Admission and the test.

"Leo, come on wake up wake up, we need to go"


"What for?"

"What do you mean what for? Were gonna be late for the captains exam, so get up and lets go"

"Thats today?"


"Alright alright im coming stop yelling, I'll meet you at the door"


"I guess I should change then"

Meet Leo our main.. protagonist, currently he happens to be late for probably the most important event in his life. The other one that was present a bit ago was Leo friend hes has known for as long as he can remember Liz.

Funnily enough if you ask Leo how they met he wouldn't be able to tell you nor would he be able to tell you a lot of things about himself. Including where his parents are.

Its not like he doesn't want to but more cause he cant. Leo doesnt know the answer to these questions as he is some reason unable to remember but why he can't no one knows.

Anyways I think thats just about all you need to hear from me and all I have time to tell you as Leo has just finished getting ready so you can hear the rest from him.

Leo finally made his way through the house to the front door where he found Liz waiting while looking at her watch. As if by concidence she look up at Leo the moment he appeared in view. "Come one lets go"

Liz grabbed Leo by the arm the dragged him out his house into the streets of the city.

"We have around 15 minutes to get to the stadium which is in center of town and we just happen to be near the edges." Looking back at Leo she continues. "Normally this would take around 20 minutes running but with the shortcuts I know we should make it barley"

Not even listening Leo swipes on his watch while running pulling up the news. He swipes some more and the screen appears floating infront of both of them. This worlds technology has advanced a ton and have long since reached the age of holograms.


\\Canewood District News//


Hot topics

@New generation Captains test today at the stadium.

@Shining Suns young prodigy's fleet wiped out small fleet 5 of sentinel grade kindlers.



"Woahh, i heard that the prodigy goes by the nickname of trailcutter, yet no one knows what his real name is"

Liz was fangirling at the prodigy wiping out the group of kindlers.

"I hope I will be as strong as him one day.

Leo raised an eyebrow

"Isnt your whole family full of captains from the Shimmering Moons?"

Liz ignored Leos question and keep staring at the article.

"Oh we're here"

Liz looked up from the article at the towering stadium that stood 5 stories tall.

"Woah~" Liz stood slack jawed at the stadium, although shes already seen it its still a marveling sight.

Leo glanced at the stadium before walking towards it. Waking from her stupor Liz followed Leo closely.


Leo and Liz looked near the entrance to find many booths all serving the same purpose, to register the participants. Getting in line which surprisingly wasn't that long, but thats to be expected considering how these boothe booths were open for hours now and they are about to close.


Finally after what felt like ages they reached the front.


"Leo Emberstone."







"Liz Proudswift"

"Oh a proudswift?"

Liz frowned but the questioners didnt notice




"Aircraft carrier"

"To be expected"


Liz didn't look happy in the slightest, her family the Proudswifts were known for their incredible carrier skills that are almost guaranteed to be able to wipe out muiltple fleets at once, while having no support. Due to this they are ranked 7th in the Family rankings and have been holding that position for decades.

"No point in being mad, its to be expected with your family name"

Liz frowned more but didnt comment. Soon they found their way into the stadium and found seats near the back.

The last few people trickled into the stadium and soon they doors closed, lights dimmed and a stage light flickered to life shining in on the raised platform in the front. 5 people walked up from the left 3 being men and 2 women respectively. Yet it can be seen that the women had the higher ranks. As such the men stood at the ends of the group with the higher ranks in the middle and losest by the edge. One of the two women walked up the podium and tapped it a few times before speaking.


"All of you here all have the chance to join the next generation of Captains. As we all know one thousand years ago our home Akili was changed and shook to its very core. Portals opened all over our oceans and invaders rushed into our seas over whelming us with their superior power. We were pushed back to land losing all control of our ocean. We needed to understand the threat to defeat it and although we may have lost the sea we still had land and ways to communicate with different countries.

That lasted till 100 years later they invaded our lands as well pushing us close to extinction, but not all hope was lost. In those 100 years using the invaders technology as a base a vague prototype was made that could combat the invaders from land to sea. Using it we manged to fight back and persevere our selfs for hundreds of years while the prototype became produced more and more advanced. But that wasn't enough to gain back what we already lost.

We were scattered across different countries and small islands while we lost all forms of communication. We had nothing we could do expect wait for impending doom. But doom didn't come instead a way for survival came about, Other portals opened near land areas releasing a much weaker beings compared to the invaders but were able to fight them better than we could. After years of fighting we managed to make diplomacy and get a few of the outcasted members and use to our advantage, these beings were able to have deep connections to ships they owned and unlock things unimaginable to us.

Using methods foreign to us we were able to make a bond with these people we now call equalizers. And through our diplomacy we were able to get more of these people and use their power and our control to help push back the invaders."

"As such thoughout your lifes you were being prepared for this moment through tests and schooling each year. so that you will be able to form your own bonds and hold the banner for the next generation of Captains and Equalizers."

"Well then I think I have said enough. I am Captain Jess and let the test begin."