Burnt Bridges

BTR Part Thirty Seven- Burnt Bridges.

The dirt sheets came out with story after story broken up from the juicy bits of your scorched earth pipe bomb shoot on your time with the main roster. You got calls from damn near everybody wanting a statement or another interview. Guys and gals from all the promotions were either praising your honesty and asking what the hell was wrong with you. You didn't have a good answer for anyone really and said simply they were your opinions and nothing more. James Fatality gave a statement saying you were a crybaby and thought the world owed everything. A Lot of the former WWE guys supported you and said you weren't wrong. Some still within the company thanked you for saying what they couldn't. Becky Lynch called and asked to talk with you for lunch as she didn't know you were having such a hard time back then and was feeling remorseful. Britt baker sent you nudes as a thank you which you didn't quite get but also didn't mind and shared them with Noelle who sent some back to her as a fun little fuck you. You did your live Dynamite appearance and match with Rey Fenix that went off well, and stayed for a Dark Elevation taking to do a promo and then get attacked by Lance. You and Lance caught up and had dinner and he asked about why you said all those things and you gave him the same answers, which didn't seem to satisfy anyone. When Rhea Ripley sent you a text saying simply "Get Your Ass Over Here. Now." You paid for the dinner, caught an Uber and did just that.

Rhea was not in a good mood, the look on her face coupled with the intense downward thrusts as she was squatted over your dick and fucking eight and a half inches deep inside of her with a reckless fury may have also tipped you off. She was spouting things at you as her breasts swung and heaved with every downward thrust as her large ass smacked your toned thighs, your hips moving up to match her thrusts but it added little as she was dominating you, her large arm pinning and choking you as she asked why you said what you said, were you trying to be an asshole!? Were you wanting to never come back. You said what about vince!? She screamed in your face as she would try and stifle her moans but you knew every time she did her cunt would lock up around your dick or drench it in excessive juices and she slammed herself down in this violent cowgirl style for several more minutes until she said you could cum as she was tired and you grunted and groaned and closed your eyes as you let your orgasm rip through your balls, and out of your tip as your throbbing member skirted globs of hot seed deep into the Brutal Superstars amazingly wet and tight cunt. She slowed down and let her own spasming inner walls clench and milk your load as she cries out and shakes her head angrily screaming as she came halfway through your orgasm, the two of you staying in the his frozen pose as your crotches began to subside from the intensity of the orgasms. She pulled herself off and grabbed your pants and threw them at you as she told you to get the fuck out. You said she looked great as you changed but she didn't wanna hear anything as just continues to berate you about the podcast. She kept screaming and cursing you out until you walked out of her door and closed it. Sitting down at the curb as you waited for an uber. You texted Renee who had gotten back recently from a vacation with her husband and asked if maybe you could do a second interview. She said she'll set it up and you could do it by zoom in a few days. Your Uber arrives and you take it home, crawling into bed with Noelle who half asleep Instinctively turned and pulled you into a much needed cuddle. You loved this woman more and more each day.

The next morning came and you showered and found Noelle downstairs, talking with her father, Mick, the hardcore legend. He hugged you and you and him went out back to the shaded patio setup you and Noelle had put up earlier in the year. He asked what the hell you were thinking and you answered honestly as Nick listened and laughed as his daughter brought him a drink and told you to get your own. You laughed at that and Mick said that he can't say he disagrees with you but that major flaw, your fatal mistake, was saying those things while not being a top guy, at least to Vince. The guys who were on the top, even briefly, can say those things with minor blowback and maybe eventually get resigned or get added to the hall because at some point Vince respected them. And based off of your main roster run, Vince didn't exactly respect you, or think of you highly. You didn't think of this and you felt honestly even worse about it as Mick says everyone who watched you in NXT and in the moments you were allowed to shine knows you're a hell of a talent, but if the big man doesn't see greatness, he never will. You took that with a grain of salt and tried to steer the conversation to something else as you and Mick talked for a few hours before he and Noelle had to head out to get him to an appointment and then back home. You hugged him and thanked him for talking and listening to you and he said he loves you and left with your wife who said she'd be back later that night. Your phone was always blowing up and you texted back a few people, like Cody, Jericho, Seth who was being supportive while also staying out of it, and Morrison who was being told from Taya who was still with NXT (she signed a few summers back) that a lot of the NXT brass we're glad for you but that Vince was irate and was forcing Hunter to punish or stop pushes from anyone who openly speaks up about it, through social or the dirt sheets. You felt bad and was glad you could do another pod with Renee and maybe soften the blow on your friends still in the company's employ. You tried your best to keep busy and not focus on things but article after article about your quotes were being posted or updated and you couldn't help yourself as you read them and the comments and just the toxicness if it all, it was becoming too much. Your fans were your fans but the WWE marks wanted blood and you understood that. Five o'clock came around and you called Noelle to see how the doctors went and during that call you heard the doorbell go off. You went and checked the camera first and you swallowed so loudly that Noelle asked if you were okay. You told her you'd call her back and you answered the door hastily as Stephanie McMahon scowled at you, pushed by you and walked into your home. You closed the door with a look of complete fear.

You turned to her as she didn't waste any time and slapped you, slapped you so hard that you literally saw stars as Stephanie grabbed your waistband of your gym shorts and yanked then down as she squatted down and began to jerk you off with one hand while just glaring at you. You asked why she was here and she didn't speak as she mean mugged you and jerked your growing dick as your fear and arousal grew. She continues to jerk you off before she angrily and hastily began sucking you off, her hand still stroking what she wasn't putting into her mouth as you could see her lipstick marks on your cock as she reached up and pulled her breasts out from the business top she was wearing, the sight of her large breasts coming out as she sucked you down aggressively just made your body react as your dick twitched and continued to stiffen as Stephanie let your cock fall out of her mouth with a audible "plop" as she stood and hiked her business skirt up and over her ass as she had no panties on and going to your kitchen counter she leaned over and assumed the doggystyle position as you didn't waste her time and quickly got behind her and pushed into her cunt. She didn't scream, or moan loudly as if yo tell you she enjoyed it, she just moaned, snapped her head back and glares at you without saying a word as you grabbed her hips and pumped your hips back and forth as you worked seven and a half inches deep into the bosses daughter, her little moans escaping every now and then as she was doing the same thing that Rhea had done, covering up her orgasming moans with angry snarls and snarks as she finally called you an ungrateful little shit while covering the fact that her pussy trembled and constricted around your pistoning cock as you pumped harder, fucking her the way she likes which was only making her say more and more nasty and hurtful things. You didn't stop and she didn't seem to want to stop you, your throbbing manhood expanding against her tight inner walls as she moaned and cursed at you while she bucked her hips back and fucked you back as you groaned and moaned and eventually with each grunt and thrust, you let your orgasm loose and filled her milfy cunt with strands of hot globby seed, Stephanie orgasming right after your third strand of cum pools up inside of her womb as she bucks back and then pulls herself off, pushing you down as you hit the floor hard as your dick was still shooting the last strands of cum which hit the floor as Stephanie takes her geeks off and stands over your kao as she rubs her right foot over your jerking cock, edging your orgasm as you squirmed and groaned as it hurt and the sensitivity was made only worse by her exploiting your fetish while keeping you hard. You moaned and tried to say you were sorry but she snapped at you that she did everything for you, you could see the anger was mixed with hurt and you remembered that Stephanie really did go to bat for you, even when you were just a backstage nobody who became a lothario. You felt a great shame about how that interview could've hurt her and before you could say anything else she mounted you on the floor in reverse cowgirl and put you back inside of her cum filled twat as the few strands that were inside had stuck to her inner walls and so the immediate loud sound of "squish" filled the living room as she worked herself up and down leaning back as she palmed the floor beside your stomach and worked her toned and muscular legs up and down to generate the rocking motion as she worked herself up and along six and a half inches as you just laid there and accepted whatever She had planned for you. She rode you for several minutes, and you figured her not being able to see your face was making her more comfortable crying out and moaning when she orgasmed. Your cock was rigid and hard but it was hurting from the sensitivity and the way she curbed your first load and so as the second load began bubbling there was a bit of discomfort. She felt your cock throbbing and pulled herself off as she then turned onto her ass and strokes your dick with both hands, calling you all sorts of things while watching your face as she pumped your rod until you couldn't hold back and you let out a large spurt of cum that fired straight into the air as Stephanie jerked your load out as she key another large strand fire straight out but she did this she called your tip with her palm and aggressively stroked your rod and balls, ruining your orgasm again which caused you to curse and groan angrily as Stephanie, pleased by her actions, licked the cum that stained her palm and got up and began to put herself back together, stepping back into her heels, putting her breasts away as she lowered her skirt. She gave you a look that was nothing short of being disappointed and she said as she walked out, saying sometimes you can't rebuild a bridge that you've burnt down. You watched Stephanie McMahon walk out of your house without so much of a second glance back, and you wondered if you would ever see or hear from her again.

End of chapter.