Chapter 16

Damien Pov:

So just to recap I woke up in a place I'm unfamiliar with and an attractive woman tending to my wounds and worst I still don't know how any of this connects to this supposed wife I have.

I spent most of the day locked in a room. The room was built of stone. Likely cobblestone and had a wooden roof. There was a small bed in the left corner and a single window above it at the far top. I couldn't see outside but I was able to see what time of day it was and I heard people moving around.

I didn't understand the language they spoke. To the right side of the room was a wooden bucket. I suppose that was meant for my excretion. She never came to me during the day.

It was always night time when she came to check on me and bring me food.

"I see you've once again returned."

I said to her as she entered.

"I thought you could do with some food."

She replied.

"Food is okay but I might go crazy if I am to be locked in here without company."

I told her.

"I am here, aren't I?"

She said.

"You barely stay for an hour. I honestly want to know how I might thank you for saving me."

I said sincerely.

"Well you could say thank you for starters and you could tell me your name."

She responded.

"Well thank you and excuse my manners. I am Malechisis. At least that's the name I remember being given. I have no memory of my life before two years ago."

I told her and explained.

"Interesting. I suppose you didn't know how you managed to survive three arrows to the chest either."

She said

"Wait. Three arrows?"

I asked her in shock.

She nodded. Then showed me the arrows. The tips of these arrows had a dim green glow. They were enchanted.

"Well Malechisis. Since you introduced yourself to me. I suppose I should do the same. My name is Genevieve Levant."

She said and in that moment I detected a hidden accent.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Levant. Now if you don't mind dropping the false accent. It would be nice if you were to trust a defenseless man."

I told her with slight smirk

"I'm not sure sure defenseless is the word I'd use in your case sir. Seeing as I watched you die the night I saved you and yet by some miracle or curse you still live and breathe."

She responded as she began talking in her original accent.

"I-- How?"

I replied her completely shocked by what she had revealed to me.

"You didn't thay either. Curious. Eat and rest. We'll talk more of this tomorrow."

She said with an unreadable expression on her face then left abruptly before I could even say anything else in response

"Yeh sure. Let's not talk about the massive issue you threw in my face!No I'll just eat!!"

I said having lost my temper for a second. Then I ate and proceeded to go to sleep. It was a long night seeing as I could not sleep. I had spent the entire night pondering what exactly I was.

So many things ran through my mind.

" Was I a demon? A vampire? A warlock?"

I asked myself these questions in my head. Then as the sun began setting. I heard someone moving around outside and Genevieve entered. It was as if she timed the sunset and chose to come immediately after it had become dark.

" Why do you never come during the day?"

I asked her out of mere curiosity.

"That is not something that should concern you. What you should worry about is getting your memory back."

She said and my brow raised in curiosity.

"Pray tell how might I go about in getting my memories?"

I asked her. She replied with silence and handed me an oak wood staff.

"Break this with your hands."

She said.

"Exactly how is this going to help me?"

I asked still a bit curious.

"Just do it."

I tried with all my might but the staff didn't break. Then I saw an amused grin on her face and suddenly I snapped it in two. I wasn't even trying when I broke it.

"What just happened?"

I asked her. Hoping she would have the answers.

"Well you're not a vampire. So I believe that's good news for me. Now I need you to relax this next test might get a bit intimate."

She said and her face got close to my own. Her lips brushed up against my own and she took off the garments I wore. I began to feel my body begin to get a little bit hotter.

Then as I started kissing her back she pulled away.

" Seriously? "

I said to her.

"You don't kiss a person unexpectedly and suddenly stop. At least explain what it was you were testing for."

I said to her.

"That last one wasn't a test. I just wanted to see if you were a good kisser."

She said teasingly and then walked out. This time she left the door unlocked.

"You've earned yourself some time outside. Don't squander it."

She said as she slowly walked in front of me. I took a stroll in this kingdom. I was still unaware of it's name.

"Welcome to France. Just don't get yourself killed anytime soon."

She said as she left him to explore the kingdom.

He simply smiled as she walked off.

I gazed at the magnificent beauty of this small kingdom. It was small but quite extraordinary at the same time. The kingdom wasn't the only thing that was beautiful.

"Genevieve seems like she's one of a kind. I hope she can help restore my memories and I wouldn't mind having some more of her intimate tests too."

I thought to myself.

"It took two years and being dead to find a way to restore my memories now I'm closer than ever before."

I continued to think to myself.