Chapter 9

I could tell by the expression on his face that he was genuinely shocked. I couldn't tell whether he was excited or if his mind was wavering at the thought of the unborn child.

"Damien? Did you hear me?"

I asked him to see if he had heard me.

" I-I heard you. I'm just very shocked by all this."

He replied.

"Really? What's so shocking about all of his?"

I asked once more.

"Emilia. I have lived for centuries on this world and in the entirety of that lifetime. I have not once had a mortal child. A few immortal ones yes but I was still a God back then."

He explained.

"So what does this mean? Will this child be half God or something like that?"

I asked him once again unsure of what to expect.

"I honestly do not know. All we can do is hope for the best of both of us."

He answered me and just then a smile appeared on my face and I kissed him.

"I love your ability to put my mind at ease in times like these."

I told him as I ushered him outside.

"Well it's a gift really."

He said with a smug expression on his face.

"Now you're pushing your luck. I have work to do and father must not see you."

I said to him my smile unable to recede.

"You're throwing me out already. I'm wounded. Meet me by the lake at noon."

He said teasingly.


I said as I raised my voice and he planted a quick kiss on my forehead and then he left.

Okay now I'm worried. If he has never had a mortal child what am I to except. A God? A demon? A beast?

I couldn't stop my mind from racing after what Damien had just told me. I was unsure what to do. Unsure what I would be giving birth to and if it would even be human. I tried to distract myself from the thoughts by working but my mind wouldn't stop.

Ugh I need to talk to him.

At around noon. I went into town in search for Damien. When I didn't find him I assumed the only other place would've been was at his cabin. So I quickly went over there.


I yelled in hopes he was home.


I was responded with a deafening silence.

Where has he gone to now?

I facepalmed and left the premises then I remembered that he had asked me to meet him by the lake. I went there with haste.

"I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me."

He said as he sat by the shore and looked up at me.

"In all honesty I had forgotten. So why did you want to meet?"

I asked as if I had other matters to deal with which I didn't but that's not the point.

"Just wanted a day with a bit of normalcy. To clear our minds. No magic. No expectations. Just you and me sitting by this lake enjoying each other's company."

He said to me and at that moment I don't exactly know what it was but what he said suddenly made me relax. I felt as if he was right. We did need to just clear our minds.

"Well that's shockingly a good idea. Very rare. Who are you and what have you done with Damien?"

I said to him teasingly with a smile as he held me in his arm.

"The real shocking thing is you think my good idea is the product of an imposter. There you go again wounding my delicate feelings."

He said also teasingly.

"You have feelings?"

I gasped

"That's the first I'm hearing of this."

I said to him as I let out a small laugh.

In all honesty this is how most of our talks were. It was always sarcasm and backhanded compliments. I mean don't get me wrong I really loved spending time with him. This was just the way we expressed ourselves.

"But in all seriousness. I really enjoy spending time with you Emilia."

He said as he looked at me with those damned gorgeous blue eyes. There was something hypnotic about him. From his messy dark brown hair to his perfectly toned muscles and his eyes. I'm pretty sure that was one of my favorite features when it came to him. Why did everything have to get so complicated. And no it wasn't because of the baby.

"I enjoy spending time with you too Mr Devereno. I'm always comfortable around you."

I replied him.

He smiled and looked at the scenery. There were times I wished I knew what was going on in that head of his. I mean sometimes he could hide his feelings with ease and that makes it impossible to read him but that really didn't matter because I knew how I felt about him and I knew how he felt about me. For that brief moment everything was right with the world.

If only this moment could last forever.

As it got darker Damien got up and walked me to my house.

"I will see more of your beauty tomorrow my love."

He said a smile on his face.

"Very well Damien.Stay safe." I said to him.

Damien coupled my face with his warm hands and locked lips with me. I swear his lips were enchanting.

"Always." He said as he pulled away and faded away into the darkness of night.

I never really understood why what happens next happened but it did and I'm grateful Damien was there to help me.


I woke up at an ungodly hour to the sound of loud banging on the door. I walked over to the door still a bit disoriented.

"Who is it?"

I asked as I opened the door. It was Damien and he seemed rattled.

"Emilia. We have to go now."

He told me as he checked outside.

"Why what happened? Where are we going?"

I asked him.

"Emilia if you trust me you'll do this. I can't leave you at the mercy of this beast."

He said to me completely serious.

"Where is father?" I asked him hoping he'd know.

Usually he would have returned from the tavern and would be passed out in his chair but he wasn't here.

"Emilia one of the villagers saw us practising magic and they are coming for us. We need to go."

He said as I gasped in shock.

"We have to wait for my father!" I told him.

"Emilia your father is leading them!"

He revealed to me. At that point I felt a deep betrayal from my own flesh and blood. I mean yeh sure he did beat me several times once he almost killed me but this was something I never excepted from him.

Damien grabbed my arm and we fled the village in haste. I had never run as fast as I did that night. Once we were completely out of the village we saw a large cloud of smoke. They had burned down Damien's cabin.