The Anarchist

BTR Part Sixty Three- The Anarchist.

You had a nickname now amongst the higher ups in AEW now. You had gathered Kenny, Cody, The Bucks, Tony and Brandi and let them know what you were doing. They didn't seem to mind as long as it was known that they weren't trying to start anything. You promised them that you wouldn't let the company take any flack and that this was just you working behind the scenes. Because of this you had been dubbed "The Anarchist" at the last few tapings and Keku and Miro overhear Kenny calling you this. They press you on it and you take them dinner and swear them to secrecy about it which they say they promised to uphold and so you laid it all out to them, Keku being a bit surprised and scared for you as Miro was amped about it but you had to calm him down And make him promise you not to say anything again and he says he won't. You checked your phone and saw you had a few texts but none from Noelle. You and Noelle were talking but she hadn't come home and when she did you were filming some angles and a match and she headed out to California to film and to meet with that Agent who was gonna sign her a gig. You weren't particularly thrilled with her being out there with that guy while you were having issues but there was nothing you could do about it. She promised you guys would talk it out when she got home in a few days and so you just had to hope for the best and see where it went. You paid up and headed home, texting with Morrison who said he got you face to face with some of the people throughout the day tomorrow but you'd have to make the hard sell and be discreet where you guys met. You took down the numbers for the ones you didn't have and texted with Shotzi directly who you had to remember was a tad bit eccentric and so you took a shower and decided to call it a night after you didn't hear back from Noelle. You texted Amy Dumas aka Lita and asked her to find and talk with Noelle. You filled her in a bit when she called and asked what was going on and she chastised you a bit but said she would do her best. You hooked your phone up and went to sleep as you had a long day ahead of you.

You work up, got a run in and hit the ropes in your ring in the backyard before making breakfast and taking a shower as you took an Uber to your first stop of the day, a local gym that had a private area for VIP guests. You got there about a half hour later and was able to confirm the person was there and when you to the back you found Braun Strowman getting some squats in before he set them in the weight rack and glared at you before He extended a hand and you shook it, Braun asking for a hand in spotting on the weight bench as he tells you he'll only listen to you for a few minutes. You said he just needed to finish his set and you'd be gone. You helped him put on his weights and get the bar up as you explain quickly that you simply wanted them to speak out about the bogus social media policies that were having their likeness and identity controlled by an out of touch old megalomaniac. Braun didn't seem convinced but when you said the plan involved getting Cena to be the first, he seemed more keen to listen. He finished the set and rubbed his beard as he nodded and dabs at his sweaty face with a towel as he said if you can get Cena to say something, then he'll back it. You say that was all you could ask and you didn't press it as you headed out. Braun called out your name and you turned and he told you he was fed up with being the guy and then being a nobody. He respected what you were doing but if Vince told him to go to your house and kick your head in, he wouldn't hesitate if he got the call. You made a note of that and headed on as you called Lance Archer and told him you may need him one day and he assures you with any time,anyplace. You hung up and made your way across town with another forty minutes in an Uber as you knocked on the door and was greeted warmly by Seth and Becky who was staying at their second home as they were on a east coast tour. You played and held their daughter Roux and the two asked what was going on as Morrison had told them you had wanted to talk to them in secret. You took your time and explained everything and Seth seemed to be more uncomfortable but Becky was all about which you figured she would be. Vince had completely done all he could to take away her popularity after she snubbed him a few times on full time returns, but she still had two years left and didn't really feel she had much choice in anything. Seth asked why you wanted to help and you explained that you already kicked the hornet's nest and got a lot of people in trouble, and you wanted to right the wrong. Becky said Stephanie and Hunter would be the right ones to steer the ship, but getting them involved would be tricky. You told them about the Cena angle and Seth said he could probably talk Roman into it but only if you delivered on Cena. Everything hinged in Cena and so you thanked them and gave them hugs and said you'd be in touch as you went to meet up with Shotzi.

When you pulled up to her place, you didn't even knock on the door before she swung it open and jumped into your arms, kissing you as she laughed and threw her head back as she said she had missed your face. You smiled and tried to put her down but she quickly wrapped her arms and legs around you and just smiled as she kissed you again and you could feel her studded tongue rubbing against your own as you waddled inside and shut her door as she pulled herself off and pushed you against the door, lifting your shirt up as she squatted down and ran a hand along your crotch as you asked her if you two could talk first but she just giggled and shook her head as she said she has waited over a year to have your fat dick in her mouth and you watched as she unzipped your zipper and stick her hand in, pulling your erecting dick through the flu as she began to bob and suck at your tip and what all she could get down her mouth as she worked her hand about to get your full shaft and balls out of your fly and boxers. You watched as she rubbed her hand up your shirt and massaged and rubbed at your stomach and navel, Shotzi playfully biting at your tip and looking at you as she posed with it in her mouth, Shotzi quickly bobbing down along seven inches as she fondled your balls and jerked her head back and forth as she tries to deep throat you to the base but the final half inch was too much and her eyes watered instantly as she gagged off and laughed as she wiped the excessive saliva strands from her mouth and your cock as she wiped it over her luscious lips and down her neck as she quickly stripped her cut up shirt off before unclasping her bra and throwing it down as she kept her one hand against your waist and against the door as she went back at it, wildly sucking you down as she purposely gagged and choked herself using your dick as she let the slobber and drool seeps between her mouth and your dick and splatter against the floor as she rubbed and touched at her heart shaped nipples which were stiff and pointy as you groaned as she increased the tempo, the constant fluid motion of her mouth sucking you down, the way she would flick the stud against tip and urethra and then suck heavily along the tip while rubbing your balls quicker, and you were feeling your load building as she could sense it too once your began throbbing quickly against her lips, Shotzi pulling you out of her mouth as she strokes you off and dirty talks you as she slaps your head against her open tongue as she works her hand faster, before sucking along most of your length again as she felt you getting ready to blow, moving her hand from your waist as she used both hands and pumped away as she'll kept her tongue out and mouth wide open as you just banged your head against the door and moaned out loudly as you felt the first strands of cumming firing out and down into her open mouth as she hovered her lips over the tip and kept stroking you fast with both hands as she made every drop fire down her mouth and into her throat as she kept her tongue out and would softly flick it against your tip and coat her stud with your firing sperm as she then wrapped her lips over your head and sucked the final few spurts down, Shotzi moaning happily as she grinned and slurped off and opened her mouth wide to show the pool of cum she had amassed near the back of her throat, and with one motion and a loud gulp, she opens her mouth again and shows off that she had swallowed it all down and you smirked as you nodded and watched as she turned around and got onto all fours and began to crawl towards her room as she tells you to get your pants off and follow her. You took a deep breath and stripped your clothes off as you quickly followed her into her bedroom.

Shotzi was a woman possessed, and the way she was riding you on her bed was to be expected knowing her. She was in her knees, rocking herself back and forth with fast grinding motions as she was stirring eight hard inches about her inner walls as your hands were rubbing and pinching at her nipples as she threw her green hair back and moaned loudly as she slowed down and came against your achingly hard member, shuddering her entire body as you felt her pussy drenching your manhood as you pinched her nipples and made her cry out with happy giggles as she told you to twist and pull harder than that as she picked back up on her grinding speed, your fingers pulling and pinching as hard as you could, and that was enough to cause her cunt to seize up tightly and she dug her hands into your pecs and screamed as her pussy came hard, spasming while staying tight around your manhood, and hkj grabbed at her hips and rolled yourself tk the right, Shotzi giggling as she allowed you to place her on her back as she rubs your face and pulls you down into a kiss as you hooked her legs from under her knees and kept them spread to the side as you rocked yourself back and forth, plunging eight inches deep and fast inside of her as Shotzi broke the kiss and muttered something before crying out as she came against your dick yet again, but you didn't let up and or let the excessive pressure of her clenching inner walls stop your rapid pace, and as she minutes passed and the sweat formed more profusely along your thrusting frame, Shotzi was rolling her eyes as she came for an unknown time, but in doing so you decided to pull out and move her onto her side, getting behind her as you hooked her left leg up into the air and you pushed into her from the side, Shotzi moaning out from the penetration as you moved yourself into a better position and began to rock your hips, the "fap" sound growing louder and louder as you picked up speed and before long she was crying out loudly as you began throbbing inside of her, her pussy convulsing as she shuddered and you could feel her legs shaking as you kept up the quick and rapid pace as your balls churned and stirred quickly, and the throbbing against her constricted inner walls bad reached it's fever pitch, Shotzi groaning out your name before she coos as you grunted a few times, coinciding with your slowing thrust as you pushed in nearly balls deep and began filling Shotzi's cunt, Shotzi reaching back and pulling your face to her neck as you kissed it and kept your eyes closed as you just groaned and felt your pulsing member still jettisoning seed deep into her womb as her inner walls trembled against your jerking rod as the sensation had you both moaning in bliss. You eventually pulled out of her and she shifted herself onto her other side to face you as she smiled and kissed your nose before licking the side of your face playfully as you groaned and pushed at her as she merely giggled.

You got dressed and she wrapped herself in a robe and offered you a drink which you took as she said she didn't need to be told because she had an inkling that whatever you had planned would be big. She said she's all for it and you decide to still fill her in anyways but she reiterated she was in. Maybe things will change, or maybe she'll get released. Ever since her call up from NXT she had been miserable, and no amount of asking and playing nice had gotten her back to NXT so she felt stuck. You understood that and she said to keep her updated which you promised to do so. You finished the drink and the two of you made small talk before you ordered an Uber ride home, Shotzi giving you a long deep kiss as you headed to your ride and got some messages from Lita showing her and Noelle at a dinner. You smirked and felt better about that and when you got home you immediately showered and spent the rest of the night catching up on a few shows before calling it a night.
