
Chapter 2

Chapter 2 : Friends

I was in my room thinking about why my parents looked so mad at me. It wasn't my money. I was very careful with it. Could it be that I was late?

I saw my mother come into my room without knocking. She usually knocks so she must be really angry at me.

"Mom. Why are you and dad angry at me?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because you were gone for 2 hours!" she says yelling the last part.

" I'm sorry. I was just interrupted on my way home. And before that, I had to pick which blouse I liked and that was under $20 and that took like an hour." I explained.

My mother then sighed.

"Don't go into that store anymore. You're addicted. And you might spend all your money on things you don't need right now. Matter of fact, I'll just take your credit card away." she says holding out her hand.

"What, no! You can't take it away or stop me from going to that store! I'm not just going to the store just to get clothes!" I told her.

"Then why are you going? To talk to the boy you "love"?" She asked, putting her two fingers up and down.

" He is the boy I love mom! Why is it that you and dad don't want me to love him! He's smart. Talented. Class prez. What is it about him you can't like?" I asked her.

"It's not that I don't like him. I never even met him," she told me.

"Then what's the problem?" I asked.

"Like we said, age." she told me.

"Age has nothing to do with it. We have the same age. Also, I can choose when I have boyfriends or not." I told her leaving her in my room.

I went to my favorite store again and went in to find James. I only have 2 weeks left before I leave. I have to fix this.

When I walked in, I couldn't find him. He works here everyday except for Sunday. But he should be here on a-

I can't believe I forgot what today is! Today is Sunday! The worst time I chose to come here. And besides, he ends work at 5:00 pm and right now is 7:00 pm. I'll just go to a restaurant or a cafe or something.

I walked to a small sweets shop. That was my second favorite place to go because I love sweets. I walked in and saw a familiar head. But I couldn't figure it out because it was the back of the head. But I know it's a boy's head.

I can't figure it out. It's not Austine's head. I know what he looks like no matter what he puts on. I wonder who it could be. Oh right! I'm so clueless! It's James! I feel like an idiot for not knowing who he was.

I continued to walk and pretend I didn't see him. After I got my sweets, I purposely went to a seat next to him. I opened the bag and the first thing I pulled out was a danish.

I savored every bite till there was no more. I didn't want me to finish it but how could I not? It was delicious! I then went in the bad and grabbed a sugar cookie. I really love sweets.

I chomped down the sugar cookie and went in by bad for another sweet. Glazed donut! I got two or three of these. And that's not all that was in my bag.

" Hello. I couldn't help but look at you eating those sweets. They could be bad for your health." I heard someone say to me.

I turned around and noticed right away that it was a murderer. I was about to scream but-

"If you scream I'll kill you." he told me whispering in my ear.

I gulped really heard and I wish James would have seen this but his back is turned the other way. And if I try to tap him the guy would probably cut my hand. If I kick him it would probably be too hard. What can I do? The murder has his arm around my neck and if I do something he would have a tighter grip. I heard that murderers are really smart so what can I do to out smart him?

I have an idea! Finally. I jabbed him on his sides. Once he was down I then kicked him in his nuts. He shouldn't be able to move now. But he disturbed me from eating my sweet donuts before I could even take a bite. I then got on him and started punching his stomach and face. Ok. I'm finished.

Once I got up, everyone started to look at me clapping. I saw James doing the same thing. He then came over to me .

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help you. But if you'll let me I can call the police for you." he said feeling down.

"Of course you can. I wanted to tell you that in the store, when you said I looked familiar and asked me if I go to your school, I actually do. But I was in a hurry so I didn't exactly hear what you said." I said nervously fiddling with my fingers.

"I'm glad then. I have a question." he told me.

"Ask away." told him still nervous.

"Do you happen to be in my class? Class 5-A?" he asked me.

"Yeah. I do. I don't know why you never noticed me though." I told him as my nervousness went down every time we talked.

" I don't know either." James told me as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Can you do me one more favor?" I asked him.

"Sure." he told me.

"It might be much but these five girls bully me. They are from our class too. Can you take care of them for me?" I asked with my hands behind my back.

"Who are they?" he asked me.

" You'll know once you see them. They pick on me every time lunch starts, but I go start my homework then so I won't have to do it when I get home. But I guess they realized my routine." I told him.

"Ok. But sure I'll do it for you. It's my duty as a class prez." he told me.

We then walked out and James called the police. Once they came they started asking me questions. When they were finished, I then remembered my sweets.

"Class prez can you wait here for a sec? I remembered my sweets." I told him.

"You're still going to eat those after that happened?" he asked me.

"Yea. This helps me get my stress away." I told him. "Without my sweets I'm crazy." I added.

I went back to get my sweets and let out a huge sigh.

"Why do I always end up holding my breath when I'm around him?" I asked myself.

I grabbed my sweets bag and met up with James outside. James said that he wanted to take me home. Because he was worried something might happen to me.

"You really didn't have to do this." I told him.

"I do. If something happened to you your parents would be worried." James told me.

"But you seem to have forgotten that something did happen to me." I said, reminding him what happened 5 minutes ago.

"Oh yeah. I did forget." he said dumbfounded.

I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Hey! What's so funny?" he said as we stopped walking.

"I didn't know you can be forgetful sometimes." I told him.

" What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"Your class prez. I thought you were successful with everything. But it seems like you're not only forgetful but you're slow to. Slow in the mind for someone who's class prez." I said teasing him.

"Well I'm human too you know." he told me as we both laughed.

We were now at my house and we waved each other goodbye.

I went inside my house and my parents were nowhere to be found. I went up the stairs to my room and found them inside waiting for me on my bed.

"I have to get changed." I told them.

"Just a second." my father told me.

"Ok. The second is over bye." I told them.

"Don't be smart with me! Wait until we're done talking to you!" my father yelled which made me jump.

I waited for them to talk.

"We saw a boy drop you off. Who was he?" my mother finally said.

"That was James. Our class president." I told them. " I met him in the Sweets Shop. And he wanted to drop me off at home because it was late at night." I added.

"How nice of him." my father said.

"Yeah." my mother agreed.

"He is also the boy I like." I told them as they made a different face.

"Come home by yourself or tell your father to drive you." my mother said.

"You guys are unbelievable." I said walking out of the room once again.

I forgot my pjs so I went back to get them in my drawer.