Who's the Boss?

BTR Part Sixty One-Who's the Boss?

You didn't got to Renee as you had promised, but that didn't mean you weren't going to find a way to help your friends. You went to Thea and asked about who she knew who was willing to be the whistle blower and she took a few days to convince but eventually gave up the name. You texted that person and asked for them to just gather the names of those who want to speak out but can't or won't for fear of Vince. They said they would get you names and by the end of the week you were invited over to discuss what to do next. Noelle didn't seem exactly on board with this but you felt this was the right thing to do. She didn't argue against it but her not being supportive was a bit surprising. But you didn't want to be deterred and so you headed out and met up at the Airbnb that they were staying out at and when you knocked the door, the incomparable and stunning Sasha Banks answered the door. She hugged you with a smile and let you in as you asked how she was, the two of you making small talk before you sat on the couch and asked her what she was going through. She went over how her getting bigger roles since The Mandalorian was now becoming detrimental and that Vince only saw her as enhancement talent and that when they were planning to have her feud with Taya, their friendships with you caused them both to be pushed down and she was finally fed up with it. You understood her frustrations though with Sasha there was a lot of self serving that could make her not entirely the best spokesperson. You asked about the others and she simply smiled and changed the subject to about you and how things were. You talked about the fun and the way the creative process was and how just being excited to get up everyday was well worth leaving. You admitted the NXT days were still your favorite but that you didn't have regrets, well except for the headaches you caused your friends. You asked again about who she got that could help if you could convince them and she smiled again and ran a hand along your inner thigh as she said she promised to help you but that she only was going to give you the nights for something in return. You gave her a look and she smiled as she not her bottom lip and said it has been too long and you nodded as she pulled you closer, the scent of her perfume filling your nose as it was arousing, and when her lips aggressively pressed against yours, kissing you passionately as her lip gloss had a flavor your couldn't place as she kissed and then bit at your bottom lip as she gripped your face and asked who the boss, you not saying anything as she smacked you and asked again with you just smirking as she does it again but you caught her wrist and told her to stop as she just grinned and then moved herself off of the couch as she told you that she'll show you how a boss bitch gets what she wants, Sasha pulling at your jeans as she unbuckles your belt and unhooks your button as you lift your hips and help her pull your jeans off as she whips them across the room as she took a hold of your hardening length and kissed at your tip as she giggled and then licked from your balls to the tip, her eyes watching your face carefully as she would smile and then wrap her lips directly over your tip and draw softly and then loudly as you would moan and squirm as she would do this repeatedly before she would force herself further and further down, eventually her hand working as a stop gap as she would suck down seven inches with a zeal, pulling her mouth off only to moan and spit the excess saliva along your length while asking you who was the boss. You still didn't answer and so she kept stroking and sucking, taking turns between the two as she would deepthroat herself and only comes off whenever she needed to catch her breath as she slurped off after the third time of doing this and quickly pulled herself out of the dress she has in, revealing she didn't have undergarments on as she grabbed at your dick again and pulled you off of the couch as she pushed herself back a bit towards the middle of the living room and lifted a leg while she pointed at her cunt and told you to work for her information as you shook your head amd got between her legs as she said uh uh, and told you she wanted your tongue first which made you kiss along her breast as she moaned and traced a hand along your neck as you kissed down her body and bit softly against her inner thigh in her right side as she yelped and then moaned while you positioned your mouth along her folds and began to lap at her pussy lips fast and furiously, Sasha immediately crying out as she slaps the floor and then at your head as you just pushed your face further against her mound and twirled your tongue before lashing it quickly against her clit. Sasha rolls her eyes while she hisses your names and you feel her legs shake as her cunt becomes louder with each passing flick of your tongue as you locked your lips to cunt and sucked at her succulent lips while drinking down some if her vaginal juices as she came hard, your tongue eventually going back to the fast and quickly lapping motion along her slit as she grabbed and pulled at your hair while begging your cock, and you took the opportunity to ask her now who the boss was, which made her groan as she frantically says it's you when you refused to enter. You kissed up her body and sucked at her left breast before asking again who the boss was, your achingly hard and slick cock rubbing against her slit as she grabs the back of your neck and locks eyes with you as she says you were, and you reared your hips back and angled your hardness against her opening as you pushed forward and began to penetrate deep into Sasha's deliciously wet womanhood.

Your palms were palmed against her head as you were stroking back and forth, pushing and pulling nearly eight inches deep and quick into her spasming pussy as she kisses your face whole constantly moaning and groaning as she would yelp and spasm against your driving length as you kept crashing in and out of her repeatedly, picking up speed as her pussy locked up after her fourth orgasm, the pressure from her tightening up causing your balls to stir as your crashing dick began to cause the room to fill with a loud "squish" as her legs rubber against the back of your legs as you kept crashing in deep as your balls slapped against her ass faster, Sasha grabbing at your muscular forearms as she held on and felt her body rocking against you as you gritted your teeth and began groaning louder as you crashed repeatedly as Sasha rolled her eyes and came again while she pushes at you and forces you off of her as she moaned and rolled over onto her stomach as she just laid against the floor, her fat cheeks sticking up as you grinned and mounted her from behind as you began fucking her pussy from behind in the prone bone as she kept her head thrown back and get hands against the floor as she looked back at you and taunted you as you just fucked her hard, crashing repeatedly into her pussy from behind as she shuddered and moaned your name while just feeling her body being forced to smack against the floor as you were thrusting so quickly that the "fap" noise was drowning out her constant moans as her cheeks bucked against your thrusting waist as you felt yourself stretching her drenching walls as she came hard and allowed your cock to crash easier as you fucked her relentlessly as your own orgasm began to finally build to it's epic crescendo as you moaned and began to grunt with every thrust as she began telling you how she could feel how close you were and that she was the boss again cuz she was about to drain every drop and you wanted to resist but the dam had already burst and you bellowed loudly while thrusting a few times before holding yourself in as Sasha cooed as she could feel her constricted walls sucking out every rope of globby cum deep within her womb as she held her hips up and proceeded to twerk her pussy up and along your still jerking dick as you just closed your eyes and cursed loudly as she milked your entire load deep inside of her as you eventually pulled out and rolled into your back as she did the same and tan a finger along her slit as she giggled and tasted her finger as she was able to keep your load from spilling out as she leaned her head against your chest and listened to your panting and deep breaths as she seemed satisfies by this and began rattling off names that she said you should talk too. You took mental note and nodded as you were still coming down from the intensity of the orgasm and she seemed to be enjoying the moment and just squeezed you as she kept her head on your chest.

You dressed after a few minutes and she wrapped herself in a nice blanket as she said she wished she could do more but that she'll be there when you're ready. You thanked her, called her the boss which made her blush and headed out as your Uber had been waiting. You texted Noelle about the names but she didn't reply back. You were concerned but you didn't send anything back as you went over the names she gave you. Seth and Becky. James Fatality. Cora Jade. Beth Phoenix. Io. Bayley. Shotzi. Ciampa. Braun. Kevin Owens. Charlotte, which surprised you to be honest. And the biggest name whom you definitely didn't expect, though had been away for a while and wasn't an active member. John Cena. If you could get Cena to call out Vince, that could really open up everything. But you didn't know Cena well, hell, you didn't know anyone who was actually close to the guy. You wracked your brain and decided to focus on the others and then deal with Cena. Everything was in motion.
