Chapter 7 I'm Confused...

I woke up, still in the call with Elizabeth. I can hear her soft snore from the phone, I giggled but not loud so that she wouldn't hear me. I wonder how she looks like sleeping right now...

I hear her mumbling, "she's adorable…" then she continued with her soft snore.

Who's adorable???… Hmm… But she's adorable too… I wonder who she was thinking of…

She suddenly woke up, first thing she did was check if I was awake, "Kendall?" she said with her morning voice… I suddenly blushed and did not answer for a bit…

"Good morning." I responded.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Mhm… I did, wbu?"

"I slept alright, although you did snore the first few hours…" she said teasingly.


"What do you mean???? I never snore huhu…"

She giggled, "You were adorable though, so i did not mind at all."

"Huhhhh…. Ahhh I'm gonna get ready for school- I'll see you later!"I said in a panic tone and ended the call before she could respond.

I feel my heartbeat so fast…. I just went and went to go shower quickly and got ready, I went downstairs for breakfast, but I don't see Elizabeth yet… Where is she…

"You waiting for a certain someone?" My mom suddenly appeared behind me, and she had a smug face.

I was shaken and said, "NO…" I suddenly opened the door and I see Elizabeth standing right in front me.

"Morning," Elizabeth said surprised, "leaving without me today?"

"Nah she was waiting for you." My mom blurted out from behind me.

"I wasn't!" My face turned red like a tomato…

My mom and Elizabeth laughed.

"What are you guys laughing at…." I said embarrassed.

"Nothing, we'll have a good day today sweetheart, I'll see you later." My mom said as she pulls me for a hug then went to her office.

I said goodbye and walked with Elizabeth to her motorcycle.

I got used to our routine… and how she always puts the helmet on my head… This time I was staring at her lips…

"Your head seems like it's in the clouds today?" She said as she looks at me with her dreamy eyes…

I did not respond to her for a few more seconds, I then shook my head, "Huh???"

She smiled at me and tapped on my helmet three times…

That smile of her… She makes me want to… want to… I- I don't know…

"Ready?" She asked.

I nodded and got on her motorcycle.

We rode in silence, and few minutes later we arrived.

"Did I… Well did I do something wrong?" She asked as I got off her motorcycle.

I shook my head instantly, "No! What made you think that!" I gave her a soft tap on her helmet.

"I- haha, I was just wondering, you're extra quiet today…" She gave me a faint smile.

I sighed and looked at her, "I was just thinking… you did nothing wrong, okay???"

She nods and gave me a huger smile this time.

I walked but then turned around to see her again… I walked towards her again, "remove your helmet…" I demanded her.

She was surprised but does what I said.

I gave her a huge pinch on her left cheek. "Also don't be childish when you see Alfons…"

"Ouch…" she said while she rubs her cheek, "but he started it…" she pouts while saying that…

My heart skipped a beat…. "I- sigh you both are really something…" I caress her cheek where I pinched it, "sorry, I just don't want you guys being childish."

She smiled while I caress her cheek, she gave me a nod and put her helmet back. "I'll see you later?" she then asked.

I nodded and smiled. Then I waved at her as she drives off.

While I watch her go, I suddenly felt someone behind me, I turned around and it was Alfons… He was extra close to my face. "I-"

"Good morning to you too." He said as he pulls away from me. "Kinda unfair that she gets to see you first before I do…"

"What do you mean???" I asked, "Wait, are you jealous?"

He suddenly blushed and looked shocked. When I saw that, I suddenly started to blush…

He looked away and said, "Let's just get to class… I'm tired… Let me rest my head on your shoulder again…"

I blushed all over again, "Wait what!?"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me beside him. He was silent while we walked to class.

When we arrived, out of nowhere he pulled my chair for me. "Huh?" I looked at him confused.

He looked away and said, "what… I just wanted to pull your chair for you…" he said it with a shy tone.

I just went and sat down, then he slowly pushes the chair for me. He then grabbed a chair and sat ride beside me.

I thought he was gonna rest his head on my shoulder but he ended up resting his head on my desk instead… I was waiting the whole time for him to mention it or actually do it… but he just faced me while his head on my desk. But he has his eyes closed.

I ended up staring at his eyelashes… then went to stare at his lips…

WHY AM I STARING- Why do I keep staring… worst thing is I stared at both of them… This totally feels unfair to both of them… I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings either….

He then gave me a lil smirk while he was resting his head… He grabbed my hand and placed it on his head… "pat me like last time…" he said.

I was in shock, but I blushed… and I ended up doing what he said…

He has such fluffy hair, it's so soft… He's like a dog… but now that i think about it… Elizabeth's like a cat…

I let out a little giggle while thinking about both of em… they're so adorable… if i think about it, they both can end up dating… they'd look like a great couple. Although Elizabeth do prefer girls…. Alfons have no chance haha- jkjk….

Alfons looked at me, he was curios to why I was giggling, I just gave him a smile and he looked away as soon as possible.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until the bell rang.

He stood up and looked at me. "I'll see you later?" he asked as he puts back the chair.

I nodded and smiled.

He left and as soon as he did, Emily came in and sat beside me.

"Emily!" I said and hugged her… "I need help…"

Emily straightened her posture and looked at me with wide eyes. "I'm here!"

I explained everything, how I was staring at their lips and how my heart beats so fast for Elizabeth and Alfons.

She smiled and squealed. "You're in a classic Love Triangle my friend."

"Wait what!?" I said… "But I don't want to be in a love triangle… I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings… why is my love story a typical love triangle…"

Emily hugs me and pats me on the head, "You do know that's the kind of stories you always read right?"

Not the right time to roast me Emily… I just looked at her and pouts… "Help mehhhhh."

Emily laughs then she said, "This is your story, you make the decisions not me, all I can say is, which one of them would you really want to be with? Who would you go for an extra mile for?"

I sighed and had those questions on replay. My mind is so focused on finding the right answer, but I can't…

It went for hours until it was lunch break… I see Alfons waiting for me outside the class. I went up to him and said hi.

He gave me a smile, then he held my hand, "Shall we have lunch on the school rooftop today?"

I blushed and I just gave him a nod. Then he dragged me away.

When we got up, I saw lunch that was made. It was pasta. I thought someone left their lunchbox but then Alfons led me to it. He sat down and cleaned the chair for me to sit on.

"I'm not the best cook, but I did make you my favorite pasta. I hope you like it." He said as he sets it for me.

I completely blushed and was speechless…

I took a bite, and it was the best pasta I've ever had…

I ended up eating the whole thing, he looked at me and smiled. His smile makes me wanna jump off of this roof right now… because my heart is beating so fast….

We both rested for a bit until the school bell rang.

He decided to drop me off to class and left.

It was study class right now, but I decided to just rest my head on my desk.

Then I felt my desk vibrate because of my phone. I checked my phone, and it was a message from Elizabeth.


Elizabeth: hope you're doing alright

Kendall: ahhh stop worrying about earlier, i'm okay!

Elizabeth: i was just making sure, also it's cuz i miss you…

-my heart started to go crazy again-

Kendall: you do?

Elizabeth: yeah… can't stop thinking about you… are you coming to the cafe today?

-why is she so cute…. AHHH-

Kendall: hmm since you said you miss me, sure i'll come :p

Elizabeth: perfect! i'll be waiting ;)

Kendall: hehe alright!


I really don't know… They both make my heart go crazy… Universe- I asked for a love story… BUT WHY A LOVE TRIANGLE-

I continued to rest my head on my desk until school ended.

Alfons was waiting for me outside the class again. He waved at me. I went to him and said hi.

"Just wanted to see you again before you leave." He patted my head and left.

I blushed again…

I went and started walking to the book cafe. I can see Elizabeth waiting for me at the same spot as last time.

Elizabeth looked so excited to see me and she ran up to me as soon as she saw me. "Kendall! Hi…" she looks like a puppy wagging her tail… "sorry if that was too much, i just missed you." she said with a very shy tone.

I can see her blushing… I couldn't help but blush and pinch her cheeks softly.

"You really do like my cheeks a lot huh?" she said while I have my hands on her cheeks.

I let go instantly… "So sorry, did that hurt you?"

She smiles and shakes her head, "I don't mind it at all." She then grabbed my hand and led me inside the cafe.

What is with these people holding my hands…. AAHHHHH!

Elizabeth had everything prepared for me, my coffee, same spot, books… I really like this.

I sat down and she said she'll be back in a few to end her shift.

I sat there reading a book, mesmerized by a book that now I know she was the author of. Her books are my inspiration, especially in a dark part of my past… When my dad passed away, I wasn't really the happiest kid, I would always wait for my dad at night to tuck me in… even when he passed away. I did not show my mom any of these feelings because she had it worse than me… So, I stood strong until my mom was ready for the world again. But when my mom wasn't ready, all I had was books. I spent all my childhood just reading books, and I ended up liking the romantic genre. I don't know why but it just makes me feel at peace.

When I found the first book that Elizabeth wrote…Which was two years ago... It was that time where I knew that my dad is alright, I felt the most comfort in her writing… It wasn't really a romantic story; it was more about this little girl and her dad who had to work hard to earn a living and money for their sick mother. I'm still surprised that she's the author at just the age 16. I always wanted to meet her, but now she's here…

Elizabeth finished her shift and came to my table; I saw that she has a plate of dessert on her hand.

"I tried making a new recipe of tiramisu today, this is my first batch, would you want to taste?" She said as she held two spoons on her other hand.

I nodded in excitement, "I love tiramisu!" I said as I stare at the dessert.

"Really?" She said with a surprised tone.

"I wonder if you are stalking me now…" I asked suspiciously.

We both started laughing.

"It was just a coincidence." She said.

We both took a bite. OMG this is delightful- "This is the best Tiramisu i've ever had!" I smiled as I enjoyed every bite, "mmmm!" i said with delight.

I can see that Elizabeth was smiling and staring at me as she had her head resting on her hand. She then reached for my lips and wiped the cream that was there, she then licked her finger.

I turned red, I couldn't stop my heart from beating so fast… She's so cute and… hot… AHHHH!!!!

I think I need to go get a checkup… This is not normal. My heart beats way too fast when I'm with Elizabeth or Alfons…

Me and Elizabeth stayed at the cafe and rested there for a while. We were there both reading books. I then caught her staring at me when I was reading.

"Hmmm what are you staring at?" I asked her teasingly.

Elizabeth did not hesitate, and she said, "You."

I feel my face getting warm… I looked away and back to my book.

She also went back to her book, but I could see her evil but very cute smile.

I knew it, she was doing that on purpose!

A few hours passed by.

We both rode her motorcycle all the way home. This time Elizabeth didn't let go of my hand.

"Hm?" I said curiously.

She did it say a word, but she pulled me into her and hugged me.

I blushed… She feels so soft… and she smells good too…

"Sorry, just wanted to give you a hug…" she said as she pulled me away.

I shook my head and said, "It's okay." I then pinched her cheeks again.

She laughs, "Well I'm gonna have to get used to this huh?"

I nodded.

"Alright, head inside, it's getting cold. Get loads of rest. Okay?" She said as she pats my head.

I felt a lot of butterflies in my tummy… I nodded and head inside.

I'm in full panic mode… There's two of them…

My mom suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She looks at me, "Is something wrong honey?"

I shook my head and said, "I'm okay mom, don't worry." and gave her a smile.

I headed to my bed and flopped into it.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on our door.

My mom ended up opening it, she then called down for me, so I went.

I did not expect it at all, it was Alfons!

"Hey, Kendall…" He said as he walked in since my mom offered him to come inside.

I looked at my mom, she looked at me with a smug face, winked and left us alone.

"Hey… What are you doing here???" I asked.

He opened his bag and took a book out, "I think I got your book instead of mine, I just came to return it." He said shyly.

"I- you could've returned it tomorrow?" I said.

"I know… But I wanted to see you." He said as he blushes in every word.

All of a sudden there was knock on the door again, I opened the door instead and saw Elizabeth.

"Hey-" she said but did not finish her sentence when she saw Alfons.

Alfons looks at Elizabeth and his look became stern.

"Hey Elizabeth, what's up?" I suddenly said to break the silence.

"I just came to drop you and your mom this tiramisu." She said as she focuses her attention at me.

My mom then came and saw Elizabeth, "Ooh is that tiramisu I see??" she said as she walks towards us. "Do everyone want to stay for dinner?" My mom asked as she grabbed the tray from Elizabeth.

Both of them said yes with no hesitation.

Literal facepalm right now…

"I should just go to my room-" I said to escape but my mom stopped me and said to set the table.

Both Alfons and Elizabeth sat down across each other at the dining table.

Elizabeth reached out to me to help me with the plates, but suddenly I see Alfons set the utensils. While they were doing it, they were both looking at each other as if it there was a competition.

I sighed loudly and they both looked at me.

It was so silent… Until Alfons said something.

"Why are you here?" He said looking at Elizabeth.

"Are you deaf? I just said it earlier. What about you?" She replied.

"I wanted to see Kendall." He replied sharply.


Elizabeth then looked away. She sighed and stayed quiet.

I looked at Alfons a little mad. He noticed and he looks apologetic.

My mom came with dinner, "I made lasagna today." she then sat down. I looked at the available seats. There were 5 available seats. The table's shape is rectangle, my mom sat in the middle, both Alfons and Elizabeth across each other. There were two available seats beside each of them.

They both looked at me, waiting for me to take a seat. But they then looked at each other as if they were in some kind of competition. I can't decide which one of them I should sit beside with...

I decided to sit beside Elizabeth. I can see the disappointed look on Alfons' face...

We sat in silence as we started eating.

"So how was everyone's day?" My mom said to break the silence.

Both of them then looked at me… Expecting me to say something… I just looked at my mom instead…

"Alfons was it? How was your day?" My mom said as she save me…

"It was great, I got to spend time with Kendall at school today." He said straightforwardly.

But nope. She did not save me at all-

I wanted to run and hide I swear.

My mom then asked Elizabeth.

She just said, "It was okay." and smiled.

I cannot help but think that she seems a bit out of it right now…

At the end of dinner, Elizabeth left without saying anything to me…

But Alfons was still there, he helped me with the dishes. I was silent doing it though… Because I couldn't get the fact that Elizabeth seems sad…

Alfons looked at me then asked, "You alright?" while washing the plates.

I just nodded and smiled at him.

After a while Alfons also left.

I went to my mom. I talked to her about it… Told her my situation. And how troubled my head is…

My mom gave me a smile, "Take your time honey, you'll figure it out sooner or later. They both seem like very genuine people." then she gave me a hug.

I then headed to my room, I looked out of my window. Elizabeth's lights are off… I wonder if she's okay…

I gave her a text.


Kendall: are you okay?


There was no reply… I gave it a couple of minutes and texted her the same message.

Still no reply…

I ended up thinking about it all night and only got little sleep. Thank goodness that it's Saturday tomorrow though…

End of Chapter 7

Thank you for reading! Any comments and feedbacks would be greatly appreciated! So pls tell me what you think of the story is so far!