Game Night

BTR Part Nine- Game Night

You were over at Keith and Mia's as it was their night to host the game night, and they had just gotten off of their smackdown tour. Alisteir and Zelina were facing off on Mortal Kombat 11, as Noelle, Keith, Mitch and Lacey, who was going through some sort of home troubles as she and Mitch were pretty much always seen together nowadays which made you happy for Mitch as he really liked her. Rhea and her man were there along with Britt Baker and Adam Cole and Leva was here cuz she was always here. Jessamyn had shown up a bit later and was up next against Leva as they were the only non couple pair who hadn't gone yet. Mia had pulled you away from the others and you were on the floor in her room, her cunt slamming itself down over your hard aching cock as your hands were gripping her beautiful breasts as she tells you to stop being a bitch and fuck her, your hips beginning to ramp up in speed and intensity as she coos and "oh yeah" and starts to work herself down to meet your thrusts as the opposing friction was drawing your orgasm as hers finally crested through her and she shudders and covers her mouth as she cums, her cunt clenching around your dick as you groaned out and kept ramming seven inches into her repeatedly as she curses and tells you to hurry up as she doesn't want to miss her turn and you felt some sweat dripping as you focused on cumming and soon as she lets another little mini orgasm rock her you groan out and tell her it's coming as she feels you throbbing against her inner walls which clenched up around you and she smirks as she kegels and holds firm as you cried out and started cumming inside of her milking pussy as she pinched her nipples as your hands grabbed her hips and you held her down against your pulsating cock as you felt rope after rope of hot cream firing into her womb and along her inner walls as she leans down and kisses you for a quick moment before she pulls herself off even before your dick had finished. You groaned and grunted angrily as she smirks and watches as some cum drips out of her cunt and down her leg as she quickly re dressed and tells you to hurry up as you just laid there and moaned out as you collected your thoughts as Mia left and shut the door.

You didn't even make it to your feet before the door opened and Britt came in and quickly stepped on your chest as you fell back, cock still hard and pulsing as she smirks and says "Mia told me you were uh...needing some help maybe...I am a doctor". She gets to her knees and moves her hair from her face as she takes you into her mouth and begins to suck you off as you make the joke that she's a dentist and she flips you off and sucks your cock happily before she hikes her dress skirt up and lowers her panties off as she takes a leg out and straddles you as Nia had just done. You groaned as her tight cunt worked itself down over your length as she gets six cum covered inches I'm and smirking she tells you you have three minutes to cum or else Adam was gonna get curious about where she was and she crashes herself down as you reached up but she slaps a hand away, keeping her diva side in full effect as she giggled and gets a better angle with her heels as she slams down as you fucked up and worked into her pussy repeatedly as she orgasmed with the first thirty seconds and as she slowed down you kept thrusting up, keeping the pace as Mia's dick move had you still rearing to go and as Britt bit her bottom lip and came again, you grunted and told you were going to cum and she quickly gets off of you which causes you to almost flip shit but she quickly takes you down her throat, holding herself over six and a half inches down her mouth as you felt her stroking your orgasm out and she moans as she feels your dick throbbing and soon you groaned out and bucked up as your balls let loose and you begin cumming down her mouth and throat, her mouth bobbing up and along happily as she moans out as she massages your balls and takes every drop of cum down her throat as she eventually slurps herself off as your cock started to slowly stop jerking as she licks her lips and winks at you as she licks your tip before she slips her leg back into her panties and hikes her skirt down as she blows you a kiss and leaves you there in a shaking and disheveled mess.

You take about five minutes and come back into the living room looking clearly worked over as Keith just smirks and laughs as he hands you a beer and tells you what was going on as Jessamyn had won and was now facing Mitch in a best of three series. You join in with everyone and as your turn comes up you are paired against Zelina who instantly demolishes you. You sigh as everyone ribs you good as Alisteir tells you not to take it personally as she was going to wreck everyone. The losers of the last round were all playing for a chance to get back into the next round and you knew you had some time to waste as you went and grabbed another beer and as you did Zelina smirks at you and winks as she heads to the bathroom, your eyebrow raising as you see her hand disappearing down the hall as she curls a finger to follow. You shut the door to the bathroom and lock it as Zelina leans up and pulls you down to kiss her as she jumps up into your arms and you set her against the kitchen sink as she tells you you suck at fighting games which you just shrug at as she tells you to help her pull her shorts and panties off as you watch as she hikes her legs up and tells you to "get to licking" as she grabs your hair and mashed your face to her cunt as you gripped her legs and began to run your tongue repeatedly in long strokes against her dripping wet cunt as she moans out and slaps a hand against the mirror as she shudders and cums against your tongue as she grinds her hips as best as she could in this position as you lock your lips to her cunt and draw hungrily as you suck her wet lips and suck down her second shakily legged orgasm as she smacks at you and tells you to fuck her right now and you take your shorts and underwear down as you lean and line up as you press inside and feel her cunt gripping you tightly as you groan out loudly as she cries out as she grabs your shirt collar and feels your struggle to push six and a half inches in as she was extremely tight, her wetness not doing much to elevate that pain as you and her pant and moan in tandem as you began to rock into her hard, knowing you didn't have all night as you fucked Zelinas cunt wild and hard, thrust after thrust pounding into her cunt with a hunger and rawness as she grabs and slaps at you before shuddering and biting her tongue to stop from crying out any louder as she cums hard, her pussy clamping around your cock as you couldn't believe how tight she was and it wasn't much longer after her orgasm that yours began to bubble and as she calls you a bunch of names and licks her lips as she grins that snake charmer grin of hers you feel your cock throbbing against her inner walls as she shakes and begins to cum yet again but you were far behind as you pushed jnisde and grunted as you started firing off strand after strand of hot cum inside or her sapping cunt, your body sweating as you panted and moaned as this third orgasm was just as if not more intense and you held most of your length inside of her until every last drop spilled out of you and into her womb as you pulled slowly out once your cock had finally stopped jerking.

You and her collected yourselves before heading back out and joining with the others as you gave Noelle a kiss to her head as she was taking on Adam, and you and Mitch bumped fist as he knew what you had did and you both just chuckle to yourselves as the rest of the game night goes off without a hitch.
