
Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Friday

One more day and I'm gone. This is too much to take in before I leave. Why did he do it? Why was he obsessed with me? Why? Why? Why is all I could ask at the moment because I don't have any more information.

I woke up from my terrible nightmare of yesterday. I saw that I was in a hospital. My most trusted friends probably called my parents and brought me here.

I looked around and saw my parents with their heads down. Mia and Austin were here but...so was James.

"Mom...dad...why is-" I couldn't finish because of the sudden hug.

"We are so glad you're okay." my father said as my mother just cried.

"How did you get into this situation?" my father asked while I didn't answer. I looked at Austin and Mia looking down at the window and James making a warm smile.

Was he actually worried? I couldn't tell.

" You know, your love was worried sick about you in the car." My mother then said breaking the silence as my eyes widened.

"R-really?" I asked.

"Yes really." she replied.

I looked back at Mia and Austine asked saw that they looked at me then looked back down. So it was true. He did. But...I don't get it? Why? Why did he do this?

"Can I talk to Noemi privately please?" James then asked as my parents stopped hugging me and looked at James, then at me and smiled.

"Of course." they said pushing Mia and Austin out of the room.

It's not why you think. It's not what you think at all. Don't leave me with this monster. Don't leave me alone with him.

"I'm a demon." he said.

"A what?" I said not believing what I had heard.

"A demon. I eat people for a living. You could think I'm a vampire but I'm much more dangerous than them. I needed some human flesh so I ate them. I was so relieved that you said you wanted them gone. But don't worry I won't eat the people close-" I cut him off.

"I never said I wanted them gone!" I yelled.

"You're a monster!" I yelled with no regret.

"I am…." he said with a sad face.

Why was he sad?

"Do you….not like being a monster?" I asked.

"Oh I do." he said as he shot up with a smile.

I then went back to getting mad.

"But….I hate eating human flesh. Because it tastes disgusting." He told me sad again.

"Then why do you do it?" I asked.

"Because...the leader tells us to." he told me.

"So you can't eat anything else to survive?" I asked.

"I do." he said, still sad. " But it's more nasty than what we do now." he says.

"What is it?" I asked out of curiosity.

"We take their hearts and eat them." he said, still looking down.

I then threw up. I couldn't take it. James rushed over to me and grabbed me a bucket, patting my back.

"Thank you." I told him even though I would never forgive him for what he did. This just caused me more pain than before. Now I just wish I haven't ever met him and told him about them.

He just runs wild eating innocent people. What would I do with him? But I'm glad he knows it's wrong.

"To make you feel better, there is a way I can survive without eating humans." he told me as I light up.

"How? How?" I asked with my eyes wide.

"I have to go to a very far place. There, I met the leader. The leader would tell me how, but that's not the problem. Everyone has never done it because on the way there, it's really dangerous. So they just decided to just leave it alone." James said.

"I could do that." I told him.

"What do you mean I? I can't let you come with me. You won't survive." he told me.

"And neither will you if you won't eat." I told him, surprised at what I said.

"The destination is in a town. I'll survive." he told me with a smirk.

"I never knew you would help me." he told me.

"Of course I will. You said you never wanted to do it and know you want to find a way on how not to." I told him with a closed smile.

"Ok then. You can come. The leader is very hard to find. So we have to be careful. Also, when we find him, I'll have to go in by myself unless you want to be eaten." He told me.

"Got it. We'll snake out Sunday. The day I leave. Come to my house at exactly 3 am." I told him.

"Will you be recovered by then?" he asked me.

"Yea. I was just surprised because of what you told me." I said.

"Ok then. But your friends may not trust me to tag them along. And when I got interrupted by a certain someone, I don't eat people who I am close with or who my love are close with. I don't eat any of my friends either." He told me as he looked at me.

"Ok. They can come." I said making the final decision.

I can't wait for the adventure we are about to have. But wait….if Austin comes...it will be chaos because he heard that James liked me too. And he wouldn't want a demon to like me. What if he tests James's patience and James accidentally kills him, ripping out his heart? And if he does, Mia will start crying.

Maybe...this wasn't a good idea to bring them after all.

"Are you okay?" James asked me.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I said giving him a thumbs up.

Were doomed.