos forest is a forbidden place. That is why we have to test everyone." He said.

"What is the use if you will only set us free after we passed the test?" I asked.

"Well, it matters to us, Princess Winona." He said, and my eyes widened.

"I know who you are. We know who are the powerful beings from different realms, but we remain independent from anyone." He said, and my curiosity is killing me.

"What kind of supernatural beings are you?" I asked.

"We have our powers and abilities, but I am not allowed to divulge anything to you about us, Princess, because it would only be useless. After all, you will only forget about us anyway." He said.

"Can I at least know your name?" I begged, and he smiled at me.

"Well, because you possessed the record of being the most powerful supernatural I have seen, you can call me Champ." He declared.

"Thank you for telling me your name, Champ, but since I showed you my abilities, can you show me the way? I need to get back because my mentor is looking for me now, I need to be at home, even though I know it is very late, but I can find an alibi." I said, and I can see the confusion on his face.

"Winona, you should know you have been here for three days now." He declared.

"What??????" I couldn't control my voice from rising, and I can tell he used his magic to manipulate my voice.

"What you mean by three days?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, you have been in the metal cage for three days. The magic I used in you is to suppress your power, and it was powerful. It didn't work since I plan to have you here for more than one week, but you wake up before your due stint." He responded, and I couldn't believe what he had said.

"I need to go now, and please show me the way." I begged him.

"Aren't you interested in touring the Dasos Kingdom?" Champ asked.

"Well, according to you, I am going to forget it anyway, so I am not interested, but I can tell this Kingdom must be enormous, and I can see the throne hall is impressive, the population living in this place must be glorious." I replied, and I can't stop myself from feeling so worried because I have been here for three days, and Lizardo must become mad, and he must be concerned about where I could be, and I am so worried about Kai.

I think I lost my chance of seeing him again, I need to train, and this time I know Lizardo will never allow me to get outside after what happens, and I should find a way to communicate with Kai without Lizardo's Knowledge.

"As you wish, Princess Winona, it is my pleasure to meet you." Champ replied, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Same here, and I am honored to meet you, Champ, and I am impressed with your ability, and I am sure the ruler of this place must be mighty." I said, and he smiled.

"Of course, he is mighty." He responded, and even though I am so curious to meet the ruler of Dasos, even if I will only forget him the moment I will leave this place. Still, my longing to see Lizardo and Kai want me to leave this place at once, and I hope Lizardo didn't give up on me, and the same with Kai. I don't know what happened to me, that I can't stop thinking about him. And the fact that we only spend a short period of time together is making me so confused because I can't forget Kai's face, and my desire to see him again is killing me. I hope we will meet again.

I only have less than a month to be with Kai because I will participate in the tournament. I don't know if I can save my mom quickly because I have to familiarize the Dracousia Palace and make an escape plan. After all, I can never jeopardize my mom's life, not after what happened to my Dad, and thinking about her right now wants me to use my wings and go back to the cave so I can train and be the best that I can be since I want to save my mom because I miss her so much.