Final Assessment

Training went pretty smoothly for all the students and a month flew by. Today was the day of there final assessment before heading to the Academy where they will learn more about the world and be given there own ships.

"Alright everyone. We will go two at a time, since there is 50 if you it will take a while but since we did get another battleship to join us for the assessment it will be quicker than just 1 at a time."

The Children were lined up separated boys from girls. Most of them eagerly waiting there turn while others seemed all to casually or uncaring.

'"Boys will move over to the other ship while girls will stay here. But without farther a do lets get this over with and head to the Academy."

Everyone moved swiftly and in less than 10 minutes where starting the first tests. The layout of the test were as such. 1 Person will enter the bridge and will be accompanied by 1 Captain and 1 equalizer. The person will, with the help of the equalizer do many tasks given to them which are loading and unloading guns, Aiming at targets, sailing, defensive measures, and monitoring and repairing the ship.

Each test will take around 1 hour do and there are an oddly equal number of boys and girls with 26 girls and 24 boys. time ticked by slowly but surely and soon after 20 hours it was Leo's turn.

"Alright Leo Emberstone show me what you can do."

Leo sat down in the Captains chair and multiple screens showed up. Each controlling different parts of the ship, the whole ship is able to be controlled from here but it's so much micromanaging few people can ever master solo piloting and be able to go into battle.

"You may begin when ready."

Leo nodded but before he started he looked at the screens then the equalizer.

"I'll take half of the controls you take the other half."

The equalizer looked back at Leo for a moment with a surprised gaze before turning around and preparing himself. Leo was the only one who asked such a thing others just gave commands without helping.

The relationship between equalizers and captains are as such so equalizers can stay fully focused due to them having better control over things with the ship and captains just stood there doing nothing besides watching the situation and commanding accordingly.

"Status check on the ship."

Leo started off with a small command then started to unload the main and side guns. flicking down half the screens hence moving them to the equalizer. Having seen the screens he knows what to control moved them out his way before he closed his eyes and a small wave of an unknown energy flowed through the ship detecting any changes.

The main guns turned towards there targets and the ship started moving. Leo adjusted his aim adopting a altering firing technique with 2 guns down and the other 2 aiming up to keep the guns firing at almost all times, and with him ship having 4 Gunturrets on his ship Each with 4 guns 8 shots will be shot at once.

The Equalizer brought the ships speed up, an the guns finished loading, Leo pressed a button on the chair.


The first volly began. 2 cannons lowered and the other two raised.


The process repeated with a small issue before the first set fires again to finish the reload process.

Very quickly the targets a few miles in the distance where dispatched and Leo turned his attention to 2 other screens.

2 missiles where heading his way while small planes where over head.

The normal method to hand this would be to fire his side guns at the planes while an automatic set of anti air guns shot down those missles. However Leo did something else.

Flicking over a screen he sent to the side he aimed into open air and fired. on the deck a missle hatch opened and 2 missles of his on shot up. Aiming straight up basically only with a slight angle. After going 30 meters in the air The other 2 missles ran into them and blew up together. Causing waves to form in the water surface.

The automatic guns managed to shoot the planes down after a few minutes but still did damage to the ship.

With the analysis in front of Leo he sent a command to a small robot near by causing a few robots to zoom into action fixing the damage to the ship with minimal effort.

With this his assessment was completed.

Leo sighed and stood up, turning to face the Captain.

The captain was standing there without a word. Infact it makes sense as the assessment should take 1 hours but Leo did this all in 20 minutes. The perfect management of all parts and even out of the box techniques left him in aw.

He sent Leo out of the room to the other finishers. most where sleeping and Leo joined them in that. waking up 4 hours later and seeing the last person exit.

"You've all passed. get some rest if you haven't already we will be arriving at the academy in 5 days.


Shorter chapter today as I was a bit stumped on how to make battle chapters. it's my first one of the series so it's not to good. I'll work on it and hopefully by the next one it will be easier to understand.