Thunderstruck (Thunder Rosa)

BTR Part Thirty Eight- Thunderstruck (Thunder Rosa)

You did the second interview with Renee on her podcast to try and smooth over the controversy but it didn't really seem to matter much by that point. People had their thoughts and opinions on it and so you decided to press on, going to the taping for Dynamite to have a match with Orange Cassidy that was sure to be a lot of fun for the viewers. You got to the arena and met with Cody and Kenny to go over the match, Orange eventually showing up and the two of you smooth out the ending which Cody likes. Lance eventually arrives and goes over his idea for when he runs down and the two of you hash out the post match angle before you take a call from Noelle who was with Taya, Taya asking you a bunch of questions that you had given a bunch of answers to already. Noelle apologized for the ambush and told you she would be watching you tonight happily as you thanked her and went to find Tony, but he was busy with post air hiccups he wanted figured out and so you decided to save your thoughts. You ran into Britt who hugged you and gave you a cheek kiss as she had started calling you "Her Hero" as she loved your take no bullshit approach and honesty. Thunder Rosa, an amazingly talented female wrestler who AEW wisely scooped up after her star making performances when she worked freelance for the company, smacked you on the ass as she laughed as you gave her a half hug as the two of you had met a few times but never really knew each other well. Britt talks you up a bit and Rosa laughs as she says she's heard enough about you which didn't surprise you as everyone talked in the wrestling world. You shrugged and said whatever she had heard was probably true and also a bit exaggerated but Britt shut it down and you just rolled your eyes and left as you could see Britt and Rosa talking to themselves. You found Miro and he asked you if you and him were still good for the double date with the wives. You hadn't forgotten about it in all honesty but you said of course and made a note to be sure to tell Noelle to leave a night free sometime next week. You eventually went back and found Tony and talked to him about everything that had been going in and he smiled and did his best to assure you things would blow over. You weren't so sure but decided it was best to leave it be as it was. You went over some ideas for the feud and he seemed enthused by it as he told you he was in the process of signing another extremely talented big man. You asked who but he was mum on it and so you decided with an hour before the show to get and get your stretches and warm ups in before gearing up for the match with Orange at the top of the first hour.

You weren't terribly surprised when you went into the locker room and found Thunder Rosa sitting on the bench, legs crossed as she shifted her tongue from each side of her cheeks as she grinned mischievously and told you to lock the door. You walked back and did as she asked as she spread her legs and ran a finger down her tongue as she told you something spanish, which you knew a little of because of your time with Catrina aka Karlee Perez. You took your shirt off but she shakes her head and says in english she wanted the other thing off, and you nodded with a chuckle and took your jeans and boxers down as your cock sprang up as it was slowly harden, Thunder gasping with an enthusiastic tone as she mutters in spanish and drops to her knees before you, running her hands almost as if she was in a trance. She looks up at you and grins as she rubs her hands along your hardening prick as she slowly licks from the base of your shaft right above your balls all the way to the tip, slowly sucking over the tip as she moans happily as she rolls her eyes and begins the same slow licking process again as she takes her workout shirt off and removes her workout bra, exposing her small but perky little tits as you groaned and let her say some things in spanish at you before she started to take you down her throat more and more, six and a half inches being expertly sucked down as she drooled and let excessive slobber coat between your crotch and her mouth as she would force herself to deepthroat you, letting her eyes water before she gagged and slurped off, stroking at your extremely slick manhood while wiping the strands of saliva from her mouth and using to rub along her chest as she sucks you down for a few minutes before she pushes you back and stands up, lowering her jeans down as she sways her hips and shakes her amazing looking Mexican ass at you as she goes and hikes a leg up onto the bench and leans over, looking back as you could make out her telling you to fuck her and to do it hard. You didn't have to be told twice and she moaned with anticipation as you rubbed your cock against her slit from behind, feeling how juicy and wet she was as she mutters and groans, pushing herself back against you as you slapped her ass a few times and made her dry out as she curses at you in spanish before she giggles as you pushed yourself inside of her wet latina cunt from behind, Rosa crying out as you grabbed her hair and yanked her head back as she just moaned in approval as you fucked her cunt rapidly, harder and faster you picked up speed as her cheeks slapped against your waist as she took seven and a half inches deep, Rosa rolling her eyes as you kept a hand on her waist and the other still pulling her hair as she cries out and her cunt locks up around your dick for the first time as she clamped down tightly and the vice like grip was so tight it forces you to slow down your thrusting as Rosa rolls her hips and pushed back, adding some torque to the thrusts as you settled into the rhythm, your hand letting go of her hair as you gripped her shoulder and began to pull her harder against your driving waist as you groaned as you felt  your swinging balls churning even as the two of you ignored someone trying to get into the locker room. Rosa covered her mouth as she looks at you as you just kept rocking into her, your dick plunging against her constricted inner walls as you groaned and pulled out of her as she groans angrily at you before you grabbed her and took her to the floor, spreading her legs wide as you pushed inside of her cunt again and began to grind your hips back and forth, Rosa slapping and grabbing your ass cheeks as you fucked her cunt relentlessly, Rosa kissing your as your tongues slapped together as she broke the kiss and cried out as her cunt spasmed and she scratched at your ass and up your back as you began to groan and moan as she grabs your face and begins to tell you to cum inside of her, Your hips rocking back and forth faster as she nods and giggles and bites at your bottom lip as she moans and shudders as her cunt spasms around and constricts along your driving member as you pushed in deeply and held your hips in as you made an "O" face and cried out as strands of jizz began filling her milking latina cunt, Rosa shuddering happily as she throws her head back and screams as you just laid your head against her chest and pumped your hips slowly as you rocked in less and less as you let spurts after spurt leaves your dick and filled her womb as she moans and looks into your eyes as she grins and you knew at the moment she wasn't finished with you.

She had gotten you rolled over onto your back, and was now leaving forward, her hand on your ankles as she was twerking her hips down and rocking her cunt over you still rigid but admittedly sensitive dick as she was fucking herself down over seven inches reverse cowgirl. Her wonderful Mexican ass slapping against your thighs and waist as she fucks her cum filled twat down along your shaft until she cums again and in doing so she says something in spanish before she pulls herself off of your dick and positions her asshole over your member, working herself carefully and skillfully down over your manhood as your extra slickness from her cunt and and your orgasm mixes allowed you to enter deep into her ass, getting about six inches in before Rosa laughs and coos as she twerked her ass up and down along your shaft as you just gripped her ass cheeks and slapped and massaged her cheeks as you moaned and groaned as she worked her asshole up and along, eventually reaching down and spreading her cheeks as she forces herself down harder as you began to buck your hips up to match her downward motions as Rosa just moaned and cried out as she moves a hand from her ass and begins to rub her clit as she rubs an orgasm out of her body while you bucked up wildly, moaning out that your load was building again as her ass just crashed down with abandon without signs of slowing as Rosa mutters in spanish and keeps bouncing down as your cock was throbbing against her tight anal walls as she rocked down and began uttering in spanish as you felt yourself letting go as you couldn't hold on any more as you cried out  and closed your eyes as your muscles strained and you felt your face redden as you began cumming deep inside of her rectum, Rosa giggling happily as she moans and slams her ass down over and over again as you felt her milking your load out as ropes of jizz fired upwards into her colon, staining her intestines as she slowly rocked her hips back and forth before slowly doing completely and pulling her ass off as she cum instantly seeped out as she turns onto her backside and rubs both her asshole and pussy with some of her fingers as she just giggled and cooed as she could you were physically spent.

The two of you dressed and she apologized for taking you down before a match as she says she is usually more professional than that but you told her it was fine even though you had wasted a good deal of energy in the session. Rosa asks if you wouldn't mind working out with her sometime and she bats her eyes at you before you chuckled and said sure. You let her leave the locker room as you took a quick shower, changed into your gear and went and hung out at gorilla, taking with some of the talent as you and Orange went over the finish before your music hit and you and Orange put on a helluva tv match that went 16 with commercial. You earned the victory and in doing so got an absolute ass kicking by Lance Archer, Orange trying to help but received an equally vicious beat down. You sold the attack until you were helped to the back and Cody slapped your ass and told you it looked great as you thanked him and some of the others before finding Tony who patted you and told you everything came off awesome. You thanked him and headed to the back, grabbing your phone as Noelle had texted you the match looked great so you were pretty sure the match was good. Rebel eventually knocked on the door and asked if you wanted to go grab some drinks with some of the others and you said why not and got your shower in and changed, heading out to meet up with her, Britt and Rosa who just winked at you with a wry smile as you smirked and followed them to the Uber, knowing full well you were in for a long night.
