Chapter 14

Samael/Lucifer Pov:

After Lilith and I had made our deal. I went to the realm that I had been banished to. Some call it hell others call it the underworld but to the Gods its simply known as Tartarus and it has always been the one realm know for serving the purpose of torture and suffering. It's no wonder Hades refused to be subjected to that awful realm. All the mortal suffering is enough to make one go mad.

In this realm a millenia felt like minutes. I endured and kept my mind level through this entire time. The one thing that drove my endurance was a deep hatred for my father. Not God. Damien.

He told me what was in my future. That I would be vilified, that my name would be tarnished. That I would suffer through more pain than any other being in existence.

He could have stopped this. He could've done something to help me but then again my hesitation did play a part in this prophecy being fulfilled.

I spent centuries pondering all these thoughts and before I knew it. I had returned to the moment I had left Damien and mother. I decided to go to them and show them what fate had been forced upon me.

I used my abilities to open a portal to their realm. I won't go into details but all I can say is after this reunion. I might've lost my family. It pains me to say that I expected this kind of reaction.

The last words I said before returning from this realm were.

" I am not a boy!! I AM THE DEVIL!!! FATHER OF ALL DEMONS AND THE RULER OF HELL!!! YOU ARE NOTHING!!! From this moment onwards I have no father. You're dead to me. Mother I shall see you soon. "

These words though true still did more damage than I could possibly imagine. I only wish I had handled the situation better. This is my biggest regret and deepest sorrow.


Emilia pov:

Almost a year passed after Samael... Lucifer had removed himself from the family. I kept my word to Damien and did not interact with Lucifer since that day. All has been well. We have been happy in the past few months. Damien continued to be as spontaneous as ever with random romantic gestures.

I think he feels the need to reassure me he did not mean what he said that day I honestly don't even care. I finally have the man I married back. The man I fell in love with.

Lately Damien and I have been more intimate once again. I think this time if we do by chance have a child we'll do better. That is all I hope for.

It's funny how days can move so quickly when everything is going wonderful. In the early cycles of the new year I discovered that I was once again with child.

I was overjoyed and also deeply concerned. The thought that this child was destined for the same fate as Lucifer honestly frightened me. I wasn't going to let that happen not again.

I made a vow to myself to protect my child with last dying breath no matter what threat may try to take child.

Nothing much of interest happened this year. There was something peculiar about the birth of my child. At first I thought by the ninth cycle I would have delivered this child but I spent the entire year with this pregnancy and this frightened even Damien.

"Emilia. The baby has been due for months now. If we do not deliver this child I fear the worst might be due."

Damien said to me in concern.

"Do what you must but do not hurt my child Damien."

I replied him.

Later that night. On the cusp of the new year Damien cast a powerful spell. This spell didn't just help me deliver the baby it made the process a painless procedure. One moment I was pregnant the next I was holding my new born daughter in my arms.

"What shall me name her?"

Damien asked me.

"My mother was druid. She lived in a village near here. Her name was Morgana. I think that would be a perfect name for her."

I said to him with a smile and I saw something in his eyes. A twinkle. Something I had not seen in quite a while. Damien was genuinely happy.

" It is a perfect for our little princess. "

Unlike Lucifer's birth. Morgana had no heavenly omens and no mysterious voice announcing her birth it was just quiet and we knew from the moment she cried that she was special.

"She's so beautiful."

I said as something wonderful and strange started happening. Some small objects started floating all around the room.

"Damien is that you?"

I asked him he shook his head no then we both looked at our daughter. She was a witch.

Hopefully she would have a brighter future than you know who.

Morgana grew in grace and beauty. She certainly took after me. About six years after her birth I had another child another boy. Emryce. I named him. Worry not his birth was average but he was anything but. We gifted him too with a druid name.

They were both wonderful children. The void left by Lucifer had finally been filled. We were happy. Happier than we'd ever been. Then it all changed and we lost everything.

Damien had gone hunting and the children and I were gathering food for supper. Then we heard yelling followed by a large angry mob. It was the humans.

They came with torches and pitchforks. We tried defending ourselves but they were too many of them and they brought royal guards from the Kingdom of Camelot under king Uther's command.

They tied us to stakes and tried to execute us with fire but I used every bit of power I had and cast a protection charm on myself and my children. Just as I was losing strength Damien appeared in very back of the crowd and saw them trying to kill us and he fought through them only to be stopped by an enchanted spear through his chest.


I called as I lost focus and the stakes caught on fire and the charm broke. I flung myself and the children to the side and broke the stakes. Then a man dressed in a long dark coat appeared and chanted a few words and my children collapsed. I quickly used the remaining bit of power I had left to hide my children's identities from the humans. I cast a spell known as an identity spell and I passed out from sheer exhaustion.

At least I knew my children were safe. I couldn't say the same about myself.