The Verdict

I rushed towards my chambers, picked up the phone and called the infirmary physician "Hello, Doctor Davis! Did Captain Monty stop by?" I asked gasping for air

"Your Highness, Good evening! Captain? Oh the Captain! No, I haven't seen him since this morning when I arrived" the old man answered sounding as cheerful as always

"Please call me as soon as he arrives, thank you." I should've come with him, he isn't in the right state to be alone right now. What should I do? I asked myself

"Is everything alright, Your Highness? You sound agitated for some reason" he asked concern in his voice

"I-I'm alright Doctor but please tend to the Captain as soon as he arrives and let me know what happens" I requested as I was getting more and more distressed about the situation

"Of course, Your Highness." he respectfully replied "I think he's already here, I can hear a horse getting closer. I'll call you after I tend to him, Your Highness"

"Sure. Thank you Doctor." the line ended there

He rode a horse? I know it's faster but his wounds will open up and will be excruciatingly painful, I thought to myself as I paced back and forth in front of the phone. Looking frantically at the big round pink clock that hung on my closet wall

Half an hour passed when the silver device ringed violently in its place, I quickly picked it up and waited for an old deep voice to speak on the other end of the receiver but to my surprise it was the disappointed tone of my cousin

"You tried to hide such a serious incident from me." he coldly said, I already knew what he was talking about and my hands began to tremble, I was left speechless as he continued to talk "How irresponsible can you get, Mia!" he was shouting from the other end of the line but it felt as if he was just beside me "Meet me at the infirmary now!" then the line was cut off leaving me in the presence of the continuous annoying beeping sound

This is all my fault and I should face the consequences, i thought to myself but deep down I was frightened not by how mad Julien was but how critical Monty was for him to get so worked up

I desperately tried to put the phone back in its place but ended up throwing it over the bed instead. It all dawned on me, hastily catching my coat from it's stand then bolting out of my room while putting it on I darted down the stairs and onto the back door which led closer to the infirmary. Guards and maids bowed as I passed through but I ignored them all, my mind was only focused on seeing Monty


A metallic tang quickly whipped my nose as I found consciousness within the darkness of my vision. The more conscious I became, the more smells I could recognize. There were a number of scents that tickled my nose then it caught the smell of iron which my brain quickly screamed blood!

I desperately tried to open my eyes but it felt too heavy, forcing myself. I slowly moved my eyelids and carefully opened them, a blinding ray of light welcomed me filling the darkness that had surrounded me earlier.

Looking around the familiar interior of the infirmary came into my vision, recognizing the metallic smell as stainless steel in the open air I felt relieved.

Forgetting my injuries I sat up and regretted it as quickly as I did, a burning sensation quickly spread through my side as I could feel the tissues of my skin slowly being pulled apart. Noticing that everything around me started to spin and feeling disoriented I plopped back down into the bed

A faint conversation was nearby followed by footsteps getting louder and louder, it was a s if someone was running.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!" a very sweaty panting Princess suddenly came into vision, she hadn't changed her clothes yet, her coat was carelessly thrown on her shoulders, making it all wrinkled and shabby. I have never seen her like this before, she's very meticulous when it comes to her clothing

Tired, she was clinging to the door frame for support as she was catching her breath, eyes closed, her face was covered in sweat and her hair was a mess

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh of amusement, "Your Highness" I greeted as I looked up at her from the bed "Why did you run all the way here?" I asked teasingly

She extended a hand over to me with her palm open, signaling me to give her a minute to recover

After a few deep breaths she trotted next to me

"How are you feeling?" she asked taking my hand in hers

Footsteps from outside got louder and we quickly let go of each other

"He's doing well, Your Highness despite him losing a lot of blood" the Doctor answered her kindly he looked at both of us "He just needs to rest." he continued to get closer and put a hand on my shoulder "You should avoid walking around too much" he told me

A few minutes later, the King came in looking displeased

"Your Majesty" I said trying to sit up but he waved a hand instructing me to stay in bed, the old man bowed respectfully and the Princess looked worried

"Captain, your excuse for a few days to rest. The Doctor will make sure to look after you until you fully recover" he commanded unwavering

"But Your Majesty, with all due respect, this is just a small wound. My injuries aren't even that serious" I explained

"That's an order, Captain." he said firmly "You lost a lot of blood and I need you on your best when we proceed with the plans next week" he pointed out reminding me of the planned assault against the Queen Mother

"I understand, Your Majesty." I agreed, weighing the urgency of the issue

"And as for you, Princess Mia. I've arranged for you to study overseas alongside Prince James, We'll discuss this further once he gets back for the party next week" Prince James is Princess Mia's father

I was confused and dumbfounded as to what's happening between the two cousins, it was all too sudden

"Bu-But Julien!" the Princess exclaimed wide eyed in shock

"My decision is final Princess. I'll go ahead, don't be late for dinner" he commanded with a hard tone, he was dead serious as he looked the Princess in the eye while saying all that "As for you Captain, I'll tell them of your absence" the King immediately left afterwards leaving us both dumbstruck

"I'll leave the two of you alone to talk. Excuse me Your Highness, Captain" the Doctor said breaking the silence, he bowed respectively and left out the same door the King had disappeared into a few moments ago