Who's getting married?!

That morning Julien saw his cousin happily stood up and ran towards the infirmary to greet the Captain, Monty was supposed to be moved to his personal chambers in order to fully recover from his wounds.

He gazed at the now empty seat beside him, his eyes were filled with sadness and his face looked like it aged too quickly. He was only 23 years old but he didn't feel that young anymore. His smile has been absent for too long and his mind has been too occupied by all that's happening.

All he could do was let out a low sigh as he recalled the events that had happened the night before, he felt guilty for his decisions but he couldn't think of any other way to save the Princess.

"Doctor Davis, about your proposition earlier. I would want to see this in action tomorrow morning and would like you to consider my offer" he announced to the person on the other line, clearly showing authority

He was standing behind his desk inside the library, tall and regal as always. Mia has just left the room, skeptical of his behavior but he can't let himself be shaken that easily, not now that his family needs him to be stronger than ever. Looking outside of the tall windows, his precious garden came into view as he prepared himself for more guilt

"I understand, Your Majesty" the old man's voice answered on the other line

"Have you mentioned it already to your daughter?" Julien continued, gripping the phone's handle with every word. His heart was heavy, knowing the implications of his decisions to his cousin, but he had no choice but to find a better solution or else she would suffer greatly

"Not yet, Your Majesty. I'll let her know once she arrives tomorrow" the old man's voice was filled with confusion and delight "Your, Majesty, inquiring about the Captain's parents. Will they agree to such an agreement?"

"Don't worry Doctor, I'll handle everything and I'm sure that both of them will bring honor to your families" he was genuine at that, the old man has been a loyal part of the Royal family's entourage for many years now as his ancestors where in the past despite who over sits on the throne

"Thank you so much Your Majesty for the wonderful offer, I'm sure my Emilia would be astonished by such a great opportunity!" the old man exclaimed as he couldn't contain his joy from the news

"No, thank you Doctor for accepting my offer on such short notice" he smiled bitterly at the statement "I must go now, thank you for your time" he was ready to take the burden off of everyone's shoulders, being the bad guy in everyone's eyes

"I will leave you now to rest, Your Majesty. Goodnight." the old man respectfully said "My Emilia marrying the Captain of the Royal Guards, what a spectacle for the Davis family!" the old man mumbled, unaware that he was still on the other line

*Beep* *Beep*

The other line cut into a beeping sound indicating the caller on the other end was already gone

Julien blankly stared at the bench where they all used to play, if only he could go back in time where he wasn't the King and was just a little boy, innocent of the cruel world they live in

The corner of his lips slowly arched upwards as he pictures the three of them happily talking on that bench; Mia, Monty and himself, if only they lived in a better time

Returning the phone back to its receiver, he let out another sigh while closing his eyes shut. His hands firmly overlapped against his back

After a few more minutes of contemplating, he slowly walked towards the door to leave

"Your Majesty, are you alright?" the Royal chancellor asked, bringing back the Julien to the present from his deep thought

"Y-Yes I am, chancellor" he answered disoriented, the chancellor gave him a worried look but decided to shrug it off seeing that the King isn't interested to share anything "Did you look into what I was asking for?"

"I did, Your Majesty. It seems that the men were informed about the Princess leaving the castle and were ambushed on purpose" the tall skinny man answered quietly, his tan complexion and brown short hair made him look older than he really is with wrinkles surrounding his mouth and darkened eyes that showed countless sleepless nights. His eyes were light brown and had a high pitch voice.

Coincidentally, his name was Chancellor because his father wanted him to be a chancellor someday before abandoning him on the streets for his teeth poking out, imperfection was treated as bad luck

"Did you find out who gave them the information?"

"I'm very sorry, Your Majesty but I'm still working on it"

"Keep looking and make sure to keep everything a secret especially from the Princess" they were whispering as many eyes were watching them :"We don't know who can be trusted yet"

"Even the Princess, Your Majesty?" chancellor asked with a confused look on his face

Julien just stared at him in disbelief

"So not including the Princess" he said giving off a questioning look

"Yes, but keep quiet. You know how impulsive she is. Gather everything you can then report back immediately" Julien ordered

"Yes, Your Majesty" Chancellor nodded then bowed to him\

"When you go out. Please tell Doctor Davis to meet me here now. Thank you."

Chancellor was an outgoing teenager who entered the palace when he was around 9 years old, the Late King saw it as something unique, he was offered education and he chose to serve the Royal Family instead after graduating.

The Late King was remembered as a very devoted and kind ruler unlike his relatives that sat on the throne before him. The crown was originally passed on to his uncle who abused his power and sold everything he could, from women to children as slaves and men for labor work; he was greedy and selfish. He died not long after at the age of 42 and was replaced by his brother who almost got the entire castle burned down to the ground from disrespecting princesses from other kingdoms at parties, he was a known womanizer and corrupt King.

The Late King took over after 6 generations of incompetent Kings and ever since has paved his way into making the kingdom a better place for everyone. He gave children free education, taught families to plant food for themselves and helped victims of pirates start a new life. It was a prosperous time and Julien wanted to be just like his father, a good ruler and a great part of the Royal family even if it meant a few sacrifices along the way