Chapter 7

I had finished my work for the day and decided to go to the waterfall a bit early just to observe the beautiful scenery. It was quite nice and relaxing. Noon came and by that time I had dosed off due to the harmonious chirping of the birds. I woke up to a raspy male voice.


The voice said. I blinked my eyes open to see Damien sitted beside me.

"Have a nice dream my lady?"

He asked. I nodded still a bit sleepy.

"If you're awake and ready. I think it's time you learned magic."

He said a devilish smile on his face.

Something about that smile makes me think he wants to do more than teach me magic. Typical guy. Goes to show even Gods have needs.

"Wipe that smile of your face mister. I intend to learn magic. Nothing more."

I told him as I winked at him.

He stood at attention as if a royal guard. I burst out into laughter at his childish actions. He was the only guy who knew exactly how to make me laugh or cheer me up. He understood me.

"Okay before we start clear your mind."

He said.

"Okay done." I replied him having wiped my mind of any thoughts.

He pointed to a tree stump.

"I want you to envision a flame right on that stump." 

He said.

Okay fire on the stump. Fire on the stump. Fire on the stump.

Nothing happened.

"Nothing is happening."

I said as I started pouting.

"Patience Eventinô. Focus all the energy you have. Will the fire into existance." He said as he picked up a leaf and sat down then closed his eyes a moment later the leaf caught on fire.

"All the energy you have use it to make that fire appear." He said once more.

I sat down tool two deep breaths and focused on the stump. I envisioned the flame on the stump and just like that the stump caught on fire. I felt slightly drained afterwards.

"I did it! I did it!" I said in excitement.

I got up and hugged him.

"Easy girl. That was just a basic fire making spell. I've barely taught you anything yet but good for a first try. You're a natural." He said a proud look on his face.

Is it weird I find him attractive. He's hundreds of years old but then again he doesn't age so...

I had zoned out after he smiled at me then he snapped his fingers in my face.

"Sorry what huh?" I said not having heard his previous statement.

"I said we'll just do one more basic spell then we'll continue tomorrow."

He repeated his statement.

"Okay Emilia please get me water without touching the water or using a container of any sort."

He said and I got confused and started racking my brain thinking how I'd manage that.

"Okay clearing my mind."

I said as I sat down once again and closed my eyes. Focusing on the sound of the waterfall. In my mind I envisioned the water rising and going to Damien. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I was doing it. The water was floating in mid air.

"Good now get it into this cup." He said holding a small cup. "Don't get a drop on the ground.

I focused as hard as I could possibly focus and I achieved his task.

"I did it! Yes!!!"

I cheered having dominated my first day of magic training.

"Congratulations you're a witch Miss Eventinô." He said as he clapped his hands.

I don't even remember what was running through my mind at the time I hugged him again and next thing we were kissing.

So much for 'just magic. Nothing more'

Damien and I slept together for the first time on that day. Little did I know this would change everything.

"It is getting dark. I should get going."

I told him as I got dressed.

"I will take you back. Can't have a lady walking through the woods alone now can we." He said as he put his arm around me.

"I am no ordinary lady Mr Devereno. I am a witch."

I felt a tingling sensation every time those words left my mouth. We got to my home and he planted a kiss on my lips then he pulled away.

I can't believe I'm a witch.

"Till next we meet my lady."

I spent the rest of the night honing my magical skills in secret. I barely slept at all.

The next morning I didn't wait for Damien to come. I went over to his place the moment the sun rose.

I knocked on his door. Enthusiastic for more lessons. He didn't answer. I let myself in.

"Hello?" I said as I walked into his cabin.

I got no answer. I found him sitted on the floor meditating or at least that's what I thought he was doing.

"Damien." I said as I touched his shoulder.

He was turned his head to face me and opened his eyes and stood up.

"Emilia! What are you doing here so early in the morning?" He asked me.

"I want to do the advanced magic. I want to create life from nothing. I want to be immortal."

I replied him.

"Emilia what you're asking is dangerous especially for a human who just started learning magic."

He replied an unreadable expression on his face and the concern in his voice.

"I'll train harder. I'll do whatever you need me to do as long as I get to be as powerful as you."

I begged him.

"Emilia you don't understand. Just because you're learning magic does not mean it is compatible with your human body. It's not. You have to be a witch to do most of the things you speak of and you're not."

He explained to me.

"You can turn me into one. I know you can."

I continued begging.

"It's too dangerous Emilia. If the villagers find out about this you will be burnt at the stake and I cannot be responsible for your death."

He said.

"Then you would rather I died trying to do something you knew I was incapable of doing. Than help me achieve it and protect me in the process."

I said to him as my smile turned to a frown my bubbly mood turned gloomy and I began leaving his cabin.

"Okay I'll do it but only if you promise to keep this secret." He said.

I squealed and ran over to him with a hug.

Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm gonna be a real witch!!!

I cheered mentally having guilt tripped a former God. I think that deserves some form of award.