Arranged Marriages?

When Doctor Davis left Emilia suddenly changed from being quietly shy to being clingy. She suddenly came closer to Monty and held his arm.

Monty being the gentleman he was politely asked her to let go "It's okay Emilia, I can handle this myself" he was slowly walking holding a cane for support as Doctor Davis instructed but she didn't let go

"I insist Captain, my father had entrusted you in my care. I plan to make sure you get all the care you need" she sounded nice at first but her last statement didn't felt right, it was as if she was flirting with him

Emilia was around 19 years old I guess, based on her looks and educational status she was smart and gorgeous. I can't blame her for liking Monty, he was perfect but flirting with a stranger in broad daylight and in my presence was unacceptable

"Emilia, can you please get the book Monty was reading earlier from the infirmary."