Chapter 6 Mom and Dad

I woke up tired today... for some reason I could not sleep. I got up the bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I woke up early today though. So, I made some tea and sat down by the window on the living room. I wonder how my dad is up in there. He left us pretty early, he died from his service in the military. My mom didn't want him to go but my dad was persistent. I really hate wars... or any conflict, it pisses me off a lot. I always avoid that kind of situation. But before he left, he did say to face everything rather than running away from it. My dad was really strong minded, and he's the kindest person ever, he would put others ahead of himself... and that's one of many reasons why mom fell in love with him. I only got to know him 8 years of my life before he passed away... I do still love my dad and I strongly hold his memories with me. Mom did not really like talking about my dad for 5 years, but she started talking about him when I turned 13 years old. She told me so many fun memories of her and dad and how they met. Their love story is one of my favorites.

My mom said it all started with an interview. They met when they were in college, my mom was studying Journalism and my dad was studying Architecture. My mom was part of the Journalism club, where they make newspapers, flyers and any content about the college they were on. My mom was in charge of interviewing the Architecture students for an introductory for the new students. Dad was a very shy person, and he was so nervous when he saw my mom. When my mom interviewed him, he was so soft spoken, even shaking in front of my mom. She just smiled and my dad fell in love with her right away. My mom took a awhile to figure out how she felt and apparently there was another guy, but she never really talked about him. It was always dad, "Your dad was really shy, but the way he made me feel, every time I'm sad, he was there. When I'm happy, he'd make me happier. I feel the most comfortable around him and he would not judge me for what I am or what I do. He was not the charming person ever, but he was the most lovable man I've ever known. He broke all of my scales; he tried his best to impress me in everything. He even learned the guitar just because I told him I like it when someone plays the guitar." that's what she said, and she'd continue to brag about him.

I know my mom misses him so much, until now. She would always say that he was her best friend. Until now, my mom did not want to remarry to any guy. I just wished my dad was still here... would've been nice to learn the guitar from him too. I do miss him as well. I still remember that time when I was 7, when he took me out shopping for a Halloween costume. He listened to what I wanted, when I said I wanted to be a ninja but also a wizard. He tried his best to find the costumes and he actually made alterations on the costumes. He even made a wand out of real wood for me. I still have it displayed in my room. He would do anything for me, even when I'm sick, he'd buy me ice cream, which made my mom mad, but it made me happy. I always wanted someone who's just like my dad, but also like my mom. My mom is also the best, she tried her best to raise me on her own when my dad died.

She would go the extra mile for me, even in school when we had to bring our dad's for wood work class. My mom learned how to use all the tools so that she could help me. She looked awesome! She would get worried about me every time I scrape my knee or even just small scratches. I'm clumsy at times, so yeah she worries a lot for me... But she tries not to treat me like a child. She would always try to be a friend to me, whenever I need her, she's always there. I do hope she finds a guy, who's like my dad, but not better than my dad though... just saying. I just want her to be happy and would have someone to spend the rest of her life with.


All of a sudden, my mom comes downstairs and sees me sitting down by the window. "Good morning sweetheart." She said with her morning voice.

I don't know what came over me but I went to her and hugged her tightly. "I love you mom, I'm grateful for everything you've done."

My mom looked at me confused but she pats my back and said, "I love you too sweetheart."

I went back upstairs and got ready for school. When I came down, I hear chatter, I walked towards the sound and saw Elizabeth.

"Good morning." Elizabeth said with a very warm smile.

"Good morning." I responded shyly.

"Alrighty, I'll see you later honey." My mom said as she leaves the room and heads to her office.

I said bye to my mom and headed outside with Elizabeth.

She looked at me for a moment, "Are you okay? You look a lil out of it today." she said.

"Hm?? Yeah I'm okay." I said with a faint smile.

She pokes my cheeks.

"Huh?" I looked at her confused.

She smiles and pulls me close to her by my hand and gives me a hug. "Alright, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." She then pulled away and put the helmet on my head and gently straps it for me...

I turned fully red... Why is she making me have a heart attack first thing in the morning!!!

"Hopping on? Or do you want me to carry you to the motorcycle?" She said to get my attention.

I turned red again, "I- I'm hopping on!" I said. I hopped on behind her and hugged her... "Thank you... I was just thinking of my dad this morning... made me a bit sad and nostalgic."

She turns around and I can see her smile from the helmet. "I'm here for you." she said and started the engine. "Are you ready?"

I nodded and she felt that and drove off.

We arrived at school, we got there a lil early since only a few students were there.

"I'm always a text away or a few blocks away." She said before driving off.

I smiled and waved at her as she drove off.

As I walk through the front gate, I saw Alfons...He's waiting like a little cat. He turns to face me when he noticed I've arrived. He then came towards me, I saw him with a cup of coffee. "Good morning." He said and handed me the cup of coffee. "Just thought that you might need it for today." He said while he looks away.

"Good morning and thank you." I said... "Why are you being nice all of a sudden?"

He looks at me, a little stern, but then it changed to a soft look, I can see him blush, "Because I want to be nice... Is something wrong with that?" he then hid his face and started to walk away.

Huh... that made me blush a bit... the way he said it and how he blushed... it was adorable.

He stops a bit. "Are you coming or not?"

"I'm coming." I said and ran beside him.

We arrived at the classroom, he grabbed a chair and sat right beside me this time. I looked at him and he suddenly rested his head on my shoulder... That made my heart skip a beat... His hair looks soft... I want to pat him... My hand moved by it's own and gave him a pat on his head... It seemed like it did not phased him... I continued but then he moved, and I stopped-

"Why did you stop?" He asked and looked at me closely.

Our face is so close to each other... I feel my face turn really warm and red... "Huh?"

He gave me a lil pout. "Don't stop."

His pout made my heart skip a beat again... But I continued to pat his head.

The bell rang.

"Alright, bell rang, gooo." I said hurriedly.

He got surprised and left... sigh...

He always has a serious look... I never saw him smile yet...

But anyways Emily comes and saw everything. She started asking me questions as she sat right beside me. "What happened??? I thought you hated him... What happened between you two? What about book cafe girl???" she repeatedly asked.

I let out a sigh and rest my head on her shoulder... "I'm tired right now..."

She then pat me on the head, "Alright, tell me when you're ready." she said and continued to pat me on the head.

Class started and I feel like falling asleep, but I can't because I have a test for this class tomorrow. And every detail is important right now... But as I almost close my eyes, I feel my phone vibrate on my desk. My eyes lighten up when I saw that it's a message from Elizabeth...


Elizabeth: *a cute lil dog dancing and saying you can do it gif*

Kendall: ahhh cute! and omg you saved me! ;-;

Elizabeth: huh?? what happened??

Kendall: i almost fell asleep in class! ;-;

Elizabeth: aww, haha don't fall asleep!!

Kendall: i'm trying not to! :p

Elizabeth: haha good! also do you want me to bring you lunch?

Kendall: really???

Elizabeth: yeah, your mom said she forgot to give you your money

Kendall: WAIT REALLY?... bring me food ;-;

Elizabeth: haha, alright i will i will ;)

Kendall: YAY!

Elizabeth: *cute dog smiling emoji*


She's so cute... and sweet... but then another notification came, this time it's from Alfons....


Alfons: hey, do you wanna study together at lunch?

Kendall: hmmmm

Alfons: come on... pls?

Kendall: well since you said pls, sure :p

Alfons: i- woww... do you have lunch?

Kendall: mhm!

Alfons: alright, see ya then

Kendall: cya!


They messaged me almost at the same time- what is happening!! ;-;

A few hours later. Class ends and the bell rang for lunch time.

As I get up from my seat, I saw Alfons waiting for me outside the classroom. But then I got a message from Elizabeth saying that she's here... I walked towards him, "Hey, you can wait for me here in class while I go get my lunch" hoping he'd say he'll stay...

"Nah, I can come with you, I need the walk anyways." He said.

I sighed... I started to walk, and he followed me. As we walk towards the front gate, I saw Elizabeth leaning on her motorcycle as she waits for me. She then notices me and gives me a huge smile and waves at me. But then her gazed changed when she saw Alfons, her smile slowly fading away...

"Elizabeth! Hey!" I said and gave her a huge smile. I can see her smile coming back. I then introduced them "Elizabeth, this is Alfons, classmate. Alfons, this is Elizabeth, my g- my friend!" I said panickily.

They stared at each other... There was a huge moment of silence... I wanted to break the silence but Elizabeth did it instead and said, "Nice to meet you." with a stern tone and offered him a shake hand.

Alfons looked at her and then at me. He shook her hand and then said, "I'm not just her classmate, I'm also her potential lover. Nice to meet you."

I- I suddenly blushed... POTENTIAL LOVER? WHAT IS HE THINKING????

Elizabeth then looked at me... Then her gaze went back to Alfons. "I'm also her potential lover. So yeah, nice to meet you."

My face flushed and it feels like I'm about to blow up like a volcano... WHAT ARE THEY BOTH THINKING...

I can see their handshake tighten as they stare at each other.

"Alright, now that you guys have met..." I flicked both of their foreheads. "No fighting."

They both said ow and looked at me then back at each other. I let out a huge sigh and they turned their attention back to me.

"Here is your lunch." Elizabeth handed me a bag of food and smiled at me. I took it and smiled back at her.

Alfons looked at her and said pfft.

"What?" She said looking back at him.

"At least I get to eat lunch with her." He said with a smug face.

I see Elizabeth trying to come up with a comeback. "I- Well at least I live close to her and hang with her anytime I want." She said with a smug face.

Alfons became speechless... "I-"

I interrupted their conversation. "Thank you for the food Elizabeth, I appreciate it! I'll see you later... Let's go Alfons."

I headed out of the area and went back to class as fast as I can... WHAT WERE THEY DOING OMG... They're being childish... sigh.

I sat down and realized that Alfons wasn't beside me- Where did he- I saw him come but with a bag on his hand.

He then sat beside me... I thought he wasn't coming because of what happened earlier...

He set the bag in the desk, "I bought us some drinks. I got water, soda and juice... did not know what you wanted so i just got what I thought you might like."

He can be sweet... "Thank you, I appreciate..."

I looked at the bag that Elizabeth gave me, she- she made me a packed lunch?? I thought she bought me something- I see a well-prepared boxed lunch... I'm excited to eat this!...

Alfons looks at me... "So... do you like her?"

My face turns red, "Wait what???" I said.

"Do you like me?" he then asked with a hopeful look.

I turned red again."Huhhhh??" I just looked away... and took a breathe...

I gave Alfons a soft gentle bonk on his head. "Don't ask me those questions right now... and also, don't be childish when you and Elizabeth have a conversation again..." I said.

He blushes and pouts. "Fine, but I'm just saying. I like you..." he straightforwardly said.


"Sorry if that caught you off guard. But I just want to let you know how I feel." He said as he was looking at me.

"I'm sorry I have no answer for you right now... We just met and I don't know how I feel." I kindly said to him...

"I know, and I don't need an answer right now. I just wanted to tell you how I feel." He said genuinely.

I smiled at him, "Thank you." Then he blushes.

We began to eat and while we do, we were studying together... I couldn't help but stare at him. He's really handsome... He's nice too, but only when he wants to, sigh... he acts childish at times too... but it is cute.

He suddenly caught me staring and I looked away. He then let out a small laugh. He then smiled at me. My heart skipped a beat.... He SMILED... for the first time- another deadly smile... omg...

He then got a piece of rice close to my lips, "You had this right there."

I found myself hiding my face from embarrassment... "Thanks." I said as I look away while blushing.

The school bell rang. That was the end of lunch time.

Today was really eventful, yet very tiring...

We continued class then it ended, today I decided to go home early. I messaged Elizabeth not to wait on me today since I went home straight away.

As soon I hit my bed, I fell asleep. My mom did not disturb me for dinner since she saw me exhausted and resting peacefully.

I woke up really late in the night... Oh no... I sighed and stayed up for a bit... I looked outside my window, I can still see a light in Elizabeth's room... I messaged her.


Kendall: still up?

Elizabeth: mhm, just reading. why are you up?

Kendall: just woke up... i slept as soon as i hit my bed ;-;

Elizabeth: trouble going back to sleep?

Kendall: yeah... wbu?

Elizabeth: can't sleep hehe

Kendall: did you just used hehe??? you're weird! :p

Elizabeth: i'll take that as a compliment :p you're weird too you know

Kendall: haha okok! and yes ik, better to be weird

Elizabeth: you're right... do you wanna go on a call until we fall asleep?

-my heart fluttered-

Kendall: do you snore?

Elizabeth: i-

Kendall: i'm just kidding! haha sure.

-She started calling me, i picked up-

Elizabeth: hello?

-Hearing just her voice puts me in a very soothing feeling-

Kendall: hi

Elizabeth: so weirdo, want to tell me a story? or do you want me to tell you a story?

Kendall: hmmm... you tell me a story.

Elizabeth: hmm alright, but next time you tell me a story, deal?

Kendall: deal!

Elizabeth: alright. once upon a time.

Kendall: really??

-we both giggled-

Elizabeth: heyy that's how stories start.

Kendall: you're right.

Elizabeth: let me continue now

Kendall: mhmm...

-I lay down on my bed as I listen to her soothing voice-

Elizabeth: I'm not the best story teller, but i'll give it a go. So, Once upon a time, there was a kid, she was amazed by the idea of writing, she loved it so much that she wanted it to be a career. Her parents supported her when she was a kid, but it all changed as soon as she turned into a teenager. They thought that it was just a hobby of her, just dream of hers, but no. She was passionate about it, she wanted to do it as a living. She convinced her parents, but they still did not change their minds. They wanted her to own the family business instead since that was what they wanted... she still tried to convince them, telling them that she can do writing and do the family business. and all they said is that they'll think about it... Little did they know, she already published a book while helping out on her family business.

Kendall: who were they???

Elizabeth: hmmm

Kendall: come on tell meee, i won't tell anyone

Elizabeth: you won't freak out?

Kendall: freak out?? wdym?

Elizabeth: the person on the story is me

Kendall: you???

Elizabeth: yes

Kendall: wait. so.

Elizabeth: the book you wanted so bad? that's one of my works...

Kendall: you're- wait-

Elizabeth: yeah...

Kendall: no way...

Elizabeth: i have the manuscripts with me if you want proof-

Kendall: no i believe you! but i'm just surprised... you're amazing... i love your works- did not expect to meet the author while in bed- yk???

-she giggles and i giggled with her-

Elizabeth: well now you know haha.


Then we chatted for hours until we both fell asleep.


Thank you for reading!!! Pls any feedback would be greatly appreciated! So pls lmk if you liked the story so far!