Chapter 4- That Gorilla

Okay... Emily is kind of scaring me- I want to ask her what she's planning but if I interrupt her.... She'll get mad. She's like a panda. She looks cute and innocent but when you interrupt her or steal her food.... You'll never see the end of it...

Then out of nowhere.

"Okay, Kendall. We will have to do everything he did to you to do it back to him?" Emily said.

Wait what.... I don't get it...… "What?"

"We'll splash water at him, you'll have to pull him close and push him down, then threaten him, tell him if he messes with you again, you'll come back to him like karma hit him." She said while she writes everything she said.

Sigh- I would never want Emily getting mad at me, or she'll plot something like this to get revenge- I just nodded and smiled sarcastically.

After the two first classes, we had break. I was just sitting down and chilling with the book that Elizabeth gave me.... I feel so happy every time I see this book now.... I gave it a hug- I don't know why-

Suddenly someone walked towards me and slammed a book right in front me. I was shook, I looked behind me to see who it is and it's that damn gorilla!

"What do you want?" I asked him with an angry expression. I swear, why can't he leave me to peace!

All the girls from the classroom and the hall way was staring at both of us. He was just there standing looking away.

"Excuse me? What do you want?" I asked again.

He started to look furious and softly said, "I need you to help me with homework." he said it while looking away.

My help. Pfft. "Nah, sorry I'm too busy right now." I replied.

"Please." He said with a stiff voice.

"I said no-"

He slammed his hand on my table leaned in and got close to my face. "You have no other choice but to help me.

I started to blush.... He's too close..... I pushed him away. "Fine!" Geez. My blood is boiling too much!

"Meet me after-school at the front gate." He said and left.

Wait after-school??? I need to go to Elizabeth.... Should I message her? I don't want her to be waiting for me.... WAIT! I DON'T HAVE HER NUMBER- OMG.... What am I going to do....

Emily suddenly came to me, "ARE YOU OKAY!?" she asked desperately.

I showed her a panicked look but I'm trying to hide it really hard.

She looks mad, but she let out a sigh. "What did he want?"she asked.

"He wants me to help him with his homework." I answered with a firm voice trying to be brave.

She laughed a bit and said, "Then don't go."

I- "I don't want to, but I feel like he will start threatening me..." But then again I want to go to the book cafe instead. "But after school I'm planning to go somewhere..."

"Oh- Kendall? Plan? Somewhere? Who are you?" She asked desperately.

"I- yeah?" I said as I stuttered.

She lets out a loud laugh and everyone started staring us.

"I'm surprised but I'm also proud. I'm guessing you want to go back to that book cafe?" She then whispered after she laughed.

I turned fully red, I awkwardly smiled and said... "Uh- okay, honestly, I do."

All of a sudden, the school bell rang, and class started. I spent the whole time making a decision whether I go to the book cafe, help the damn gorilla instead, do both, or go home and hide for eternity.

Before I realized it, school ended. I want to escape this situation so bad, so I went to Emily for help. But as soon as I saw her, she already left with Johnny. I decided to give them space instead.

I walked towards the front gate; I can see him... He's leaning against his car. He kind of looks cool... He suddenly saw me and waved at me to come over. I slowly walked towards him.... Ugh.

"My name is Alfons, by the way." He said as he opens the car door for me.

"Hold up, I never said I was gonna actually go with you." I just stood there looking at him with a stern look.

He sighs, "Please, I really need help. If I don't pass the test tomorrow, I'll be cooked pasta."

I- did he just- I sighed... Elizabeth... I can probably just go to the book cafe as soon as I finish helping him. "Alright." I get inside the car. He started driving.

When we were driving, we went through a familiar street... The book cafe????? WHAT...

"Uh, we're going in the book cafe?" I asked him.

"Yeah, is that alright with you?" He answered.

I nervously laughed. "Uh yeah it is."

We headed inside. I see Elizabeth working, she's serving coffee with a smile... She suddenly saw me and waved her hands. She then walked towards me.

"Hey, Kendall, what's up? I thought you were coming a little later." Elizabeth said. She sounded so excited.

"Haha, well about that-"

Alfons interrupted the conversation, "Can I get two espresso shots with almond milk?"


"Sorry, but can you order in front of the cashier?" Elizabeth replied back.

"Oh, my bad, but don't you work here? I'm a customer. Also, you shouldn't be chatting when you're on duty." He said.

I can see that Elizabeth looks furious. "Well too bad, I own this place, so it's either you be respectful now or get out."

Alfons took my had and started to walk towards the door.

Elizabeth suddenly grabbed my other hand.

Oh my gosh... I made them release my hands, "Can you guys take a chill pill?" I'm so tired. UGH. "Alfons, stop being rude." I turned to Elizabeth and said, "I apologize for his attitude." I looked at Alfons again and told him, "I'm tired, can we just study here?"

Elizabeth smiled a little, but I can see a frown on her eyes. She then just returned to her work. Alfons went and ordered our coffee and we both headed to a spacious area in the cafe.

I helped him study for Biology and Geometry. He was actually a fast learner... He looks so innocent and more peaceful like this...

"So, is this how you do the equation for this one?" He asked.

"Where? Let me see." I asked.

He pulled my chair close to him, then he got close to me and showed me his notebook. We were too close that I cannot concentrate. I blush.

"Kendall?" Alfons waved his hands close to my face.

"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. You did it right." I stuttered.

I then saw Elizabeth looking at us... She suddenly looked away and went to a different area of the cafe.

A few hours later, Alfons left. He offered me a ride, but I refused since I wanted to stay in the cafe a little longer. I went to find Elizabeth; she was sitting close to the window at a table reading a book. I sat right in front of the free seat. "Hi." I said and smiled at her.

She looks at me and smiled then nodded.

"I'm really sorry about Alfons... He was really rude." I said.

"It's alright..." She continues to read her book.

It was quiet for a few minutes.

"Didn't know you had a boyfriend..." Elizabeth slowly muttered in the quietness. I can clearly hear her though.

"He is not my boyfriend." I answered quickly.

My reply was so sudden that it made her surprise. She laughs and says, "Oh, well I'm glad that I know that now."

I blushed again. "Yeah..." I spoke nervously.

She smiled again and says, "So, are you waiting on me? You could've left with that dude."

I- "Well, we are neighbors after all, just wanted to go home together..." I looked away as I said it.

She giggles, "Alright, give me a minute. I'll just help prepare to close up." she said.

"Alright." I replied. I sat there for a couple of minutes, and she came back.

"Ready?" She said.

I nodded and smiled. We headed out and rode her motorcycle home.

When we arrived, we stayed outside a bit and chatted.

"Hey, I didn't know you owned the book cafe!" I had to ask. "You're literally the same age as me so how is that possible..."

"Oh well, I'm the owner's daughter. So, I don't literally own it but I basically do." She replied.

Oh, that makes a lot more sense.... I nodded. "Well, goodnight. I'm so tired, you're probably tired too. Get some rest!"

Then out of nowhere Elizabeth says, "But when I'm with you, I feel well rested already." She gave me a warm smile.

My face turned red, and I felt butterflies in my tummy... I was in shock that it left me speechless.

"Alright then, I'll let you go home and rest, haha." She giggled and started to walk awat.

"OH WAIT!" I said quickly. "Before I forget... Can I have your number???" I took my phone out and gave it to her.

She smirked, "Oh, not a smooth talker I see, but I'll take it." She reaches for my phone, she touches my hands.

I suddenly dropped my phone... I kneeled down, but she kneeled down too. We suddenly bumped our heads at each other. "Ow." then we fell down. We both laughed so hard. This is a moment I can never forget.

She picks up my phone then got up, she then offered her hand to help me up. I gracefully took it and said thank you. Elizabeth is the sweetest...

"Okay, okay, you must be really tired that you dropped your phone. Rest well." Elizabeth says and pats my head.

I- "Yeah byeeeee...." I quickly ran home and closed the door. I need to catch a breath... My ears started to turn red, I feel so flushed, and I started to sweat.


That was the end of Chapter 4!!! So sorry for the late update! Got busy. But I will try my best to update this story as much as I can!

I hope you enjoyed it!!!!

Kyu T.