
Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Tuesday

Now that I think about it, I haven't seen the girls who bully me anymore. They aren't in class and they haven't been here for a day. Maybe they got suspended.

I'm surprised James didn't contact me yet. It's my only way of getting his number. I don't know any other way of getting it. If I said something like : Oh. Can I have your number? Only because we're friends now. That would sound weird, and there's no way he would lend it to me that way.

Anyways, I haven't talked much about Cana. She's the best sister I could ever have. But for an 8 year old she's a real perfectionist. And she doesn't really talk to me much because of her sign, Virgo. One time I've read that her sign thinks a lot, pure in and out, and a perfectionist. She also hates small talks. She is represented by the Maiden. Virgo is reserved, observant, and detail-oriented. Organized and can be seen as nit-picky or fussy by others. They are patiently adaptive and are levelheaded. Sensitive to the external environment.

They say that when she's a perfectionist, she likes everything else to be perfect too. I'll say she's a perfectionist freak! Anyways my sign is a Leo. Leo like to be queen/king. And it's true. Everyone should bow down before me for I am queen! They also say that they are represented by the Lion. Leo is vibrant, bold, and entertaining. They are often very dramatic, expressive, and love attention. Commonly stereotyped to be attention-seeking and egoistical, but Leo has a great big heart.

I saw James go into his classroom. He probably didn't see the drawing because he probably didn't have any homework either. I really wanted to have his number though. So much for that plan. And I put it in his Science textbook. Is that even his favorite subject?

Jame's sign is a Gemini. It says that they are represented by the Twins. Gemini is imaginative, lighthearted, and often silly. Their attitudes and ideas can shift quickly, making them appear indecisive or flighty. Curious folks who have a need to satisfy the mind.

Mia's sign is a Sagittarius. They are represented by the Archer. Sagittarius is free-spirited, adventurous, and honest. They are known for their biting honesty and their bluntness. Wise and open-minded, Sagittarius are young at heart and born travelers.

Austine's sign is Aquarius. They are represented by the Water Bearer. Aquarius is unique, individualistic, active, and enigmatic. They are trailblazers and free thinkers; highly values freedom and intellect. Has an air of rebellion to them.

It's now lunch and I saw James come to me.

"Hey. Um...I saw the paper of the drawing. You know….it could have been easier if you just did it in person because we are friends now and it wouldn't seem weird. But what you did was weird." he told me.

What? That was weird. I really need to know more about him.

"Oh sorry. I thought that that would be weird." I told him.

"Really?" James asked.

"Um, what are we talking about over here?" Mia asked.

"Oh. Noemi-" James got cut off by me.

" Well, I was just asking James about me needing help on homework." I told her.

"Oh." she said.

I'm sorry but I can't let Austin know that I was asking for his number. He would be jealous. James left struggling his shoulders.

" Are you sure it was that?" Mia asked me, whispering in my ear.

"No. I'll tell you after school." I whispered back.

"What are you two whispering about?' Austin asked us.

" Girl stuff." Mia told him as I just smiled awkwardly.

"Oh. Then okay." Austin said not wanting to know.

"But Noemi, I need help with the homework too. Can I join yall?" Austin asked.

"Oh um...well...sure." I answered knowing I was in big trouble.

"Are you sure your just doing this to make sure they wont do any funny business?" Mia asked him.

"Yeah. I'm her friend after all." Austin answered.

"No. I think it's because you-" Mia got cut off.

"It's not like that!" Austin said getting up to another table.

"He's so fun to play around with." Mia said watching him eat alone.

"Yeah it is. But Mia...you like him don't you? And you're just making sure he doesn't do any funny business with me right?" I asked her knowing it's true even though she will deny it.

"Of course not. But your second thought was true. I'm just looking out for the both of you." Mia said half-lying.

"You can tell me now science he's not here." Mia then remembered.

"Oh yea. I basically asked him for his number." I said to her.

"Wow. we're so bold!" Mia told me.

"No. I'm a queen." I said to her.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you're not. We all know I am." she says full of herself.

"Oh please." I said as I rolled my eyes.

We laughed and lunch was over. Art class here I come!

School is now finally over. I can't wait to get home.

"I'm home!" I said as I opened the door.

"Hey change your clothes and do your homework." my mother said to me.

"Ok. By the way, where's dad?" I asked, noticing he wasn't there.

"Oh. He said he's going to be late today." she told me.

"Oh. Okay." I said as I headed upstairs.

After I changed, I put my phone beside my textbooks just in case I have to look something up. I asked for a desktop computer but my parents said no and that it was too much money. So all I have is a phone right now.

After a while, I got an incoming message from an unknown l=person.

"Hey. I'm James. Can I ask you why you wouldn't tell your friends about you wanting my phone number?"- Unknown

"Oh hey. And I didn't tell them because my friend named Austin likes me so…"- noemi

"Oh. Ok. I get it."-Unknown

I went into contacts and changed "Unknown" to "Crush-James" but then erased it because someone might get into my phone. So I changed it to "Class Prez".

" I forgot to tell you that Austin thought I actually needed help so he wanted some too. What should I tell him?"- Noemi

"Tell him to call me."- Class Prez

"I don't think that's a good idea."- Noemi

"It's fine. I can handle it."- Class Prez

"I have to do my homework now see you tomorrow."- Noemi

"Yeah. See ya."- Class Prez

I can't believe I have his phone number! I'm so happy!