Chapter 5 - I think I've lost my mind....

Morning has arrived, the sun shines through my window as I wake up with a mesmerizing feeling. I feel so happy today, it's like nothing can phase me right now.

I got up, started my morning and got ready for school. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and took a quick shower. I just feel like today will be a good day.

I went down and ate breakfast. I see my mom working in her office. She works at home most of the time, but she would always run errands out of the house too. She works as a freelance photographer and journalist. My mom is so passionate about literature and art, and she's so outgoing and carefree. I'm the opposite from her. I'm more introverted and shy most of the time. I got most of my traits from my dad...

As I take a bite out of my toast, I received a message from Elizabeth. I accidentally bit my tongue.

~In the messages~

Elizabeth: Morning cutie :)

Me: morning!!!

Elizabeth: You seem like you're in a good mood today

Me: i am, haha

Elizabeth: Slept well?

Me: absolutely :)))

Elizabeth: Glad to hear :) btw, I'm outside your house waiting for you

Me: u are!?


I immediately went outside.

"Heyyyy, come in!" I said to Elizabeth.

She smiles and came in.

"So, what's up???" I asked.

"I just thought I would drop you to school again today." She replied.

I blushed a bit. "Well it's still early haha. Have you had breakfast yet?" I asked.

"Yes I have, oh, uh, hold on." She replied, she then got close to me...

"Huh?" I feel my face getting hotter.

"Hold still." She got closer, then she reached close to my face, her hands gently lands close to my lips. "You got a crumb here." She gently brushed it off and smiles at me.

I looked away instantly, I covered my face with face and mumbled, "Thank you...."

She pats my head, "You should finish your breakfast."

My mom suddenly got out of here office and came to us in the dining table. "Well hello to the cute couple." My mom said and smirked.

"I- MOM....." I said with a panicky tone.

"I'm just kidding." My mom replied.

"Good morning Ms. Lockhart." Elizabeth said and giggled.

"Good morning as well." My mom replied and smiled. My mom then whispered something to Elizabeth.

"Uhh, mom? what are you telling her???" I immediately asked.

Then Elizabeth just giggled and nodded.

"Why are you guys leaving me out of this???" I said confused.

"Don't worry about it Kendall, I didn't say anything embarrassing." My mom winked at me and left the room.

I then stared at Elizabeth. She looks away. I poked her on the shoulder. "Are you gonna tell me or not?"

She shook her head and has put on a mischievous look.

I pouted at her, she then poked my cheeks. "It's nothing, haha." She said.

"Grrr... alright." I just replied with a pouty face.


I finished my breakfast, and we both headed out. We got to her motorcycle and she took the helmet out of her storage. She gently puts the helmet on my head, then she straps it for me... She then gently taps it three times and smiles at me. She then got on her motorcycle, and I then gently wrap my arms around her waist.

She clears her throat, and smiles. "Ready?"

"Mhm.." I answered and then I put my head on her shoulder.

As she drives away, I feel so safe around her. I feel so warm. I feel so happy... As the wind blows through us, I can't help but smile as my heart beats a rhythmic melody. It was when I do realize that I have feelings for Elizabeth... Although, I'm still unsure about everything... A few minutes later, we've arrived.

I got off of her motorcycle. "Thank you so much, Elizabeth."

"No worries, it was my pleasure dropping you off." Elizabeth said.

Elizabeth then headed off, as I walk to class, Alfons came by my side.

"Ugh, what do you want?" I asked him.

"Nothing... Can't I walk beside my tutor?" He said.

Tutor? What? Since when? "Uh? what? Tutor?" I asked.

"Yes, you're my tutor. I'm your responsibility now." He said and smirked.

Omg. What the heck-

"Can you give me your number? I need to contact you when I have questions on a subject." He asked as he grabs my bag for me and started carrying it.

"Uh, can you give my bag? I can carry it. I'm not a child." I said and tried grabbing my bag, but he kept dodging me.... Then finally I got a grab of it.

"I'll carry it, don't worry about it. I owe you." He said as he snatch the bag away from my hands.

I- grrrrr- The whole school is gonna hate meeeeeeeeeeeeee. "Please, just give me my bag."

He got really stubborn and started walking faster than me and he's ahead of me. He doesn't want to falter. Ugh, so annoying!!! We then just arrived in my class. He placed my bag on my table, then he grabbed a chair and sat in front of my table.

"What do you think you're doing???" I asked him with a confused look.

He just looked at me, then he said "Sit down, you still haven't given me your number."

Oh... I forgot about that. I sat down and gave him my number. I thought if I give it to him, he's gonna leave, but he did the opposite. He stayed and then he did something.... Something that may lead me to my death sentence in school today... He rested his head on my desk.

All the girls looked at me... I tried to make him go away, but he's standing his ground... "psst... please... stop, go to your class..." I whispered to him.

"What?" he asked. "Can you come closer, I can't hear you."

"Uh don't pretend you didn't hear what I said." I replied.

He suddenly got up, then moved his chair beside me and got close to me. "I literally didn't hear what you said."

Why is he so close all of a sudden... My face turned red. I was speechless, no words came out of my mouth...

"Let me just stay a few minutes. My class is too loud." He said then laid his head back on my desk.

All the girls are staring at me... Ugh.

He suddenly got up and started saying, "What are you staring at? Leave me and my girl alone."

MY GIRL!? WHAT?? HECK NAW. "No, that's not what he meant. I'm not his-" He interrupted me.

"Leave me and my girl alone." He said with a stern look.

Every girl looked away quickly. But they all look angry because of me.... Sigh, I am so done ;-;

Emily then walked in class and saw Alfons beside me. She quickly came towards us. "Uh, why are you here?" She asked him.

He just ignored her.

Emily got frustrated and grabbed me out of there. We went outside the class. "Are you okay? Is this jerk bothering you?" She asked me.

"He just told everyone that I'm his girl, when I'm not..." I said with a sad and confused tone.

Emily then took a deep breathe. "Let's go confront this douche."

I stopped her, "It's alright, I'll deal with him. Thank you for saving me though... Not sure if I'll survive today because all the girls in our class are about to murder me...." I told her as my shoulders falter.

"I'm here to protect you. Don't ya worry." Emily said with a reassuring tone and then she gave me a pat in the back.


School bell rung, Alfons left our class and I went back and sat down on my desk. Every girl has been avoiding my gaze, I don't even hear them talking about me or anything. Everything is going smoothly without any problems.

While in class, we had study hall and everyone is just quiet, studying. I see a few girls wanting to start a conversation with me. I feel too weird to tell them to stop, I'm in an uncomfortable situation because of Alfons. It's so annoying, he's too much of a stubborn lil boy. Break time is approaching and as soon as the bells rung, I immediately rushed to the bathroom. I really wanted a break away from those girls.

A few minutes later, Alfons comes by my class again, I really want to avoid him... Can I just have a moment of silence today?!

He came by with a plastic bag on his hand, he grabs a chair and set it in front of my desk. "I don't know which one you like, so I bought some snacks for you." He placed the bag on the desk gently. "We did not start off in the best introductory and I want to make up for it. Sorry..." He said with a genuine tone.

I- "Well I'm glad you finally said sorry." But you're still a jerk... Sigh, I guess as long as he apologized now...

"Can you help me with Biology?" he muttered and shyly said and showed me his Bio book.

I can see him blush a little bit, but all of a sudden he looked at me waiting for my response. "Yeah, which part of it do you need help with?"

He turned the pages, and showed me, "Right here." he pointed to it.

He seems more like a lil innocent child right now... It's kind of cute... I wonder how he'd look like when he smiles... I started explaining the bits he needed help with. He nodded and read the parts I told him to read.

While he reads, I opened my own Bio book and started reading. We spent most of our break reading our school books.

A few minutes later, I can sense Alfons staring at me, so I looked at him, he suddenly looked away but I saw him blushing which made me blush... I- what was that...

The bell rang.

"Alright, i'll see you later..." Alfons said and left.

Wait... Later?

I then got a notification on my phone.


Alfons: help me study again

Kendall: huh?? whyyy, you can study on your own!

Alfons: I study better when i'm with you... pls?

Kendall: ehhhh wdym???

Alfons: nothing! just spend time with me.


What does he mean by spend time with him?! HUH???

The school ends, I wonder if I should go to the book cafe today...

I get another notification on my phone, oh its Elizabeth!


Elizabeth: hey hey, you coming today?

Kendall: do you want me to? :3

Elizabeth: if i said yeah, would you?

Kendall: hmm i'll think about it :p

Elizabeth: oh come on *puppy eyes emoji*

Kendall: haha fine I can stop by for a bit :p

Elizabeth: *very happy cat jumping gif*


Blushing my face off rn... she's so cute...

I walked down the halls and see Alfons waiting for me at the end of the hall. He waves at me and walks towards me, "So, will you help me study?"

I- sigh I can't have Alfons and Elizabeth in the same room- I just feel like the tension from yesterday will make them fight... "I can but not today." I said.

"Why? You have plans?" He asks.

"Yes I do in fact have plans. I'll help you study but only in school. I can't after schools." I replied.

He pouts a lil bit... "Alright, but i'll be waiting for you every day at the front gate every morning."

HUH... "Why?" I said in a surprised tone.

"Because I want to see you first thing in the morning." He replied and blushes as he looks away.

My heart skipped a beat... "Whatever." I walked away and headed to the book cafe... But with every step of the way made me blush.

What is this feeling I'm getting... It's Elizabeth and then Alfons... What is happening...?

As I reached the cafe, I see Elizabeth waiting for me at the front door, she smiles widely at me as soon as she noticed me. Her smile is so comforting... "Hey there cutie." She said with a very excited tone.

That made me smile... Her calling me cutie... haha... she's adorable... "Hey there, were you waiting for me?" I responded.

She nods and smiles again, she grabs my hand and leads me inside the cafe. As we walk through the space, we went to the corner closest to the window. I saw my coffee already there and a few books ready for me to read. Did she prepare this for me???

"Just thought you were exhausted from school, so I prepared this for you." She smiled at me and winks.

My heart fluttered, she's the sweetest... "Thank you! I really appreciate it." I smiled back at her.

I can see her blush while she smiles, "I'm almost done with my shift, I'll be with you in a bit, alright??" she said and went back to work.

I can't help but smile the whole time I was waiting for her. I took a sip of my coffee and opened one of the books that was on the table. While I wait, I look out the window, I saw Alfons in his car driving past. I wonder where he's going... but I'm also still wondering what he said earlier...

I suddenly got a notification from Alfons.


Alfons: just wondering if you're busy right now?

Kendall: what's up?

Alfons: nothing... just wanted to talk to you...

Kendall: talk about what?

Alfons: idk... i just want to get to know you

Kendall: what do you want to know?

Alfons: uh, what's your favorite thing to do on your free time?

Kendall: read :p

Alfons: really? you're such a nerd

Kendall: and what's wrong with that? dummy

Alfons: dummy?

Kendall: yeah, dummy :3

Alfons: wow... whatever, can i give you a ride tomorrow?

Kendall: huh?

Alfons: a ride to school?


Um... Elizabeth is my ride to school though...


Kendall: hmm why?

Alfons: I already told you. I wanna see you first thing in the morning... waiting in the front gate is too long.

Kendall: too bad :p i have a ride already

Alfons: are you dating the motorcycle person?

Kendall: huh??

Alfons: the person that dropped you off this morning...

Kendall: no...


Why is he asking whether I'm dating.... whatever... he's weird...

A few minutes later Elizabeth ended her shift, but I had my head on the desk resting, I felt a bit sleepy. I did not notice but Elizabeth put her head on the desk right next to me, she stares at me for a bit and closes her eyes with me. 5 minutes later, I opened my eyes, I can see Elizabeth's face really close to me... I can't help but stare at her beautiful face... I want to touch her cheeks... I wonder if it's soft... I gently place my hand on her cheeks... It's so soft...

She suddenly wakes up and stares at me... She blushes, which made me blush with her... We both panicked and got up. "I- I'm sorry... did I wake you up?" I said with a very panicky tone.

She giggles, "No it's okay, you just caught me off guard." she smiles and looks away.

I feel so nervous right now... "Thank you for this afternoon by the way... It made me really happy." I told her and smiled.

"My pleasure." She said. "Want to go home?"

I nod and we both got up... I don't mind getting used to this...

Suddenly, she grabs my bag and but it on her shoulder. "No, I can carry that!" I said to her quickly.

"No, it's okay, I want to, so I could do this." She then grabs my hand.

Did she just do a Johnny move- but when she does it... it's not cringey... why is she so cute- i'm blushing way too much-

We headed home on her motorcycle and when we arrived, she held my hand as I got off of her motorcycle. She smiles at me, "I'll talk to you later." then she lets go off my hand and waits for me til I reached the front of my door.

"Better talk to me later." I said and hurriedly went inside. I can hear her giggling.

"I'm home." I said and my mom came and see me.

"Welcome home, sweetie. Dinner will be ready in a bit." My mom replied.

I went and got changed and went down for dinner. In a few, I went upstairs and flop to my bed. Ahhhh my comfy bed... finally... I can't stop thinking about what happened earlier... Elizabeth is so pretty...

I suddenly got a message.


Elizabeth: hope you're thinking about me :)

Kendall: I- how did you know?? :0

Elizabeth: you were???

Kendall: pfft no...

Elizabeth: haha you cutie... i'm heading to bed now, get some sleep as well :p

Kendall: alright alright, good night! sleep well

Elizabeth: good night, i'll see you tomorrow morning


I'm literally rolling on my bed from all of this....

Another message came-


Alfons: goodnight you dummy...

Kendall: i'm the dummy now?? :p

Alfons: yes. but yeah. goodnight...

Kendall: haha okok goodnight


WHAT SITUATION AM I ON.... they both just messaged me....


So sorry for the very bad updates on my chapters. Got so busy... but i'll make sure to be more consistent with my updates from now on!