Learning the ropes

The ships sailed together for around 50 miles before the first ships started to break from the formation. First where the uilities, then the destroyers, followed by the cruisers, frigates, and then the battleships. There are more ship classes but they dont appear to often.

A middle aged man dress in a sailors outfit came out from the ship to greet the children on the deck.

"Rest for now lads, we won't reach our destination till sunrise tomorrow."

He held the door open as the group of 50 filed into the ship and was welcomed by a quiet wide hallway.

"Not what you were expecting huh?"

The group nodded and the man looked smug as he looked at the unknowing children.

"we have advanced alot and there is less of a need for huge engines and pipes as we can make stronger ones that take up less space."

The group nodded in acknowledgement and were led down to there sleeping quarters. They came to Leos room and 9 others filed in. It was a pretty complex setup compared to the normal bunk beds. 4 beds were on the floor lineing the sides of the room and in the air was 6 beds 4 on the sides and 2 in the middle. The room felt like something out of a movie but to them it was nothing much. Leo claimed a bed on the floor near the back not wanting to deal with climbing up and down.

"I call one of the top bunks." One enthusiastic voice came out. "First come first served" it was followed by another more dull voice. The group scrambled for the top bunks besides 2 including Leo who decided to just take a bottem bunk.

"HEY, Settle down and get to sleep, its currently 9pm and if your not awake by 5 we will have problems." The instructor proceeded to slam the door and the group soon calmed down with the enthusiastic boy having to take a bottem bunk.

"Well this drags, I was forced to be here and now I can't even claim a top bunk. How unlucky."

The boy mumbled under his breath as he laid on his bed. Flicking his head to the side he stares at a boy at the other side of the room. Under the boys gaze he squirmed till he opened his eyes to look at him.

"W-What do you want?" The boy smiled getting the response he wanted. "I am Oliver Webster from the Webster family, who are you?" The boy sighed before responding himself. "Quincy Dancer, from the dancer family."

"Dancer family? Isn't your family famous for destroyer class, why are you on a battleship?"

The boys voice was loud enough for everyone to hear in the quite room. Hence even those about to fall asleep heard it and decided to listen for a bit longer. The boy in turn fidgeted a little before groaning out a reply.

"Yes I'm from the ranked 6th family of destroyer classes. But isn't your Webster family known for cruiser's who's ranked 8th? What are you here for?"

Saying this made Oliver choke on his words causing him to go silent. Quincy sighed and shut his eyes and when to sleep. The other boys followed suit seeing the action died out.

$$Captains Quarters$$

"This is interesting so many talents signed up for the battleship lessons? Even prominent families the Webster's, Dancers, and bluewoods."

A man who looks in his middle ages but is much older out down a few pages of paper. sighing he turned to face the window behind him showing the vast sea. With thoughts unknown

"Only the bluewoods should be here being a top 3 family which all speicalize in every class. But why would they send a top one of there talents to the dying out battleship class? Unless... they know."

The man closed his eyes and chuckled a bit, standing up he walks to the exit of the room. Gazing over the pages and landing on Leo's name for a breif moment, before he exits.

"These next few years will be very interesting, and will decide the fate of humanity"

&&Next Day&&

"Current day Battleships consist of 5 main rooms, the captain quarters, engine room, The bridge, sick bay, and safe room. Of these the bridge is most important as it controls and monitors the whole ship. With the help of equalizers of course."

A young man in his 20s was explaining the simple things on ships most should know.

"Does anyone know what an equalizer is?" At this people were hesitant to raise there hands and answer so no one did.

"It's fine you don't as we are still discovering things about them today. All we know is that they are being from another world with human like qualities, expect the fact they have a deep connection to the ships they brought with them. Allowing them to manipulate the ships easier and unlock things we didn't consider possible. There ships even have ablities like a force field, energy turrets, teleportation and much more. Sadly these abilities only awakened recently so we never knew about them a hundred years ago."

The boys were fascinated by the story the man told causing them to look at him with more aw then they did before.

"Don't forget the part where it's not needed for more than a captain and equalizer to be on a ship during battle. "

A female Captain walked up with a group of girls behind her.

The man lightly smiled

"Ah yes due to Equalizers having a good connection to the ships they can control everything we used to need many people to do. now with captains giving orders and equalizer controlling the ships only 2 need to be on the bridge to control a ship."

The female nodded, and continued.

"Indeed yet some still have many in the bridge to control smaller ships that have no equalizer of course with our advanced technology controlling a small ship single handedly is quiet easy. Yet many don't do it due to visibility issues so they have a partner for each smaller ship and would normally work together from the main ship of a fleet to control these ships. A bit like an rc boat."

"There are ships that speicalize in carrying 2 or more small ships of this Calibur which are slightly smaller than destroyer classes, but for convenience since Aircraft carriers have alot of empty space they are just stored in those massive ships where at most 3 can be released, as such those specialized ships have been decommissioned."

Both the boys and girls soaked in this information. The captains waited till they regained themselves and led them to the bridge.

knocking on the door they were let in and hence started there training to control a battleship.


That took me ages I know. but I ran outta ideas quickly as I thought about the future and realized it didn't make sense on how I'll make this into a long time novel that's not just based on 1 planet. I've came to the conclusion I need to include cultivation. don't ask me how cause I dunno but I'll make it work.