Chapter 1- Romantic Novels

"OH NO I'M LATE." I said while I run down the stairs.

"Not again Kendall," My mom sighed. "this is the tenth time this month." She said while folding the laundry.

I rushed eating my breakfast and shoved a bread in my mouth. "I know, I know." I mumble.

"Slow down, I'll drop you by the school when you finish eating." my mom stands up from the couch and grabs the car keys then waits beside the door.

"No time, let's gooooo." I replied and ran to the car real quick.

"You really need to stop staying up all night reading those weird romantic novels."


Kendall enters the car, the first thing she does is open a book, it happens to be a romantic novel. She enjoys it so much, well too much. She always spends her time at home and never goes hang out with her friends. The only time she leaves the house is when she finish reading a book, she heads out to go to the bookstore and search for a new romantic novel that she would binge on. If she can't find any, she heads to watch romantic movies.


"Geez, this child, you need to get out more often." My mom said while driving.

"I would if I have a romantic partner haha." I mischievously replied.

"What did you just say? If you want a partner, go out and socialize." She said while turning in the intersection, then she added "Plus you need to stop focusing on other's love story and focus on yours."

I- okay, she's right. But there is no one who fits my standards, or anyone that are like my favorite fictional characters at all!!! They're so much better than real people, at least they are way romantic. Real people disgust me, well not all of them, my friends are an exception. But yeah!!! "I would if people are not that scary."

"How are they sca-" She said but I interrupted.

"Oooh we're here. Gotta go, see you after school mom!" I said and hurried myself out the car. I ran as fast as I could to the school gate before they close it. Thankfully I reached the tardy bell. Ugh, I hate running in the morning!

I headed to class right away and sat down on my usual seat and opened my novel. Ahhh the relaxing sight of this boring classroom. Even though everyone keeps talking, playing and shouting, but it's alright as long as they don't bother me at all.

"KENDALL!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME BACK LAST NIGHT!" Someone from plain sight shouted.

I spoke too soon, "Hey, Emily.... haha, I'm sorry, I was reading and I forgot."

Emily is my best friend. We both love reading books but she is more into sci-fi and fantasy. She apparently has a boyfriend, I tend to third wheel them a lot lately, that's why I don't want to hang out. Emily is my only friend in High School. People would approach me but I don't socialize with them too long. I tend to read my books instead of talking to them. I don't get bullied at all, I'm actually the quiet and kind student in our classroom. I wouldn't say I look ugly, nor pretty, but I do think that I'm average.

"Wanna hang out after school? Me and Joey planned to go to this new book cafe a couple of blocks from school." Emily said with wide eyes open, expecting me to say yes.

"I would love to but my mom said that I have to finish folding the laundry." I replied instead.

"Stop with the excuses!!! You're coming whether you like it or not!" She said with determination.

I don't want to disappoint her but I'm too lazy for that, I want to finish reading my book too.

"The cafe said that they have the second book of 'Lovely you' in their library." She said to convince me.

It actually did convinced me- "Fine, just for a couple of hours."

"Alright, alright, you can leave as soon as you finish reading the book." She said and sat beside me since the class is about to start. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Someone is moving in the neighborhood."

A new neighbor? Well I haven't been paying attention lately. This is my first time hearing about this. "Really?"

"Yeah, I heard that they're a gorgeous group of people." she said while opening her book.

"I- why would you say it like that!" haha oh my gosh, Emily describes people in such weird ways. But that's the reason why I like her being my friend.

"What's wrong with that, haha." Emily giggled.

"Never mind. I'm going to return to my novel." I replied and went back reading.

For first period we had study session. So I spent my whole time reading until I'm almost in my last chapter. Call me boring but hey, romantic novels are my everything. It makes me feel like I'm the main character. But I wonder how it would feel to be in love....


End of Chapter 1, I hope you enjoy!!!! Look forward to the next chapter.

- Kyu T.