Searching For Ana

Kaiden's POV

I know I arrived late at our meeting place because of my training with Prince Lucas, and I wonder if she didn't come today because of what happened in the Thesirea capital, but I am still hoping to see her. I searched the entire forest for Ana, but I couldn't find her. I was sad because I could not see her beautiful face. For how many times I check under the heart tree leaves but she wasn't there, and I can't even see a trace that she came here. I waited until I could no longer see the surroundings around me because of the darkness that enveloped the entire forest, and it made me realized it is already nighttime.

The big trees make it so hard for me to navigate in my natural form, so I used my dragon strength to leave the place. I can hear the nocturnal animals in the forest, and I realized there is no chance I can see Ana tonight, and I hope her father didn't find out she went to Megusari, or else I won't see her again. Still, if ever I won't see her once more tomorrow, I will try searching in the capital; I know it would be hard to look for her because her parents won't allow her to roam around the Thesirea capital. She was like a prisoner in her own home. That is why she loves spending her time here in Dasos forest, even though this place is known as the sanctuary of the dangerous beasts.

I heard many stories about mages and dragon shifters chased by the mighty deadly beasts, and they said all the monstrous creatures here were powerful. They won't touch the powerful supernatural beings, and maybe the monsters living in this forest recognized my ability because I never meet any beast here except the giant monkeys. The latter tried to hurt Winona and me with my own arrows. I get back to Dracousia palace with a heavy heart. I did everything I can to do my training with Prince Lucas be over earlier because I want to see Ana in Dasos, but I became frustrated because I didn't see her.

"Hey! Where did you go after our training? I was looking for you, and I came to your bed chamber and knocked several times, but you didn't answer, and I thought you became exhausted after our training, and you decided to take a nap before dinner, but right now, I can tell you went somewhere, and I can feel it that you are up to something. Can you share some of your adventures with me?" Prince Lucas asked me, and he was walking beside me in going to the main entrance of our home. I can still see the dragons flying above, and I am sure they are on duty.

I know I am privileged because I am a dragon shifter and not an ordinary one. I am a prince, and I used to feel so proud about my title growing up. Still, I learned about my grandfather's most extraordinary achievement by using his power to overthrow the mighty ancient golden dragon king who trusted him the most. My grandpa was the right hand of King Sullivan, and I felt ashamed about it, but my father instilled in my mind that there is nothing I should be ashamed of because to become a great king, you should not be afraid of taking down someone powerful.

"Prince Lucas, I know you are loyal to me whatever happens because you take an oath to be my friend forever; I met an ordinary Witch," I said, and his eyes got so big, and I can tell his curiosity drove him nuts. I walk to my room, and he is following behind me. And I know I can trust him, but I can't trust some of my father's followers. I know I should be careful about this sensitive topic? And since I want to tell my best friend about Ana, I should inform him about her secretly.

"You are making me so confused, Prince Kaiden. What you mean by ordinary?" He asked, sounding so confused.

"A witch with no magic." I replied, and he nodded.

"Well, that is not new in Thesirea kingdom. I heard many mages marry humans. That is why their magic is deteriorating, and I don't understand why King Julius allowed his citizens to get married to humans. Whatever they call themselves mages, witches, and wizards, they still belong in the Thesirea Kingdom. Yet, their King allowed them to get involved with the human race; that is why some family even though their King allowed them to marry humans, still want to marry their children to the Thesireans to keep their magic intact and to make their offsprings powerful." He declared, and I nodded.

"So, who is this Witch?" He asked, and I looked at him seriously before I speak.

"Her name is Ana, and she is the only girl who made me feel like an idiot. I can't sleep because she occupies my mind, and now I am trying to find her again." I said, and I can see how his eyes widened again.

"Oh, no! You've got to be kidding me, Prince Kaiden. You are in love." He said, and I felt my entire frame turned so cold.

"No! I am not in love with her, and I only want to see her, to be friends with her, because Ana was so different from all the women I met. She is sweet, and I like the way she smiles." I responded.

"Yeah, I get it, you are not in love with this Ana girl, but you are crazy in love with her, come on, Prince Kai, you don't know anything about falling in love because you have never been in love, and this is the first time you experience that way. It would help if you believed me, Prince Kaiden. That is what I felt when I first met Princess Keira, but it was all gone the moment I realized she has only eyes for you, but it took me a long time to finally get over her." Prince Lucas said, and I know what he means.

I know I felt more serious about Ana, but I tried to contradict it because I know I couldn't be with her, especially now that the tournament for searching for the mighty Crown Princess is approaching. I know my father only wants what is best for me, but as possible, I want to get married to someone that I love. I think Ana's father is human, so maybe there is a chance that I can marry her, perhaps because she is only half-witch, it would be possible that we can be together.

"But it could complicate things now, Prince Kaiden, so I think you better stop this craziness of yours, your father released a decree calling all-female dragon shifters to find you a perfect mate, and now, you are telling me all this, and I hate to disappoint you, Prince Kai, but what you are thinking right now is impossible to happen. You are the crown prince of this kingdom, and do you think your father will allow you to get married to a witch with no power?" He declared, and he was shaking his head.

"Prince Kaiden, your father haunted the dragon witch because she was born that way, and do you think he will allow you to marry a witch? And I think if you get involved romantically with this witch, it could be a reason for war between the two realms, I know your father wanted war, but the council opposed it because they believed the Thesirea Kingdom is weak, so the mages could never win against us, and in my opinion, it would be unfair, we are powerful, and even though there are great mages, still they can never win against us unless the Dragon Witch will side with King Julius." Prince Lucas said as he looked at me.

"So, you better stop wasting your time with Ana because you will only end up hurting her and yourself." He added.

"But how can I forget her beautiful face?" I asked, and she smiled.

"So, Ana must be lovely because I know your type." He said, and how I wish I can introduce Prince Lucas to Ana, but right now, I am not even sure if I can see her again

"Yes, she is, and she always takes my breath away," I answered, and he shook his head.

"Finally, the crown prince of Dracousia is soo in love, but sad to say it is with the wrong woman." He said.

"I should go now, Prince Kai. See you again tomorrow." He added and left through my window as he shifted to his dragon shape and flew away from the palace, and I realized he is going home to the Green Village, and it was called the Green Kingdom where the green dragons reside.

Prince Lucas has been long gone, but I am still on my window trying to think about what he had was said, and tomorrow will be another day. I skip dinner even though I know my father was looking for me, but I lost my appetite.

The following morning, as usual, Prince Lucas came early to start our exercises, and I realized I should focus today and defeat all of my opponents at once so I can leave early. I felt so triumphant that at last, I can go to Dasos forest earlier than yesterday. As I near to our secret meeting place, I couldn't stop the rapid beating of my heart because I am excited to meet her today, but I got frustrated when I couldn't find Ana again, and I started to get worried as I return to the palace.

On the next day, the same thing happened, and I couldn't find her, and I guess it is about time that I should start searching for her in the Thesirea Kingdom. And I become desperate to see Ana again, and it has been three days since we didn't see each other. I realized Prince Lucas was right; I am falling for Ana, and I need to find her before the tournament will start because if I see her again, I will never stop myself from kissing her.