The results

As jess finished her speech lines of people walked out from doors at the side of the stadium. Each person was holding a orb while some were different and others were holding muiltple ones.

They all walked up to a person that was per determined and allowed the orb(s) to be rested in front of that person.

These orbs were dependent on the class that person chose, and if they chose muiltple or any they will in turn get muiltple orbs.

After all of them were handed out they people dissapeared into the stadium and Captain Jess started to speak.

"In front of you are orbs which correlate to what you have chosen as a class before hand. The orb will do two things. The first will show off the current state of your ship, the brighter the orb the better the shape. The next thing it will do is determine that ships grade, and your potential. green will be the lowest and the weakest with the least amount of potential in the future. Next is yellow, then blue, then purple, and the highest red."

She paused and hesitated before speaking again.

"There are 2 varient colors however one being white and the other black. If you have white your potential is almost unlimited but you will probably be insanely weak at the start. And black.. If anyone gets it your future is basically over. Your potential is close to zero is seems as no one who has gotten black as gotten anywhere. So in all honesty black is the weakest while white is the highest but those are rare so i dont expect it to appear."

The ones surrounding her straighten out and Jess did as well.

"You may begin"

Like flood gates have opened many people started talking and lights started to appear in the stadium. The colors mainly ranged from white to blue but soon a purple appear followed by 3 more. Many people screamed in happiness while others cried.

Leo and Liz watched this all unfold infront of them till an uproar occured.


Everyone paused and turned their heads to find the sources of the scream. Yet they were left dumbfounded as a female sat there with a red orb in hand. By its design it was for a Heavy cruiser. The girl didn't seem to surprised and honestly looked a bit cold to others. And she left a lot of boys staring as she was like a cold beauty.

"Woah damn I wish I was her"

"Just look at her body, its like it was perfect sculpted to look that way"

Many envious people and a few simps appeared in the crowd.

Leo wasnt bothered in the least infact he just didn't care, while Liz was going crazy. saying so much nonsense Leo grabbed her hand and placed it on the orb infront of her himself to shut her up.

And it did the trick.

liz's orb lit up a bright White. She was shocked. So shocked she didn't react and infact it shocked the stadium. The captains up front were staring and the people around her went quiet. The room descended into a eerie silence.

Leo noticed all this happening and desided to wave his hand infront of Liz's face a few times. And like he didn't exist she didn't react. Sighing in defeat he starts rubbing his hands toegther before stabing her with his fingers right under her ribs.


Liz leaped from her seat sending the orb flying off her lap which was caught by Leo expecting this. She finally recovered and her scream helped the rest of the room recover as well.

She turned beetroot red and glared at Leo harshly like he just killed her parents.

Ignoring her he placed his hand on his own orbs. 1 by 1 they lit up. And the color of all of them shook the room.

They were all Very dim and all black.

"How did he get so unlucky? why are they all black?"

"Could he be cursed?"

Leo stared at those orbs infront of him but wasnt even effected on the surface that is, underneath even he didnt understand this.

Sighing at his unfortunate event he picked a random orb and moved on with it. It was then a resounding laugh came out of one of the participants mouths.

Everyone turned to look at him, when he spoke walking up the asile.

"To think that the mighty Leo would be this unlucky and fall so low."

A tall brown haired youth appeared before Leo Holding his own purple orb.

"You were always the best in all our tests whether it be hand written or physical and you always had the indifference written all over your face like you couldn't care less."

The youth was gonna continue when he looked at Leo's face and found that same indifference he remembers haunting him for his whole life.


The youth raged at Leos indifference when he laughed again even louder than the last time.

"You know what your not pathetic, youre not deserving of that as the weakest captain in history, you are trash at a bottem of a well."

Leo just looked at the boys contorted face and Liz was about ready to punch him but Leo was holding her down. Thats when he spoke.

"You know Michael, I still don't know why you're so mad at me."

Just this short sentence and Michael stopped laughing and stared at Leo like he was crazy.

Michael just stared nothing more, Which was when Leo and Liz stood up and walked towards the exit. There was no need for them to be there anymore.


Captain Jess called out before they left, "Remember to appear at the Ports at 7 am tomorrow."

Leo nodded before he turned around and left with Liz trailing behind.

With them leaving the stadium descend into a even errier quiet, that was when more lights shown in the stadium and people started to slowly leave all in a silence that was deafening.

Soon only the Captains remained and they looked at eachother and then up towards the stands where a few people were sitting. Captain jess looked at her fellow comrades before looking at the exit.

"I wonder, just how far will those 2 make it?"

One captain laughed out loud.

"Who knows one was a white orb and the other was a 16 outta 16 black orb. They may surprise us yet though."

The captains then saluted to those in the stands and walked out themselves.

"Recruit those 2"

In the stands that was the only things being said the the individuals there before they left themselves.