
Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Day 1, Adventure

I heard a knock on my bedroom window. It was James. I got out of my bed and closed the curtains. Just as I was about to change, I heard another knock on the door.

I opened the curtains and opened the window.

" Why are you closing the curtains?" James asked me.

"Why can't I? You want to see me change?" I asked him.

"Can I" He asked me and I closed the window and curtains. I changed into a black sweatshirt with black jeans and white shoes. Don't ask me why I have shoes in my room.

I opened the window back up and saw James still there.

" Jump down. I have to get down too." I told him.

" I'm here for a reason. I'm gonna help you go down." He told me with a smile.

"Why? I'm pretty capable of doing it myself." I told him as I was about to push him off.

"Just trust me." he tells me as he extends his hand out.

I put my hand on his and he pulled me to him, causing me to hug him.

"This was your idea?" I told him as I looked at him.

"Yup. But it gets more fun." he tells me.

Fun? That was supposed to be fun? He then lets go of the windowsill and I start to scream my lungs out as my long black hair starts to get in my face. Next thing I know, it was over.

" So, was it fun?" he asked me.

"Actually it was." I told him.

"Wanna do it again?" he asked me.

"Sure." I told him. He then carried me bridal style but then I heard an "ahem".

"We don't have time for that. " I turned around and saw that it was Mia with Austin behind her.

You mean to tell me that they saw all that? We were basically flirting. James put me down and we walked. Where were we walking anyway?

"So...where are we going?" I asked him.

"You forgot?" he asked me.

"Forgot what?" I asked him clueless.

"We're going to the boss to see what I can eat besides….you know…." he told me.

"Ohhh. I know that. I mean where are we going to get there?" I asked.

"We're going to a train. It'll take 4 hours for us to get to the destination though." he told me.

"That's fine. I'm all packed and ready for that." I said bringing a blue bag out.

"Then we're all prepared." Mia said.

"Let's hurry and get to the train." I told them.

"Yeah! Let's go!" James and Mia both said. I wonder what's going on with Austin. He hasn't talked ever since I came out of the house.

We caught up to the train just as it was about to leave with only two people in it. I don't blame them though. It's 3:00 in the morning. Why are we even up this early? Oh yea. It was because my parents will wake me up at 3:30. I put a note next on my bed saying. " I'm going on a dangerous quest. But I'll come back safely. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but when I get back, can I have mom's special burgus please? Thank you. And I miss you already. And please please please don't panic. Love you always.

Your daughter,


I feel like I was a litt;e dramatic but it's fine I guess. And I wanted to lighten up the mood so I added some stuff that would be funny. We got on the train and sat down in this order: I was sitting between James and Austin while Mia was sitting beside Austin.

There was an awkward silence.

" Next stop, Kingsbridge." We heard the announcer say.

That didn't exactly lighten up the mood but at least it did something.

"When are we going to get off?" I asked.

" At the 8th stop." he says smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I mumbled.

"Because...I get to travel and wait with you." he tells me, still smiling.

"You heard me?" I was surprised.

"Of course I can. We demons have very good listening. Even when people whisper." he tells me, still smiling.

"Are you going to ignore the fact that he just flirted with you, Noemi?" Austin finally says.

"Oh? He did?" I asked as he sighed and looked the other way.

"Ok. I'll stop." James told me, whispering in my ear as I blush.

It's weird though. Usually, Mia talks a lot when we go on trips. Why isn't she talking a lot now? Oh yea. Now that I think about it, we never really went on a trip by ourselves with boys.

Uh oh.

"James, when we sleep, where are we sleeping?" I asked curious.

" We're sleeping in a hotel." he answered, still smiling. " But we'll have separate rooms." he added.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"There will be a "Boy's Room" and a Girl's "Room"." he answered.

"I see…" I worried about that idea.

"Next stop, Georgia." the announcer said.