
Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Sunday

Have you ever heard of a love so strong that it's unbreakable? Well, it's a lie. I'm going away and the person I love is staying in Florida. My name is Noemi Silverworth and the person I love is named James Burgan. I am a 15-year-old girl who isn't that smart. I'm not a girl who's special in any way either. Except that I'm deaf in one ear. My birthday is August 3. I have a little sister who is 8 years old. Her birthday is September 2. And James' birthday is June 5.

I am loved by my father and mother, and I love them both back. But it seems to me that they don't love me enough. I told them that I love our town and I have someone I love here. They said they felt sorry for me but we're still going to leave.

" I'll say it for the last time. Listen carefully. This is the boy I love and I'm worried that if I'm not with him he'll move on." I tell them.

"Move on from what? You never had a relationship with him whatsoever." my father then says.

"Do you not want me to have a relationship with anyone?" I asked.

"We do sweetie but it's just that I think you're too young." my mother suddenly says.

"Too young?! What age do I have to be to have a boyfriend?" I asked.

"At least 19." my father tells me.

"19?!" I asked, not wanting to hear it.

My mother nodded while my father had a face that said "you aren't getting out of this". To be honest, my parents were right about me not having any kind of relationship with James. I haven't even met him correctly. He works at this store I always go to. I never once talked to him, because I was always afraid to. I mean we could start out as friends and then move our way up to best friends, then next thing you know we're engaged and we'll get married and have children! But there is one thing I'm afraid of: What if he doesn't like me and that we won't even become friends? I won't know the answer if I don't do it. So, before I leave, which is two weeks from now, I'll try and make us friends. I won't try too hard, I'll just act like myself. But it won't be easy.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going out to get some new clothes for our month trip." I told them

"Ok, sweetie. But be careful." they both told me.

I then got my waterproof jacket and headed out the door. The sky is beautiful today. No clouds with a beautiful baby blue sky and a beautiful breeze. I saw the store named " Clothes for Style." This was the store James works at. I opened the door and went inside. Their conditioner is always at it's best. James's job is to help anyone who needs help. Like if we need help finding something or we need help getting the right size, or if we can't find the fitting room.

I saw a green top that would match with my white pants. I looked at the tag and it said that it cost $30. I don't have that much money left. My parents give me an allowance but it's just that they give me $10 each week. And I spend a lot of my money on clothes. In case you haven't noticed it when I said this, I'm addicted to this store. This store is my absolute favorite. James and I got to the same school too and he's the class president.

Because I'm deaf in one ear, I get bullied a lot. There's a girl named Crystal Hummingbird and her four friends that are also her sisters, Tracy, Sue, Tonia, and Margaret bully me. Everyone in my school sees it but decides not to help me. What's worse is that they're in my class too. James is the only one who doesn't know it.

They always bully me when he's not around and like I said, I'm too scared to talk to him. Crystal's birthday is February 2. Tracy's birthday is October 9. Sue's birthday is July 11. Tonia's birthday is April 10. And Margret's birthday is December 20.

I mean, I could stick up for myself but sometimes I have nothing to say. I'm a nice person so I can't really find any insults. But if I have trouble I look it up so don't worry. I'm glad that I'm leaving so that I don't have to deal with them.

This trip is for the Summer break. But I have to leave early because my parents have to do something in Ohio because of their jobs. Anyways, I'll just find something that goes below $20. I'm glad that my parents trust me though.

I found another top like the green one but it's blue. My favorite color. And it's only $18 dollars. It was $20 dollars before but they must have dropped it by 2%. James also works as a cash register in this store. I went to the counter and brought out my wallet.

James came to me. I stiffened up when I saw him.

"Oh, don't you go to the same school as me?" He asked as he took the money and put my shirt in the bag.

"No." I told him nervously.

"Really? I thought I saw you in my class. It could also just be me." he told me handing me the bag.

"Yea it must be you." I said as I quickly took the bag and left.

After I left I exhaled deeply because I was holding my breath the whole conversation. I then remembered what I said.

"Aw, man. I can't go back to fix everything." I said to myself.

"Why do I always have to be so nervous around him? I hate this." I said as I slapped myself on my face.

"Oh! Hey Noemi!" I heard two people then call my name.

I looked up and saw my two friends, Austin and Mia.

"Hey!' I said running to them.

Austin and Mia are really the only ones who stand up to the bullies when they bully me. Well, they don't just stand up to the bullies for me and me only, but they do it for anyone they see who's being bullied. Austine's birthday is January 12. Mia's birthday is November 18.

"I see you were at your favorite store." Mia said to me.

"Um, yeah. I'm sorry I didn't take you with me." I told her to put my hands together asking for forgiveness.

You see, Mia hates it when I forget to take her to my favorite store. Because it's her favorite store too. She also knows that I like James. But Austin doesn't and there's a pretty good reason why. 1: He's a boy. 2: He also likes me. Not as a friend but as a crush.

I know that he likes me because it's so obvious but I try to be clueless.

"Do you wanna come to the new gaming store with us?" Austin asked me.

"No thanks. As much as I want to can't. I have to get ready for my leave and my parents are probably worried about me for taking so long. I've been out for two hours." I explained.

"Leave?" Austin asked me, confused.

"Yes, idiot! Noemi's leaving early for Summer break to Ohio because her parents have work to do over there remember?" Mia said to him, basically yelling.

Poor guy.

"Oh, yea. I remember now. I wish you could stay longer though." He told me.

Awww. I feel the same way.

"I'm leaving in two weeks. Let's make it count!" I said to them both.

"Yea!" they both told me as I said goodbye.

Those two are a really good couple but Mia doesn't think of Austin that way. At least that's what she says. I personally think that she has feelings for him. I got home and when I opened the door I saw two people standing there impatiently.

"Um, hi mom and dad," I told them trying to get past.

"You're in trouble. Don't speak and go to your room." my mother said, making me get past.

I went up the stairs to my room but what did I do wrong?