Chapter 8

Practising magic though forbidden and punishable by death was rather exciting. I was able to manipulate the elements at will but there was a lot I still couldn't do. Luckily Damien agreed to turn me into a full fledged witch.

"Rise and shine princess! It's almost time for the ceremony."

He said to me at dusk which I found unusal seeing as I was used to going to bed at this hour.

"Okay. Why do we have to do the ceremony at this hour?" I asked him.

"You do want to be a witch do you not?"

He asked me.

"I do but that doesn't answer my question now does it."

I replied to him in a snarky tone.

"Well witches usually operate at these hours."

He said as he took some sage and ground it in a wooden bowl. Then he took some white powder and started using it to make a circle on the ground. In the circle he formed a star and wrote in some language I could not read.

"What language is that?" I asked him.

"It's greek. Now get inside the circle."

He said as he shepherded me into the circle and then he took a dagger and slit the inside of his palm. Then he poured his blood into the circle.

"Close your eyes. What happens next you don't need to see." He said as I did exactly as he ordered.

I then heard him chanting in Latin and another language I didn't understand. I think that was greek. I felt as if I could feel the elements merging with me. I felt as if the wind was engulfing me. Then I felt an extrodinary heat.

"You can open your eyes now. It's done."

He said.

"I don't feel any different."

I stated as I looked at my hands.

"Did this even work?"

I questioned his methods. He simply smiled then said.

"Think of something you want to do and see if you can do it."

The first thought on my mind was I wanted to fly like a bird. A black cloud surrounded me and I transformed into a bird. I was flying it was extrodinary. I turned back after having tested my abilities.

"This is amazing. I'm a witch!" I said as I quickly covered my mouth remembering how dangerous that was.

He let out a chuckle then went on to say.

"Don't worry most of the village is very much asleep."

I ran over to him and gave him a bear hug. I was super excited.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

I thanked him as many times as I could and I guess he thought I was talking too much because he kissed me. If I was talking too much which I wasn't. That was definitely a great way to shut me up. When his lips left my own his hand gently held my face.

"What was that for?" I asked him.

"Can't a man just kiss his beloved without interrogation?"

He teased.

"He can and I'm about to do the same." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him once more.

One kiss led to another and before I knew it we were naked on the ground and I was laying in his arms. His body was so warm against my own. His body perfectly chiseled. He had a few scars on his arms and chest.

"Damien. I think I'm in love with you."

He looked at me his facial expression unreadable. Then the corners of his lips went upward slightly a small smile appeared on his face.

"I was just about to tell you same thing. I love you Emilia Eventinô. I will love you until forever ends."

He said and just like that I felt my heart doing backflips and my cheeks basically turned pink.

"I love that thing you do when you blush. I love your gorgeous emerald green eyes. I love everything about you and this is why I want you to make me the happiest man alive or God in this case. Marry me."

He said.

I looked at him completely shocked at what he had just said.

"Yes! Yes! A million times yes!!"

I agreed without hesitation but I can't say he didn't catch me off guard. I didn't except that at all but it was a pleasant surprise. One of my best memories with Damien. If only things remained this simple.

The next morning I woke up at Damien's cabin. I had never slept in this late before. I am pretty sure I woke up at noon. I guess that happens when I'm fornincating with my fiance. Damien wasn't around. He had probably gone to the bakery to get bread.

I was not used to sitting around and twiddling my thumbs. So I cleaned up Damien's cabin as best as I could. Then he walked in with a dead deer and the stench alone was enough to give me a foul bit of nausea.

"Get that thing out of here Damien. Unless you want to witness me vomit." I told him as I drank some water to suppress my urge to vomit.

"Very well. I'll deal with it outside." He told me as dragged it outside.

We later cooked it and ate it.


Damien and I spent a full week living together that was until I heard news my father was ill.  The physician was not able to determine what his sickness was. I was at Damien's cabin.

"I can heal him." I told Damien.

"You can but why would you want to?"

He asked me.

"He's my father. That's reason enough."

I responded him.

"He hurt you. Multiple times. I think this is fate Emilia. Don't tamper with the law of nature."

He told me.

"I got these abilities so I could do my best to help those in need and that includes my father no matter what he did to me. He doesn't deserve death. No one does. Everyone can change."

I said to him as I left for my fathers home.

Which brings us to today. Even though he'd been sick with an unknown illness he still drowned himself in alcohol and slept till dusk. I took care of him as best I could and when he wasn't awake I did my best to heal him but to no avail.

The next day Damien showed up early in the morning. My father was still asleep. I just discovered something that might've changed everything.

"Damien I am with child."

Of course it was his.

It's not like I slept with anyone else.