
Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Thursday

It's been awkward with me and James ever since what happened yesterday. You know, with Austin and everything and the part when we fell? I mean, I like how he's an overprotective friend/crush but he doesn't have to take over my whole life just because he likes me.

James has been oddly strange because I hardly see him the way I'm supposed to see him everyday. It has been really weird.

But I can't worry about that now. Something probably came up. But if it's Austin then it's my business too.

I'm worried that the principal won't use my idea. I want to make friends with them. I want to make friends with everyone. It would still take me a while to get comfortable around them though. But it won't get in the way of being friends at least.

" Noemi, please come to the principal's office. I repeat, Noemi, please come to the principal's office." the announcer said.

Well, now I know I messed up.

I went to the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard him say.

I walked in the room and saw him dusting his book shelf and his desk.

"Sir. You called me?" I asked looking down. I knew I was in big trouble.

I expect him to say " I know what you were trying to say. But. THIS IS UNEXCEPTABLE!"

" This may be hard to take in but...Crystal, Tracy, Sue, Tonia, and Margaret have gone…..missing." he said as I just stood there terrified.

"They….what?' I asked as my eyes grew wide.

"I don't know what happened to them but I just got word that they have gone missing. I was about to agree with your advice but this happened. Since this had happened, I suggested you leave tomorrow morning or stay home because I have a feeling that somebody you know has done this and might be coming for you next." He said as he took a deep sigh.


"Ok..." I said as I left the office.

How did this happen? It's weird. I'm not suspecting him or anything but ever since I met James everything has been caos. And Austin has been acting strange too. It couldn't be Mia because I'm always with her and I know her enough to know that it wasn't her. Even though she hates their gut.

But how can I figure out who the person is if I know nothing. I don't have any proof of the suspects. And they couldn't have committed suicide. It's not like them. I wish I knew more about this mystery.

I walked into my classroom with eyes all on me. Even the teacher. I walked into my desk as I sat next to Mia.

"What happened? Did something happen?" Mia asked me full of worryness in her voice.

"I-Am mine." I told her not even hiding that I'm not.

"You're not okay!" Mia suddenly yelled as people turned to look at us.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked me not caring about the people staring at us.

Austin then came to me to see what was going on.

"Austin, sit down." the teacher called him.

"But sir…" Austin said as he looked at me.

"Ok fine. Class is over anyway." the teacher said as he dismissed us.

"Are you okay Noemi? What happened?" Austin asked me.

"She won't tell me so what makes you think she will answer you?" Mia asked him looking at me.

I sighed. I can't get away from this.

" Crystal, Tracy, Sue, Tonia and Margaret…..have gone missing." I say closing my eyes trying to not let tears fall down.

"What do you mean? I thought James took care of them." Mia said.

"I did." James said with a smile.

"How are you smiling right now? What did you do?" I asked as I jumped up making a loud screech on the floor from the chair and desk.

"I….have….demolished….them." He said with a demonic and psycho smile.

" Say that again!" I said as anger rose from inside of me. "Why would you kill them?" I yelled.

"I killed them. Because they hurt you. I do this out of love. When I first laid my eyes on you that day when you came to the store, I loved you. I had even stalked you. The night I walked you home, I already knew where you lived." he said laughing hysterically.

"Why….Why….Why…." I said backing up to a coner as my vision went blurry.

I heard faint voices calling my name. Why did he do this? I would have never thought it would be him. And he loved me? That wasn't love. It was obsession.