Chapter 6

Hundreds of questions ran through my mind. I was baffled by what I had just seen. A man was the beast that had been terrorising all those villages. That killed all those innocent people. I hadn't understood what just happened.

"How is this possible?"

I said as I walked towards Damien who left his sword embedded in the man who was now dead.

"In order for you to properly grasp what I am going to tell you. I need to start at the very beginning."

He said.

"I'm immortal." He said. I looked at him as if he were mad then let out a small laugh.

"Okay seriously. What's the truth?" I said to him

"In order for you to understand what I am about to tell you. You need to believe in the impossible. " He said his face completely serious.

I nodded unable to formulate a response in words.

"I was not always Damien Devereno. Before I was known by this name I went by another. Loosely translated from greek it means the Darkstar. I was once a God."

He continued saying. My brows rose in confusion unable to understand but then again he did say I need to believe in the impossible.

"Sorry if you used to be a God what are you doing here. Hunting beasts."

I asked him.

"About four centuries ago I accidentally created these creatures. Men who could move faster than the wind and had the strength of two hundred men. The only problem was they fed on blood and their hunger was insatiable."

I gasped at what he had said remembering news I had heard three years back of an entire village bled dry by unknown creatures.

"These were not the only creatures created from my blood. Beings who could manipulate the elements, the forces of nature. I believe you know them as witches."

He continued. I was completely shocked by what he said.

"And finally a man cursed to shift into a beast during the day of a full moon. He was the only one of his kind or at least I think so."

He said as he gestured to the dead man impaled with the silver sword.

"How did you create these unnatural creatures?" I asked in hopes he would give me an answer.

He let out a sigh.

"When I was cast out by Zeus. I managed to retain some of my abilities. My speed, my strength and my abilities to create life from nothing. When I created a new life for myself I helped those who could not conceive and those who were severely injured but I inadvertently created demonic creatures."

Then he walked towards me his hand extending towards my own. He held my hand and I recoiled at his touch. Feeling a bitter form of fear in every part of my body. I ran away from him and went directly to my fathers house.

If he wanted to. He could've stopped me but he didn't. He simply let me go. I wonder how I could've been so blind to trust a stranger so quickly but I couldn't help but feel like I owed him an apology.

Can you blame me. He's not human.

I pondered this thought for days then one day I heard a knock on the door. I ran over to open it and he was standing there a bunch of tulips in his hand. He knew they were my favorite.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him

He didn't say a word. He simply extended his arm and gave me the flowers a smile on his face. His blue eyes sparkling.

"If memory serves me well I should be the one giving you the silent treatment not the other way round." I said once more.

He continued smiling and looking at me in silence. It's true what they say silence does speak volumes.

"I have a lot of work to do and if you're going to just stand there and smile you can do it inside." I said as I let him in.

I took my broom and began sweeping the floors. It had been a while since father struck me. I think he was scared of what

Damien might've done to him.

"You know I'm not like those creatures. If anything I'm the definition of perfect." He said with a smug smirk on his face.

"Perfect? You?" I laughed at the preposterous thought.

"Hey being a God basically means I'm the definition of perfect but then again you're a close second." He teased.

I couldn't help but smile at his words then I turned to him completely serious.

"Why did you get cast out? And if you really are a God. Prove it." I said in hopes of solid evidence.

He took my hand into his own and his other hand moved in mine and he created a butterfly out of nothing. I was stunned at the sight.

"I can teach you if you want." He told me as he sat down.

"Really?How? I am not even a witch." I said curious as to how he planned to teach me magic.

He smiled.

"Whose to say you have to be a witch to learn magic." He told me.

"Okay we'll meet by the waterfall at noon. Consider this your penance." I said teasing him.

He chuckled then got up.

"Yes my queen." He said as he slowly backed out of the house and blew me a kiss before leaving.

I no longer felt scared of him. In fact I wanted to be like him. To have a life of adventure and I wanted the thrill of magic. I know a woman is not supposed to want those kinds of things but the thought of a life like Damien's made my heart flip in excitement.