Chapter 2- Book Café

After a long day at school, I was so tired of reading school books that I just want to go home and watch some romantic movies. School ends in about 5 minutes. I need to find a way to escape Emily. I thought of walking out in the back door, but I feel bad for escaping our plan- Nah, she'll forgive me. Right...?

When the bell rung, I looked side to side to find Emily, because she went to the bathroom, I cautiously walked to the back door, slowly with my bag, I opened the door-

"Where do you think you're going?" Emily said as she caught me. She looks furious but sad.

"Oh- I was looking for you!" I said, ugh, I hate lying to her-

She looks really disappointed.

I can't lie to her- "Alright, I was planning to escape and go home.... I'm just tired, I'm sorry."

She sighs, "It's okay, just go home." she looks a bit sad.

"Noh, let's gooo. I'm coming." Even if I'm this tired, I do owe her from yesterday because I actually did ignore her calls.... "But as promised only for a few hours."

She lightens up, "Really? and yeah only a few hours then." she gave me a hug and started to prance towards her desk and grabs her bag. "Let's go, Johnny is waiting for us in the front gate."

Oh yeah. Johnny, Emily's lovey dovey boyfriend- ugh. Johnny used be our friend, the three of us go way back, the three of us used to be the three musketeers in book club. Until, Emily confessed her dying love to him and they started dating since three months ago. It became like Harry Potter where I'm Harry and they're both Ron and Hermione. I know I'm obsessed with romance and all, but their romance is not my cup of tea, it's way too cringe-

As we walk down the hall, the classroom from beside ours was noisy, the girls kept screaming like there's a k-pop idol in the room. I didn't mind and continued walking, but then I look beside me and Emily disappeared. Where the heck is she- I turned around and see her peeking through the door.

"Emily?" I ask

"Shush- I'm on a mission." She whispered to me. Then her jaws drop. "Omg- Kendall.... come here."

Wow- well I didn't move one bit from the spot that I'm at because I'm not interested at all. "I'm too lazy for that so no." I felt like going in a hurry because I just want to go sit down with coffee in my right hand and a book on my left. "Hurry up, Johnny is waiting for us." then I continued walking.

"Oh yeah- but like there's a new guy in the classroom, he looks like a prince. Just come and take a quick look." She pleaded.

"No, I'm not interested. I'm going to stick with my romantic novels, unless if they look like young Leonardo Di Caprio, I'll make an exception, so no thank you." I walk further and further away from her.

"Geez- Wait up!" She then ran towards me to catch up. Then she grabbed my shoulder and took a huge leap of air on her lungs. "He doesn't look like young Leonardo Di Caprio but he did look like young Tom Cruise. And I do remember you crushing on him last year."

I- Impossible.... But wait what if he does- But the classroom is way too far- Ad I'm too tired- Okay, I regret not looking. But that can wait till tomorrow.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the front gate.

"EMILY MY BABY BOO." The first thing that Johnny said when he saw us.

I- Baby boo-

"MY POOH BEAR!" Emily said in reply and jump to hug him.

Pooh bear- I guess I've been hiding in a cave-I wanna go home. Ugh, this is why I rarely hang out with them.

"Oh hey Kendall." Johnny said when he saw me and tried to give me hug.

I dodged his hug and said, "Hey Johnny, and no thank you." nope nah, I don't like hugs.

After that Emily and Johnny started to do the cringey stuff-

"Let me hold your bag so you can hold my hand instead." Johnny said while walking.

OKAY WOAH THERE- This is also one of the reasons why I don't hang out with them anymore. Also, I feel like a damn third wheel! I had to suffer the whole way to the book café.

We arrived, and damn, this book café is so new but it gives a "welcome home" vibe- I'm in love with this place already-

Suddenly, Emily stops me and said with caution. "Your shoelaces are untied."

I kneel down in order to tie my shoelaces, "Thank you, Emily." then I checked my other shoe if it's tied.

Emily and Johnny went and walked a little further than me.

I stood up as soon as I checked my shoes and out of nowhere I bumped into someone and hit my head on the tray that they were carrying. "Ouch." Oh no- did they drop anything? I kept my head down- It's my fault, I should apologize.

"I'm so sorry, I did not see you there." The person with a British accent.

I looked up and saw her. "Oh no, it's my fault."

Oh- she's really pretty- wait no gorgeous. She looks like the same age as me, she has a wavy yet straight blonde hair. She has blue eyes, and her nose bridge is so tall and smooth- I'm jealous..... Her lips- wait why am I looking at her lips- She's 2 inches taller than me- In conclusion, she looks like the girl version of young Leonardo Di Caprio- Wait how is this possible- Wait why did I just think of a whole description of her- Before I notice, I was just staring at her.

"Hi? Are you okay? Did the tray hit your head that hard?" She said and waved her hands gently to get my attention.

I was a bit distracted by her hands-

"Blink twice if you're alright." She said.

I blinked twice- wait. "Yeah, I'm alright. Sorry about that." I giggled nervously. "And no, it's my fault, I shouldn't have tied my shoelaces here. And did I make you drop anything?"

"Haha, it's alright, let's just say it's both of our faults. Oh the tray is empty so don't worry." She replied.

Oh my gosh. She's so pretty- She looks like she works here. Hmm.

"Well I have to get back to work, see you around." She smiles and walks away.

She's like an angel- WAIT- Ugh, I'm too tired to think right now. I went to where Emily and Johnny were sitting, beside the window.

"Who was that?" Both Emily and Johnny said in sync.

Damn are they robots or what- "I just bumped into her, I didn't see her there so that happened."

"She's really pretty." Johnny said.

I- If I were him, I shouldn't have said that in front of Emily.....

Emily also said. "Yeah, she's really pretty."

Wait that was unexpected. Emily usually gets jealous with the most tiniest things- why is she like this- Sigh, anyways, I'm going to order my coffee. "I'll be right back. I'm going to order."

"Can you order for us too?" Emily said.

I- I'm a servant now!? "Okay."

"Thank you, we'll pay." Emily said and they both smiled.

Oh- well in this situation, it's a win-win.

I headed to the ordering line. I waited a few minutes. Then is it my turn.

I was looking at the menu while I walk towards the cashier. "Um can I have 1 hot chocolate, 1 mocha and 1 chai tea latte with extra foam and cinnamon on top?" Then I look at the cashier-

"Alright," she replied while typing my order. "Is that all?" Then she looks at me and smiles.

It's the girl from earlier- her smile is deadly- "Uh yeah, that's it. Thank you."

"You're welcome, that will be $16.75." She said then smiled at me again.

I gave her Emily's card and while we wait for the receipt.

"I'm Elizabeth by the way." She willingly introduce herself.

"Oh haha, I'm Kendall, nice to meet you." I replied. "Wait are you new around here too?"

"Thank you for noticing, and yeah. I'm new here. I moved here 2 days ago." She replied. Then suddenly the receipt came out. "Here you go." and handed it to me.

I nervously smiled and said, "Thank you. So where did you move from?"

"I'm originally from the UK, but I've been here for two years now, I happen to move here from New York." She said and smiled again.

Oh wow- that's really cool- "That's awesome." Why did they move in this small town haha.

Then someone from behind me said, "Sorry to interrupt but are you guys done chatting?"

I was going to apologize but then-

"It's my fault, I'm sorry." Elizabeth said quickly.

"No, it's mine, I was holding the line." I said to the person behind me. "I'll see you around." I said to Elizabeth and left the line.

Damn that person behind me was snappy. I went back Emily and Johnny.

"What took you so long?" Johnny asks.

"Oh the line was long, I had to wait." I answered.

"Oh okay." he replied and continued talking to Emily.

I sat beside them and went straight to my phone while I wait for our order.

A few minutes later, I see Elizabeth coming towards our table and delivered our drinks. She set down the hot cocoa and mocha on the table. But for the chai latte, she gently put it down in front of me and smiled.

Wait- how did she know this is my order- "Oh, thank you."

"She really is pretty." Johnny said one more time.

This time Emily doesn't look too good. She get's frustrated.

Oh no- she's going to blow up- oh no here it comes-

"Then go ask her to be your girlfriend." She said and stormed off.

"Wait no. What's wrong? Emily!" Johnny said and looked at me confused.

"Oh don't look at me, think about what you did there, buddy." I said, then I took a sip of my coffee and took it with me and headed to the library of the café which is upstairs.

I should have gone to find Emily, but she also needs her space right now, and I know I'll just make it worst. She knows that too and apparently told me, but she'll end up looking for me later.

I went to an empty table and put my coffee down for a bit. I went to search for 'Lovely you' which is the only reason I wanted to come.

A few minutes later. I still can't find it, but then I saw someone walking with the book. She sat down and opened the book to read it. There should be a second copy. I'll just look for that.

A few more minutes, the second copy is nowhere to be found. I headed to the girl to ask if she's almost done with it and when I walk towards her- Oh, it's Elizabeth-

She notices me. "Oh hey. Is something wrong?" she asks.

"Oh nothing is wrong haha. It's just that the book you are reading, I've been looking for it." I said then walk a lot closer to her.

"Sorry, here you can take it." She said, before I could answer she just handed it to me.

"Wait, are you done with it?" I asked.

"Not really, but I have a lot of time to read it since I work here. So it's alright." Then she smiled.

Oh yeah. Not surprise that she also likes books. She works her for that reason. "Sorry, this is one of my favorite books. It's so hard to get a hold of it these days."

"Yeah, I get it. We had a hard time to get two copies of that here. And wait, that's one of my favorite books too." She replied.

"Really?" Oh wow. "You got good taste." I said.

She smiles brightly this time, "Thank you, Royalty is an awesome book too." then she giggles.

O- that giggle- I blush- wait why- "Oh wait really? I love Royalty too!" Royalty is a book about a Queen having hardships on ruling the kingdom by herself, she then finds a mystical creature that turns into a goddess. It's not really a romantic novel, but I do still enjoy other kinds of books as well.

Then she said. "Now you got good taste."

We made eye contact but I looked away quickly. She notices it and giggles.

"Elizabeth?" Someone said.

We both got startled.

"Oh that's my que to go back to work, see ya." She said and stood up.

"Yeah, see ya around... and thank you for lending me the book." I said before she leaves.

"My pleasure." She smiles at me then turns around and walks away.

As I open the book, I thought I'd be excited to read the book, but my mind went on a different path. I kept thinking about Elizabeth. Why!? I mean she's really beautiful. But I don't know if I like her- She's a girl. But why do I feel so nervous around her? Why do I feel butterflies when she smiles at me- I like guys. I really do.... right? Wait- why am I questioning it!? Of course I like guys..... or do I? WHY AM I QUESTIONING IT AGAIN!?


I hear Emily's voice-

"I'm here." I said.

"Oh, I've been looking for you. Oh you found the book." she said then sat right beside me.

"Yeah, so what happened between you and Johnny?" I ask.

She sighs, "Well he went home."

"You guys didn't talk?" Okay, I know that the relationship is cringey but I hope they don't break up.

She looks disappointed. "We did. We only said bye and parted ways."

"You should've told him how you felt." I hate it when she looks disappointed. "But hey, he just said she was pretty, which is true, but we both know that he loves you, remember how hard he tried to surprise you for valentines day with that huge teddy bear? He wanted to wear teddy bear mascot too."

She laughs a bit, "Yeah, he tripped with the teddy bear trying to come to me." then she started smiling a bit. "You're right. I'll have to talk to him later."

"See and yeah." and I smiled with her.

"Anyways, how far you gotten in that book?" She asks.

I look at the book then back at her. "Uhm, the first page?"

She looks shook, "What happened to Kendall, who brainwashed you???" she pokes me on the cheeks. "The Kendall I know could've reached the half of that book by now-"

"I'm Kendall, calm down, haha, I'm just thinking. Like a lot." I said to calm her down.

She looks at me, "It's about that girl huh?" then she mischievously smiles.

Wait what!? "How did you figure that out?"

She laughs, " She looks like young Leonardo Di Caprio. But the girl version haha. Also, whatever you may be, I accept you for who you are, and I still love you." she said with full sincerity in her heart.

"I don't even know what I am...." I said.

"I- well I'll help you figure that out." she smiles and pats me on the back. "We should start heading home, it's getting a bit late. I don't want your mom killing me." Then she laughs.

"You're right. And thank you Emily." I stood up from my chair and grabbed my bag.

"Anything for you, and thank you too." She replied.

We went downstairs, they were closing up early too, so we went out already. But I didn't see Elizabeth anywhere... She's probably somewhere helping them close up...

When we got to our district I had to drop Emily first because her house is the closest. My house is two more blocks away.

I said bye to Emily and started to walk home. As I walk home it started to rain. I went to the nearest bus stop with few space of shelter on it. I waited there till the rain stopped. The rain is still pouring.

A few minutes later, I hear a fast car coming. It came so quick that it ran through a puddle that was in front of me and it happened to splash all over me- the car also stopped right in front of me because of the stop light. That made me so furious so I knocked on the car's window. The window slowly went down. I was wiping my face and I tried to look at the diver, but I couldn't see him well because it was dark.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that." He said with an Italian accent and he started laughing.

"What's so funny!? You just splashed water all over me because of your damn stupid car!!!" I shouted.

He looks surprised but that didn't make him stop laughing. "I apologized didn't I? Plus it's your fault, why are you standing so close to the puddle."

Wow, I can't believe this guy. "Yeah sure, blame it all on the puddle. You stupid looking gorilla!"

"You haven't even seen me and you're calling me a gorilla?" He asks. Then he slowly lowers the window more and turned on his lights. "Do I look like a gorilla to you?"

When I saw his face.... He looks handsome. Black hair, green eyes, his jawline is so sharp, perfect nose and lips.... Wait he looks like young tom cruise- WAIT THIS DOUCHEBAG IS THE ONE THAT EMILY IS TALKING ABOUT? "You definitely look like a gorilla!" After I said that, I stormed off and went to the other bus stop.

He just drove off and I could still hear his freaking laugh.

Who the heck is that guy anyway! UGH!


End of Chapter 2. Hope you enjoy! Next chapter will be ready in a few days.

Please like, share and let me know what you thought in the comments. Also, please give me some ideas, I would love to corporate it on the story!

Thank you and enjoy your day!!!! or night!!!!

-Kyu T.