
Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Wednesday

I yawned as I was bored in class. I wonder how long Crystal and the others are going to be suspended for. I should ask James.

"Hey. Class Prez."-Noemi

Why isn't he answering me? He usually answers right away. Maybe he's trying to focus. James and I are in the same class which is History. We always have history together. Austin and Mia are here too. Mia sits besides me while Ausin sits besides James.

Right! I just remembered that James was helping Austin with his work. I wonder what Austin told him. I warned James but he said he could handle it.It seems like he couldn't.

"What ever Austin told you don't be worried by it."- Noemi

"You don't know what he said to me."- Class Prez

He finally answered. And why does he have his phone in class? I thought he was class prez.

"What did he say?"- Noemi

"I can't tell you."- Class Prez

"Why?"- Noemi

"Because he told me that if I acted weird and you noticed, not to tell you."- Class Prez

"Seriously?! Tell me! NOW!"- Noemi

"Ok. He said that I can't talk to you anymore. And if he found out I did, he would do something to me."- Class Prez


"I don't know."- Class Prez

"Hey. Who are you talking to?" Mia asked me.

I put my phone on her lap under the desk to let her read. I looked at her face and she made a sad face.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Oh. It's nothing." she told me with a fake smile.

"Ok." I said, making a fake smile back.

Mia then gave me my phone back.

"James. Did Crystal and the others get suspended?"- Noemi

"Something like that."- Class Prez

"What do you mean something like that? It's a yes or no question."- Noemi

"Yes and No."- Class Prez

"Yes or no."- Noemi

"No."- Class Prez

"Today is Wednesday. What did you do? I only wanted them to know their mistakes and to never do it again."- Noemi

"Then you should have said that. You made it sound like you wanted revenge."- Class Prez

"What did you do?"- Noemi

"I got them expelled."- Class Prez

"What kind of class prez are you?! Why would you get them expelled?! Get them back!"- Noemi

"You know I can't. I'll need some kind of proof. Plus I looked at their reckord and they bullied everyone who's smaller than them."- Class Prez

"It doesn't matter! Austin and Mia always take care of that!"- Noemi

"Then what did you want?"- Class Prez

"I wanted them to get detention until Summer Break came.Or until I leave."- Noemi

"Oh. Sorry. Maybe if you talk to the principal,you can let them come back. It was you they bullied first after all."- Class prez

"Okay. But the principal is so strict."- Noemi

"I know. But you'll get through it."- Class Prez

"How would you know? You said the same thing about Austin."- Noemi

"This is different."- Class Prez

"And be careful. Austine is right next to you."- Noei

"I know. Which is why I'm looking at him from the corner of my eye."- Class Prez

"I wish you luck."- Noemi

"And I wish you luck."- Class Prez

I went to the principal's office once class was over. I knocked on the door until I heard the word "come in".

"Come in." I heard him say.

I then went in.

"Mr. Buggleberry, about Crystal and the others-" he cut me off.

"What about them? They bullied you didn't they?" he asked me.

"Yes. They did. Which is why I came to say that you could have at least made them have detention until Summer Break."I told him.

"I'll think about it." he told me.

"Ok." I said as I left.

I net out a deep sigh from holding my breath. Would he use my idea?

I went to my next class and found James.

"Oh hey. Did it work out?" he said as I saw Austin turn to us.

I pulled James in the flash of light into a corner with me on top of him causing us to fall with me still on top of him.

"Mia, have you seen Noemi?" I heard Austin asks.

"No. Maybe she already got to her class. We're going to be late for Math. Let's go." Mia answered as I already knew she saw us.

Thanks Mia. I also knew that she just wanted to be alone with him. I uncovered James's mouth and began to speak.

"Sorry. He said he'll think about it." I said backing away from him to give him some space.

"Oh ok. But can you get off of me?" he told me, as I got up.

"Let's head to class." I told him awkwardly as he agreed.