Another Way to Die

BTR Part Eight- Another Way to Die.

Thatcher had injured himself and you were two months into the build with a month left to go before Takeover New Orleans. Thankfully, a stud who had signed months back was ready to step up and he was a monster. James Fatality was a natural heel in look and in terms of skill he was as talented a big man you've ever watched and seen. He was a large man, 6'8, 345 pounds of solid muscles, and yet there was inate sweetness to him as he asked what moves you could see best. You were to cut a promo about Thatcher being injured and ask for anyone in the back to step up. He would then appear with a lights out and a little video package that would surely hyped the crowd who had been waiting for his debut for a while. You headed to the back and grabbed the belt and as you did you found Brooke talking with Heather and Kacy as you asked them what was going on. Brooke was challenging Scarlett for the belt again but Brooke was pushing for Heather to win the title and she seemed to be a little uncomfortable with that but you tell her she can handle it and that the belt is only a motivator. She smiles and says it's not up to her but that she won't fight it if they push it. Kacy asks what you think about James and you give an honest opinion as she smirks and says out loud how big his cock has to be. Brooke smacks her on the shoulder as Kacy giggled as Rhea comes over and picks her up as she asks what's going on. You fill her in and Rhea looks at Kacy who just giggled as Rhea sets her down and says she'll find out for her. Kacy tells her not too but Rhea was already gone and you just shook your head and headed to gorilla as you knew your segment was up.

Your music hits and you get the normal pop as you cut the promo and wait for the lights out and the promo package which gets a huge pop as he says who he is and what he's about. When the lights hit the crowd was going ape and you turned and took a helluva clothesline. James quickly grabs you and pulls you up, hitting you with a ripcord lariat that you sell your ass off. He then pulls you up to between his legs and hits you with the Fatality Bomb, a sit out last ride type powerbomb that looked great but equally hurt like a son of a bitch. The segment ends with James standing on your chest screaming his catchphrase "Another way to Die!" and holding the NA Title up high as he gutterall yells and drinks in the crowd pops as the lights eventually dim and he drops the belt and heads to the back as you sell the move for another minute before you're being helped up and you scoop up the belt and head to the back as the crowd claps for you and as you hit the back James is instantly there and asks if you're okay. You say you are and the producers tell you that it looked great and James seems extremely humble as he asks if he's needed and the two of you are relieved for the night. You ask if he wants to go for drinks and go over the takeover match and he says for sure and that he'll meet you in the locker room. You head off and go and talk with Shawn and he tells you he loved what he saw and that he thinks you and James will steal the show. You ask if the plan was still to drop the title and Shawn wasn't sure and you state you wouldn't mind drooping it to put James over even strongly. Shawn laughs and says not to be too kind about giving up the spot, but since you were going for the NXT title soon he didn't see it as a entirely bad thing. You thank Shawn for the words and head to the back as you find Heather again, on her phone text as you ask what was going on and she smirks and says nothing, just wondering if she was really ready for a title here. You tell her she should be and as you ask if she had seen James she smirked and says to follow her.

Heather leads you to the locker room and you sigh and say who and she says you'll see as she leads you in and closed the door behind you as you heard the showering going. You set the belt down and watch as Heather had begun taking her clothes off as you went and looked around the corner as you see James's large frame as Rhea was nude and having the water cascading down over her as she was squatted down and sucking James off, Rhea being aggressive as she had a hand wrapped around his dick and was stroking him off as she gagged him down as he was nearly if not slightly larger then you and as Rhea gagged herself up and down along his length you felt being pulled back as Heather grabbed you and pushed you against the locker as you smirked as she violently ripped your jeans and boxers down as your dick sprang out and up near her lips as she kissed at your tip before she slowly took you into her mouth, her tongue swirling along the inches she takes down into her mouth as she looks up at you and just smirks as the sight of Heather sucking your cock down was never a sight you thought you could ever get rid of, there was just something about her and as she works you further down repeatedly and hungrily, you could hear slapping sounds and Rhea crying out as Heather was getting turned on by this as well and had slurped herself off and turned around, putting her ass against your as she reached and grabs your dick and presses it to her cunt your hands grabbing her hips as you press her back and push forward, sinking six inches in easily before you start rocking in and out, pressing seven inches in and out of her cunt as Heather places her hands in her knees as she slams herself back and begins to cry out, maybe so that Rhea can hear as you were thrusting into her harder as you wanted to make her feel good, and as her ass bounced against you you wrapped your arm around her chest and gripped her breasts as she coos and giggles happily as you worked seven and a half inches over and over and over again as she coos and you feel her pussy spasming as she cums, her pussy clenching up around your dick as she feels your cock throbbing as she looks back and tells you not to stop, not to cum which was only making you draw closer as you kissed her shoulders as you had leaned in and were slamming faster and faster as you felt your orgasm building as Heather tells you, begs you not to cum and just as her orgasm spills over she pleads for it and as she shudders and clenches up around your dick you groan and let loose, ropes of cum firing off into her womb as your slapped her ass and held her cheeks as you strained and just held firm, letting all seven inches pulse and jerk as you spilled all of this loads jizz inside of Heather as she just wants and moans happily.

You pulled out slowly as Heather stand and runs her pussy as some cum seeps out of her cunt and down her thigh as she giggled and pulls your wrist as she takes you into the shower and walks over towards Rhea who was on her hands and knees as James was slamming into her ass from behind as he held her hips and was really giving it to her as Rhea smirks at the sight of you two as Heather gets into her hands and knees right in front of Rhea and looks at you as she wiggles her ass at you. You smirk and begin to line up with her asshole as Rhea tells James to go harder which he does as Rhea moans happily as she feels James slamming his cock into her cunt as the force was causing her breasts to slap together as You began to push into Heather's ass, Heather sucking her teeth in as she groaned out, Rhea telling James to pull out and fuck her ass as James eyes you and you just nod as he licks his lips and does as he's told as you began to rock into Heather's ass with five and a half inches as Rhea groans and coos out in her thick accent as she looks back at James and tells him not to be gentle as James worked a large amount of his length in and out of Rhea's ass as you and Heather were acquainted with one another and so you picked up speed gradually as Rhea was crying out as James wasn't going slow or soft and Rhea had intense pleasure and pain on her face as Heather just cooed and smirked as she leans forward and locks lips with Rhea as the two kiss as they were being reamed hard in the ass, Heather and Rhea braking their kiss as Rhea cums, her hand rubbing her pussy between her legs as Heather bucks back and you kept cramming six and a half inches in repeatedly as she eventually reaches down and cums into her hand as Rhea forces herself back as James was sweating and straining even as the water from the shower was hitting him down his back and soon be slammed into Rhea often before he cried out and jerked as Rhea moans out as James cums, filling her asshole as Heather giggles at the sight and moans as the sight of that made you aroused and you began throbbing against her tight sphincter as Heather makes an "O" face and shudders as she cums into her hand again, your hands grabbing her hips as you rocked into her over and over again before your balls stirred and exploded within a matter of moments as you filled her rectum with cum as James had pulled bout from Rhea and was taking a shower for real as Rhea simply walked by you, grabbed your face and kissed you and then pulled away hard as she bit you bottom lip and then walked out grabbing a towel as she strutted off as some of James's cum fell from her ass and onto the floor as your cock pulsed and jerked as you coated her intestines with hot seed as Heather just moans happily before she pulls herself off and turns around and kisses you as she gives you a hug and holds you to her for a long minute as she lays soft tender kisses all over you and then gets up and heads out as you follow her and grab your clothes as you towel down together.

You wait for James as Heather blushes and introduces herself as James shakes her hand and she says she's sure Kacy will have her answer now as James chuckled and you tell Heather you're heading off as you and James head to your car as you drive to a nearby restaurant and order some drinks as the two of you get to know each other better and talk about the match and how James had been officially introduced to the others and how things run. It was an enthralling and enlightening few hours and you were glad to have another person come into the universe that you could connect with. You invite him to the house and call Noelle to let her know he was coming over as the two of you order a final drink and just talk about life and work in general.
