
Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Monday

When I finished changing in the bathroom, I was on my phone and began to taxt Mia and Austin. Our group chat is called: We Lit.

" Hey. Guess what happened to me today?"- Noemi


"I was at my favorite shop. Sweet Shop."- Noemi

"So?"- Mia

"So..there was this murderer and held me hostage at the place."- Noemi

"What? What happened? How were you able to get away?- Austin

"Class prez was there. But I fought the murderer by myself. He was close to me and didn't even help me. But the murderer was quiet so I don't blame him. He said that he wasn't able to do anything so he called the police and took me home."- Noemi

"See I told you those self defence classes we took together would pay off."- Mia

"I know so thanks."- Noemi

"But my parents saw him walk me home and they didn't want me to see him again. But he was the one who walked me home so that nothing bad happened to me. I don't get why my parents don't like him. He's our class president." - Noemi

"I know. Not to be disrespectful but your parents are getting on my nerves."- Mia

"Mine too. They can't decide everything in your life."- Austin

"That's what I'm saying! But I guess they don't want me to grow up."- Noemi

"But they do know that they're gonna have to let you go right?"- Mia

"I think so."- Noemi

"But that's just wrong."- Austin

"I know it is. I have to go, it's getting late. Oh and I forgot to tell you that they're still in my room."- Noemi

"Really? I would have told them to get out."- Mia

"But I don't want to be that rude."- Noemi

"Just tell them we have school tomorrow."- Austin

"Oh yea. Thanks Austin."- Noemi

"And I told James about the bullies. So he'll take care of it tomorrow."- Noemi

"They wouldn't listen to him though. They don't even listen to the teachers."-Mia

"That's true. But he'll think of something."- Noemi

"I guess."- Austin

"Well bye."- Noemi

"Bye"- Austin

"See ya."- Mia

I love my friends. I can tell them anything and they'll understand. I went back to my room and my parents weren't there.I already had a lot going on today so I'm glad I didn't have to waste my breath. I then went to sleep.

The next morning, I got up and took a shower. After that, I put on my school clothes. Today is the second day of the week. One more week left and I'm leaving.

I made some toast. While I wait for them to get ready, I'll pack my backpack. I put all my pens, pencils, and books in my backpack.

I didn't have to get ready for the bullies today because James said he'll take care of them. I left the house happy. I'm not that nervous around James anymore. I'm still friends with my friends and James notices me now. And those bullies are not going to be bullies anymore.

I went into the school building and met up with Mia and Austin.

"Hey. I missed you two!" I said as I hugged them both.

"We missed you too!" they told me hugging back.

We headed to our first class which was English. Our teacher Mr. Lake is very strict and I hate having him early in the morning. I feel like he hates me because I'm always slacking off. But the homework he gave us, I have a feeling that I got all of them correct.

After class was finished, our next class was math. I hate it too. Math for me is just not even explainable. I mean, some things in math I like, but most of them, I don't like at all. I mean all math is easy but I just don't like doing the work.

Now, It's lunch time. This is where nothing bad happens.

"It's time." Mia said to me.

""Yeah." I said to her.

I don't have any homework that I know of right now. After lunch is Art, Science, then History. After that, school is over.

We went to a lunch table and sat there with our lunch.

"What do you have today Noemi?" Austin asked me.

"Fried chicken with mac & cheese. You?" I asked back.

"Pizza and soft pretzel." he answered.

"What do you have Mia?" Austin and I asked her.

" I have a burger with some lamb." Mia answered.

Mia always has the best food. And she loves to share too.

"Can we have some of the lamb?" I asked her.

"Of course. You're my friends." she told us.

But we don't take it for granted. We love her enough to not do that to her. We do it because it's like saying " your mother's food is the best". But in a different way.

" Mmmmm. Your lamb is always good Mia." I told her as I had a light blush on my face.

"Really? I think it just tastes regular." Mia tells me.

"What? Regular? How?" I said gasping after every word.

"Yea. Noemi's right. There's no regular taste in this." Austine said agreeing with me.

"You only agree with her because you like her." Mia says.

"What no I don't! I like her as a friend. So yeah, I do like her." Austine says as Mia shakes her head.

"Yeah Mia. He could never like me." I told her as she looked at me knowing that I know.

I just giggled softly and continued eating.

I saw James call me so I told Austin and Mia to go on without me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I took care of the bullies for you. But I can't tell you what I did." he told me.

"Why? It's my problem. I'm the one who asked you to do something in the first place." I said annoyed.

"I know and I respect that. But I still can't tell you." he told me.

"I'm leaving after next week. I need you to tell me." I said.

"Then you have enough time to figure it out. If you're still clueless by then, then I'll tell you the day before you leave." he said to me, leaving me in the hall.

"What?" I say to myself.

I went back to my friends and saw that nobody was in the cafeteria.

"Oh. Lunch is over." I said as I went to art class.

Art class is my favorite subject. The only subject I can be free with. We can paint or draw whatever we want. Last time I drew James and me but this time I'm going to draw a question mark. You'll see why.

After I was done, Mrs. Candybell took a look at my drawing.

"Oh my. What a clueless drawing. Why did you draw it?" she asked me.

"You just said it, Miss Candybell. I'm clueless." I told her.

"Ah. I see." she said going to look at someone else's drawing or painting.

Art class was then over and I took my drawing. I went into James's class before it started. Luckily, the teacher wasn't there yet.

I went to his desk and opened his backpack. I put my drawing inside and the paper said: Tell me my brain only has this big question mark on it and I'm always going to be clueless with these stuff. So tell me after school. Here's my number: 858-03-0593.

To be honest, I'm good with guessing and figuring out things. I just wanted him to have my number and for me to have his.

I got out of the classroom and went to mine. It was Science next. I love science because we do a lot of experiments. But we have tests about them every Tuesday and Friday. And I hate it because I don't pay attention to the details of making the experiments. I just make the experiment and pay attention to the fun.

But it's fine. I'll pay more attention. Or I'll try.

Today we did an experiment on Mentos and Soda. If you put the Mentos in the Soda, it will either explode or not explode. It all depends on the Carbon dioxide.

We were finished and class was over. Now my last class is History. Don't have anything against it but why do we need to learn something from so long ago? It doesn't affect now does it?

"Now. We ask ourselves why History is so important and why we have it." Mr. Depolo says.

Did he read my mind?

"If you do, it's because history repeats itself." he says.

Ohhh. I get it now. Thanks, teach.

"Let's go in our textbooks to page 135. I hope what I said makes you want to learn more about history." he says.

We all turn to the page and class begins.

Yes! Class is over and that means school is over too! Now I can go home and eat. But I'm going to have to get past my annoying parents again. But I have an idea on what to say now.

I met up with Mia and Austin.

"It's too bad we only saw each other before class started and lunch break. Now we have to go home and we won't see each other then." I said.

"Not if we don't Facetime each other." Austine says.

"Yeah but I'm not showing my face." Mia says destroying the mood.

"Aww please." Austin and I pleaded making puppy dog eyes.

"Ok ok fine. Just get those cute faces away from me." she tells us as we laugh.

We said bye to each other and went home. I went into my house and met my parents by the door.

"Mom. Dad. I have something to say." I got my thoughts together and began.

"I know that you don't want me to grow up but I'm going to have to. If I don't then I

'Ll just be a baby. I will never leave your side so I'll always be your baby. I just don't want to be a baby to everyone else." I said as they suddenly hugged me.

"Were sorry. We know that. We wanted to tell you that we shouldn't have kept you from having a love life. It won't be fair if everyone had one and not you." my mother said tearing up. I could feel her tears on my shoulder.

"It's okay mom. I understand and I hope you can too." I said.

"We do sweetie, we do. Now now get ready for dinner." my father said as we let go.

"Ok." I said as I ran up the steps holding the tears in my eyes until I'm in my room.

Once I was in my room I wailed so hard that I almost couldn't breath. I'm really grateful for my parents. And I'm really sorry that I haven't noticed this before.

I got ready for dinner. My mother made lasagna with chicken pieces.