Never Marry Another

Their parents were still not home, the entire castle suddenly felt lonely and empty as she made her way up the stairs and threw herself onto the bed. Quietly sobbing on her pillow until she fell asleep

Both were unaware of Mia's presence just now and continued with their conversation

"I know this is too much to ask Monty but this is the only way I could ensure Mia's future" Julien knows what he's asking from both of them, sacrificing them both but he believes it will be for the best interest of everyone 

Mia might be in love right now but there's no doubt that Monty wouldn't be able to provide Mia's needs and lifestyle as opposed to her marrying a wealthy Prince or King. They would end up getting tired of each other, Mia getting tired of being poor whilst Monty being exhausted of her whining. Leaving them arguing and eventually hating each other but he knew very well not to stoop that low.