Why You Wanna Hurt Me?

BTR Part Sixty Two- Why You Wanna Hurt Me?

You and Noelle had been arguing for days now. She was against this crusade you were endeavoring on, even going so far as to tip off Morrison and Taya which had you colossally pissed. Morrison was okay with it but Taya was livid and the two of you got into it so badly that Morrison had to step in and get you away from both women. Eventually Morrison said he would talk Taya down and into it and so you and Noelle ended up alone, rehashing the same arguments. When she hit you with the "Why are you trying to hurt me?" You couldn't understand where she was coming from and you kept going, even as she just sobbed and tried to get some space from you. But you were pissed. You wanted to know what she meant. But she was done and she grabbed the keys and headed out, to whose and where you didn't know. You slammed the door on her and cursed and threw stuff as you couldn't believe she was fighting you about this. You didn't, no, couldn't understand what she felt they owed her why she thought this was okay. You decided to just grab a beer and you downed it within a minute and threw the bottle against the patio angrily as you sat down and took deep breaths. You and Noelle never fought. Why was this the knock down, storm out one? Over this? You kept feeling yourself drifting into being pissed and so you tried to calm down and within a matter of minutes you realized an hour had passed and your phone was blowing up from Shayna. Noelle had headed over to her, Jessamyn and Dakota's place (Mia and Keith had moved out since tying the knot) and she was asking what the hell was going on. You explained it and Shayna sighed and groaned and you asked what as she said she'd calm her down and she'll send someone to calm you down. You told her not too as you weren't in the mood but she told you to shut the fuck up and to just let her help. You hung up and didn't want to think about any of this but the next hour or so passed and all you could do was stew while watching sports center. You got a notification on your phone that someone was here and you went and opened the door and watched as Tenille Dashwood walked in, flashing a smile as she touched your shoulder and said your name as she walked straight to the patio and looked at the broken bottle before she gave you a glance and went and took a seat at one of the chairs as you sighed and swept the broken glass up before grabbing her a beer and sitting by her as she took it and drank and just told you to talk. You asked her when she came into town and she said tonight to do an open challenge on Dynamite with Saraya-Jade. You said you were glad to see her and she tells you to shut up as Noelle had talked to Kris Statlander about whatever was going on with y'all so she had an idea, but that when Shayna asked her to come here she wanted to know why. You did your best to explain and she took it all in, asking for a couple more beers as you explained everything that led up to now. She nodded and asked what you thought about why she was having the reaction and you couldn't honestly say. She scoffed and shook her head as she called you dense and that she would talk to someone tomorrow who could explain it better then she could. You felt frustrated and she could hear it as she told you to calm down but you snapped back that you were fine. You just didn't understand why you were the bad guy right now. She set the beer she had down and came and grabbed you, wrapping her arms around your head as you hugged her waist and placed your head against her stomach as she just soothes you and tells you to just try and calm down and let her help you. You looked up at her and she leaned down and kissed you as she then took your hand and pulled you up and inside as she led you up the stairs and into your bedroom.

Tenille always got to the point, there wasn't a lot of fluff and pomp and circumstance with her and so as she rode your dick reverse cowgirl, her arms placed down by your side as she rocked her hips down as you thrusted up, the two of you were doing what you did best together, and that was fuck one anothers brains out. Your hands gripped her hips and she just moaned and yelled out when she came or when a particular thrust really hit a good spot as you were grunting and dripping with sweat as you and Tenille had been going at for a good half hour and your swinging balls were starting to stir as Tenille slowed her rapid bouncing down as she came along your length and drenched your cock with her warm and wet juices, Tenille pushing herself up to a more vertical base as she used her feet to rock herself up and down as she pulled her hair up and looked back at you as she moaned and told you to cum as you listened as her beautiful fat ass slapped quicker down against your thrusting waist as her words and the sounds of her juicy cunt crashing down as her ass cheeks slapped against your mound caused you to groan as you felt your balls reacting in kind as she kept rocking herself up and along nearly eight inches as you speared up repeatedly and more aggressively as she coos and then yells out as you forced her to cum as you nodded and closed your eyes as she clenched up tightly around your throbbing manhood as you felt her slow down as you grunted and then let out a low bellow as you shook and felt hour muscles tighten as the veins in your forearms and forehead bulged as you started blasted rope after thick globby rope of your semen deep inside of her pussy, Tenille moaning as she slowly worked her pussy along, letting every firing strand hit into her womb before it attached and drizzles down along her extremely wet inner walls, Tenille pulling herself off as she turned and sat on her backside as she quickly wrapped her soles against your pulsating dick as she strokes you off with a footjob while saying you needed to still fuck her in the ass and you just gave her thumbs up and rubbed your sweaty face as you moaned and felt her expertly using her toes and soles to massage and keep your slick cock achingly rigid. You gritted and groaned and eventually she moves her feet off and ran her hands along your length while smiling as she moved and got herself into all fours, her hips jiggling as she clapped her ass cheeks at you as you moved to your knees and got behind her, lining her up against your achingly hard member as you slapped and rubbed at her asshole as she moaned and looks at you, telling you to take your aggression out on her ass, to treat her like a piece of meat so that you wouldn't have anything pent up to be angry at when you saw your wife again. You nodded as you just pushed your tip against her sphincter, Tenille gripping the bed sheets as she bit down and drowned out her own screams as she felt you slowly working yourself deeper and further into her rectum as you got about six and a half inches in before her colon locked up and you knew with this exquisite pressure, and the way in which you were about to fuck her, that it wouldn't be long before you came again. You grinned and asked her if she was ready and she just coos and nodded her head as she laid her face against the bed and just braced herself for what was to come.

The bed was rocking repeatedly, only drowned out by your own grunts and Tenille's persistent yelps, screams and moans as her ass was being thoroughly fucked, your hands gripping the sides of her hips bright above her ass as her cheeks as you crashed her back against your extremely violent thrusting, Tenille drooling as she rolled her eyes and had a hands free orgasm as her pussy trembled and wetted along her thigh as she just held onto the sheets for dear life as you were a sweating and grunting mess, your eyes locked onto the sight of her ass bouncing against your spearing dick. You continued to thrust as hard as your knees and hips would allow, each back and forth as six inches moved in and out of her rectum causes Tenille to muster a loud noise and as your vision blurred and your throbbing began to increase in it's tempo against her anal walls, she began to moan and hiss your name and you continued slamming inside of her asshole as she screamed and begged louder for you to put everything deep into her ass, your hands slapping at her cheeks to the point that your handprints were visible against her skin, and she shuddered and came again without having to touch herself as you crashed wildly, feeling yourself drawing closer as your heart rate picked up, and you muttered through gritted teeth her name while slamming in and holding yourself as deep as possible, Tenille pushing her hips back as she feels your blasting her colon full of your seed, ropes of globby jizz pouring into her anal chasm as she rocks her hips and twerks against your jerking and pulsing manhood as you just cursed and kept your eyes closed as she bounced herself up and along, coating her innards with your spunk as you pulled out after the last drops of cum and laid on your back, panting and groaning as you were a sweating, disheveled mess, Tenille turning over as she crawled up and laid beside you, rubbing her fingers through your hair as she soothes you with nice words and tells you to sleep as she'll get everything straightened out. You believed her and that allowed you to keep your eyes closed, and steady your heart rate as she kept saying soothing things and before you knew it, you were lost in a deep slumber you didn't remember falling into.

The next morning came and when you awoke, Tenille was gone. You checked your phone and found she had texted you about an hour before you woke up saying she had to head out but that someone would be by around noon to talk with you. You checked to see if Noelle had texted or called but aside from Tenille nobody had reached out. You felt light headed and so you grabbed a water, downed it and took a long and needed hot shower, before dressing and cleaning up the house as you knew that would be a nice gesture for Noelle when she did return home. A little after 12pm there was a knock and an alert on the phone from the camera and you opened the door and nodded as Mick came inside, heading straight to the patio where he loved to sit and talk the most. You had bought a chair that was specifically for him when he came by and he went and sat in it while you brought him a lemonade and yourself a water and sat down next to him, not saying anything as he took a deep breath and began to talk, and when he talked you listened. You respected him, as a man, a wrestler and as your father in law. He tells you that wrestling was his life, but the WWE was what gave his family the life they had and have. To you, WWE was just another promotion but to him, to Noelle, it was everything. She may not agree with everything they do, and neither does Mick, but if you go about this, you are going about tarnishing all that he bled, sweat and did for his family. You explained your reasoning and what you were trying to accomplish and he said he understands and that he supports it because some things are in need of change. But that you needed to understand that you were also going to bring down some heavy hands against not just you, but everyone. Noelle stands with you, but she's afraid of the backlash that's going to happen. You nodded and said that you weren't going to do anything until you had your ducks in a row, and that you would include Mick so that he could tell you what he really thinks about it. He ponders it and says he'll talk with Noelle and to just give her the time to come around on it. You nodded and Mick pats you on the shoulder as the two of you go over what you had in mind on taking the fight to the WWE, but more importantly to Vince. He said he could only support you going over after vince and not the company and to be sure you were clear about your goal. You understood that and realized perhaps that was the mistake you had been making in not making things clear. You texted Morrison and explained this to him so he could convey it to Taya and you spent the rest of the day talking with your father in law and getting your plan combed over before he told you he thinks you could pull it off with the people you targeted as long as they were willing to go public With his vote or confidence you felt much better about it and became resolute. It was time to get serious.
