Chapter 15

Emilia Pov:

I woke up and I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was drowning. I tried swimming but I couldn't. I was trapped. My eyes were still sealed shut. I opened them to find myself incased in a tomb sorts. It was see through. There was water surrounding me. I tried breaking free with my magic but nothing worked. Then I looked through the see through material and saw Damien wake up. He pulled the spear from his chest then looked in my direction and walked away.

Damien Pov:

I had returned from yet another successful hunt. I was hauling a dead animal carcass when I saw the crowd of angry villagers surrounding my family. I saw Emilia and the children tied to stakes

"Uther you bastard!"

I thought to myself and instinctively dropped the carcass and started fighting my way through the humans. Then out of nowhere a spear pierced my chest and I felt myself loose mobility.


I heard Emilia cry. I tried to remove it from my chest but to no avail.

"What sorcery is this. I cannot move."

I thought to myself and suddenly everything went dark. It was probably the worst moment of my entire life. I was once again too weak to defend my family and worst of all is I was defeated by humans and it was all my fault.


Two months ago.

I had left my home and told Emilia thay I had gone to hunt. Truth being that I had other business to attend to. I went to Camelot. The kingdom of Uther Pendragon himself. He and I had an arrangement.

"Uther... Sorry your majesty. I bring to you another demon. I trust you still remember the terms of our agreement."

He nodded in agreement.

"In case you had forgotten. Let me remind you. A few years ago. The villagers feared the worst when my child was born. They came to you for help and I told you that I would give hunt down all the threats and bring them to you. In exchange you leave my family be. "

I refreshed his memory. He nodded once more.

" I assure you Damien. Our agreement still stands. Your family shall not be harmed. Now leave. "

I left as per his order.


I woke up with a spear in my chest and a massive pain in my head. I pulled the spear from my chest and it was the most agonizing pain I had ever felt.

I couldn't remember anything.Everything was a blur. I looked around the area to see if anything could jog my memory, all I saw was a crystal tomb or coffin of sorts. In it was a woman. I didn't recognize her.

I thought it better if I left her there. I didn't know why she was in the tomb so I thought there must've been a reason for it and I left. I had no idea where I was going.

All the roads looked the same. I came upon a group of people traveling to a land called Greece. I joined them. I felt a strange pull to this new land. These people were very kind.

Once we arrived at Greece I told them of my situation and they gladly helped me. They helped me find a home and work. I got a job as a blacksmith in a town called Athens. I was trained by a man named Delios. He was a skilled blacksmith. His weapons were the best in the land.

He was like the brother I never had or never remembered in this case. The next two years flew by in the blink of an eye and I was happy. I had a great family, well friends who were more like family and I enjoyed my job.

All this changed one day when mysterious travellers entered Athens. They rode in on horses and came directly to my place of work. I counted four male and one female.

"Hello travellers. What might I help you with?"

I asked them

"Your presence is required."

One of the men answered.

"I'm sorry. What?"

I asked them confused.

"Your wife requests your presence and she's not asking."

They said to me.

"Wife?! What wife?"

I asked once again

"We don't have time for this you're coming with us. Whether you like it or not."

The man replied in a demanding tone.

"Well I'm not going anywhere."

I said as I drew my sword.

The other men drew their weapons and dismounted from their horses all except the woman who remained seated on her black horse. I couldn't see her face it was hidden by her cloak.

"Stand down men."

She said to them as they put their weapons back and at the sound of her voice I felt something. I felt like I was supposed to remember her.

"Who are you?"

I asked them.

"That doesn't concern you. All you need to do is come with us."

She said then I gripped my sword tight and got ready for a fight.

"Like I said I'm not going anywhere."

I repeated myself.

"You always were stubborn," she said "take him.

I fought them off valiantly and with great tactic but they were too powerful one had a bow and some form of enchanted arrows. Another possessed a long whip and daggers. Alot of daggers. The rest had swords.

I tried fending them off but I couldn't so I ran. While I was running I got hit by one of the arrows and I began to feel dizzy and nauseated. I didn't stop running. I kept going.

They hunted me down for days. I came upon a bridge then the nausea took full effect and I collapsed. The last thing I remember was falling into the water and drifting in and out of consciousness and everything going black.


I woke up yelling at the vague memory of the nightmare I had or was it really a memory. I looked around and I was in a bed in someone's house and there was a red haired woman.

"W-where am I? Who are you?"

I asked her and she replied me with silence and took a damp cloth and used it to wipe my sweaty forehead.

"Hello? I asked you a question."

I continued talking and she remained silent.

I eventually gave up my attempts at figuring out where I was.

"Could this be the wife those men spoke of?"

I thought to myself then I shrugged the thought of and stood up.

"Well if you won't talk then I'll talk for both of us."

I said facing her.

"I was planning on telling you but now I'll just let you continue wondering."

She said as she left.